I was sitting in Kansas City, MO at a Promise Keepers conference. I was early because I wanted to get a good seat. My brother was sitting next to me and I was feeling good! He and I had a heart-to-heart talk the night before and I had confirmed that he is indeed saved and wanting to grow in his faith. Because finding that information was the whole point of me making the trip from Atlanta, I could then relax!

Now, I could enjoy the rest of the conference…or so I thought.
The Article
As we sat there waiting for the first session, I saw a magazine laying on the floor. Looking to pass the time, I started to flip through it. The magazine was called Business Reform. I had never heard of it before. As I flipped through the pages, an article caught my eye. It was about David Browne, former CEO of LensCrafters.
The article talked about how he was successful in his job, but he was also having problems reconciling his Christian faith with his business management style. While attending a men’s weekend Bible study retreat, the Holy Spirit convicted him with Matthew 20:25-28. In this passage, Jesus told the disciples that they are to be servant leaders, just as He came to serve. From this point forward, Browne no longer separated his faith from his business. He went on to execute a wholesale change of LenCrafters, basing its management principles and philosophies on the Bible.
This idea was revolutionary to me. I had never considered this approach. It had never even crossed my mind even though these were the exact same issues with which I was struggling. I sat there in silence for a few minutes, just thinking about whether that could work for me.
The Book
Because I am a “more information” guy, I went straight to the conference bookstore booths to see if I could subscribe to the magazine. I found the Business Reform booth and asked how to subscribe. I was told I could do it right there and I could choose a free book as well! I chose the book with picture of the man with a briefcase on the cover and went back to my seat to think some more.
Two weeks later, I came across that book again – I had forgotten about it, thinking a free book likely wouldn’t be that exciting. I was wrong!!!
God had pricked my heart again, with the same type of story!
The book was called Loving Monday by John Beckett.In short, the book tells Beckett’s story from joining the family business, taking it over upon his father’s death, and facing multiple challenges from the start. After spending time in the Bible seeking answers, he came to realize that he could run his business as a ministry. The results God achieved through him and his decision are incredible.
Again, I was speechless. God had pricked my heart again, with the same type of story. I had felt the excitement when first read the article. Now He was doing the same thing again with the book. I could feel Him moving in me like I have never felt before. Something was changing in me.
Are you giving God the opportunities to do this in your life?
Has God done this in your life?
How have you responded?
photo by R/DV/RS
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