Danger Zone In Continuous Learning

I have talked a lot in my posts about being mentored and learning from others. I think continuous learning is a critical part of being a leader and anyone who has stopped learning will not be leading much longer. However, there can be an easily overlooked danger in this that I want to address.


Endless Supply Of Material

If you have access to the internet, then you literally have access to more leaders than you can count. You can read books and blogs or watch videos and webinars on virtually any subject or topic you choose. There is a virtually endless supply of wisdom out there to be gleaned.

Even if you narrow your search down to Christian business leaders, it would not be very difficult to find more material than you can absorb in a year. Quite simply, there is not a shortage of opportunities for learning or gaining wisdom in the world today.

I have been overwhelmed at times with the abundance of godly wisdom that is available. In fact, there have been times where I have been reading two or three different books or blogs at one time. While it can sometimes get confusing, I have enjoyed the variety.

So what exactly is the danger that we need to avoid?

How can continuous learning cause us trouble?

Danger Example In Scripture

These are good questions, but before I answer them I want to take a look at an example from Scripture. In the following passage, Peter steps into a danger zone. It is this area that I want to discuss.

After six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up on a high mountain by themselves to be alone. He was transformed in front of them, and His clothes became dazzling—extremely white as no launderer on earth could whiten them. Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

Then Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it’s good for us to be here! Let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah”— because he did not know what he should say, since they were terrified.

A cloud appeared, overshadowing them, and a voice came from the cloud:

    This is My beloved Son;
    listen to Him!

Then suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus alone.
Mark 9:2-8

Three Tabernacles?

Did you catch the danger area for Peter? Look back at what Peter said about building three tabernacles for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. What was wrong with that? Why should we consider this a danger zone?

I am not sure it is really clear until you read further and see how God responded. Read again what He says to them – “This is My beloved Son; listen to Him!”


I believe that Peter was in awe over seeing Moses and Elijah. As a Jew, Peter saw these two guys as legendary men of faith. God worked incredible miracles through them and their lives were studied in depth by Jewish children as they came up in the synagogue.

For Americans, this would be like suddenly meeting George Washington and Ben Franklin. For students of business, the equivalent might be Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller. Athletes might compare this to meeting Babe Ruth and Jim Thorpe.

I think you get the idea, but maybe the danger is still unclear.

God Interrupts

Think about it. Peter is clearly enamored with meeting these two legends and immediately wants to do something to show his excitement. Rather than thinking it through, he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind – to build three tabernacles or shelters for the tow of them and Jesus.

This is when God steps in and speaks. It is not often that God does this so we need to pay attention when He does. We should immediately realize that there is something important for us to learn here.

When God speaks, He makes it known that Jesus is His Son and that Peter (and the others) should listen to Him. Why did He do this?

Wrong Star!

What Peter did not realize was that while Moses and Elijah were great men, they were not great enough to be put on par with Jesus! Even though Peter should have been in awe of their presence, he should have been that much more in awe over being in the presence of Jesus, the Son of God! I don’t think it is coincidental that as soon as God said this, Jesus is the only one still standing there.

Too often, like Peter, we get caught up in who is the latest leader or guru in our industry. We want to read the latest book on business by the most recent author to rise to the top of his area of expertise. We even take pride in telling people what we have read and who we are learning from.

Jesus Stands Alone

Unfortunately, the danger is in the possibility of putting these people on par with Jesus. Even worse, we might be putting them ahead of Jesus! And while God is not using his booming voice to shock us back into the right mindset, passages like the one above should make it obvious that we are out of line.

Peter got caught up in the moment and went too far in showing honor to Moses and Elijah. We often do the same when we stop seeking our wisdom from Jesus, replacing Him with whoever it is that intrigues us at the moment.

Jesus As Foundation

To avoid this danger, we all need to make sure we build a foundation of learning from Jesus through consistent Bible study and prayer. We need to allow the wisdom from God’s Word to be our first and most important source of wisdom – whether it is for our business, job, or family. He should be first.

From there, there is no danger in adding godly wisdom from other sources as well. We just need to remember to keep this other wisdom in perspective, comparing it to Scripture and only applying that which matches what we read there.

Have you been guilty of putting others on par with Jesus?

Can you see the danger of doing this?

How do you make sure Jesus is your foundation first?

4 Signposts For Business Renewal

You may not remember how it started, but you know the factors that went into it. Your current perspective on your business or career: Lack of enthusiasm. Feelings of apathy. Loss of distinction. Lack of direction. You need renewal.


Signs Of Trouble

A customer complaint here. A faulty business design there. Shoddy product quality, unexpected staff conflicts, a bland proposal. All lead to career apathy.

What happens in the business and career arenas also happens in the spiritual realm.

A bad decision here. A wrong choice there. A questionable compromise. A self-serving direction.

It’s like the bumper sticker that reads, “If you feel far from God, guess who moved.” Or Chuck Swindoll’s book, Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back.

Need For Renewal

Does your life or career ever feel like that? Mine does. I’m doing great one minute – walking with God, spending time with Him, making good choices. Three steps forward and them bam! Before you can say, “Beam me up Scotty”, I’ve fallen two steps back. Maybe you can relate.

Or in business – new customers, great reviews, positive cash flow, and then it all falls apart. Not just the normal cycle of business, but a real crash. Things just came apart at the seams.

The remedy is all the same. I need renewal. I need a second touch from the Lord Himself.

Example From Scripture

Did you ever wonder why Christ touched the blind man twice in Mark 8:22-26? Was it because He couldn’t do it right the first time? Oh yeah, I’m sure that’s it! This is only the Son of God we’re talking about!

Christ touched him twice to demonstrate that we need a second touch from time to time. And a third, and a fourth, and …. That’s what renewal is all about; reconnecting with God through His Son.

I know I need it, maybe you do, too. But do I just wait for Him to do it or can I do something to bring renewal about?

Perspective: Just like the blind man in Mark 8, I need to first admit I don’t see the world right. I see men as trees walking; that is, men as other than how Christ sees them. I see my business, my career from my limited human perspective instead of God’s lofty perspective.

Seeking: Next we have to seek. God uses Elijah’s life to show us renewal. Elijah was in a three steps forward, two steps back kind of cycle. (Or maybe that’s just life, but it reminds us of our need for renewal.)

Elijah’s Situation

Elijah had been communing with God. His work as a prophet was humming right along. Then in I Kings 18-19 he begins the three forward, two back dance. God had him confront Ahab with his wickedness. Not easy or comfortable, but he did it, one step forward.

Then God had Elijah confront Ahab again, because Ahab wasn’t getting the message. Elijah did it again with boldness, two steps forward.

Elijah then challenges the prophets of Baal, those competitors for the hearts of the people, to a sacrificial BBQ with the winner being able to have access to the entire customer database and declare their God as the one, true god. The preparations commenced and Baals prophets called out, but to no avail.

Elijah just snickered in the corner. Then Elijah called on his God and whoosh, the sacrifice, the altar, even the water was licked up by the flames enabling Elijah to declare God as the God of the universe. Three steps forward! What a great victory!

Elijah Falls Back

But it didn’t last. I’m just like Elijah, and I’ll bet you are too. I may experience God’s presence in a mighty way in church worship, or see prayer answered, or see a decision validated, or see God using me in the lives of others at work. But I don’t last.

Elijah heard the mighty executive, Queen Jezebel, had ordered a contract to have him killed. And what did he do? After confidently confronting Ahab twice, and after defeating the prophets of Baal in the sacrificial dual, did he stand up to Jezebel and say, “Bring ‘em on Jezzie!”?

No, he ran for his life. A few words from a crazed woman in leadership drove Elijah to despair. So he ran; one step back for Elijah.

He hid out in the wild, then in a cave, then in the mountains. Two steps back for Elijah.

Elijah Seeks Renewal

Finally, he began to get his faith back in perspective and started looking for God. Elijah needed renewal. He needed that second touch. He needed a new view of his purpose, his mission, his work.

So Elijah looked for some miraculous word from God in the tornado, and in the earthquake, and in the fire, but God was not there. God finally got Elijah’s attention with a still, small voice. And what did He say to Elijah? God told him how to attain renewal. God’s words to Elijah are His words to us also.

Renewal Signposts

God told Elijah to head down the road to Damascus (the same road to Damascus Saul of Tarsus walked when he experienced his own spiritual renewal) and do four things. These were the signposts God gave to point Elijah down the road to renewal:

  • Remember His faithfulness.- “Go back the way you came.” Reflect on just who this God is you worship and see Him anew in all His strength and majesty. Catch a new glimpse of just Who God is.
  • Reflect on how God had been there in the past. – “Go back the way you came.” Reflect on your journey with God and recall the times He has been there in the past, when He has pulled your bacon out of the fire, when He has blessed your work, inspired your heart.
  • Retreat and spend some time alone with Him. – “Go the desert of Damascus.” Get away from the hustle and bustle of the world to just focus on God; read the Word, pray, sing, and worship. Take a day away from your work, a whole day, to focus just on God.
  • Relate. – “When you get there anoint…” Get back in touch with others who worship the same God, fight the same fight, and are part of the same giant army. Reconnect with those leaders in your business that meant so much to you. Reconnect with those faithful customers that stand by you. Reconnect with other believers in business that can offer encouragement, hope and challenge.

These were Elijah’s signposts to renewal. These are ours also.

Remember, reflect, retreat, and relate. Then you will reconnect with your God and catch a new glimpse of Him and what He is doing in your world, your life, your career.

About the Author:

BILL HIGGINS is currently the Managing Director of MindWare Incorporated, an independent training and career coaching consulting firm. He previously served on the pastoral staff of churches in the U.S. and Canada, and worked in a managerial capacity for industry leading organizations. Bill is a graduate of Biola University and Talbot Theological Seminary and his book, Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and MindWare Publishing websites.