Are You Wasting Your Freedom?


We have recently celebrated Memorial Day, a day we set aside to remember those who have sacrificed everything for our freedom. This is a very serious day and we all should have stopped in some way to honor our soldiers and their sacrifice. However, for some people, I wonder if this is actually a waste of time.

Are You Celebrating Freedoms Or Taking Them For Granted?

I was going to take the day off from posting to celebrate with my family, but I could not resist giving you a couple of thoughts about the freedoms we are celebrating here in the US.


Thank God For The Sacrifice

First, we need to thank God for the sacrifice of the men and women over the years that have served, fought, and died for our freedoms. We have so many freedoms that we take for granted every day. The majority of the world yearns for the freedoms we have. God has certainly blessed our nation.

Taking Freedoms For Granted?

This leads to my second thought. Assume for a minute that you live where you have none of these freedoms. Assume you have never had these freedoms, but you have been told all about them. You pray and pray for these freedoms, but nothing happens.

Now imagine that one day, you are given the freedoms you sought for so long. You are given the freedom to worship whenever and wherever you want. You are given the freedom to talk about your faith with others…at school, work, the grocery store, etc. You are no longer limited in how you exercise your faith in God. You are free!

What do you think you would do? Would you exercise this new-found freedom or would you remain quiet? Would you begin openly talking about your faith in the workplace or would you continue with sealed lips? Would you publicly acknowledge God and all He has done for you or would you keep all of that to yourself?

What Is Holding You Back?

Think about it. If you live in the US, you HAVE these freedoms right now. God has placed you in a nation that allows you (for now) to worship when and where you please. You can openly share your faith and you do not have to keep quiet about God’s role in your life!

So the question is this…are you exercising these freedoms or are you taking them for granted and virtually ignoring them?

Don’t rush on – stop and think about the answer to that question.

Our Responsibility

My final thought – this blog is currently read in 138 countries worldwide! In fact, one out of every four readers of this blog are from outside of the US. I do not know how many of those readers are limited in their freedoms either by law or by persecution or both. I do know that many of them would love to have the freedoms we take so lightly!

That being the case, I truly believe it is our responsibility to stop being so lazy or scared (or both) and start exercising these freedoms! Step up and take your faith into the workplace. Talk with someone about your faith and what God has done in your life. Move out of your comfort zone and trust God!

You will be glad you did and you will be stronger for it.