Are You A Bridge Builder Of Relationships?

Many of my posts on this blog are directed at Christian business owners or leaders who can choose how they share their Christian faith at work. Normally, they are not prohibited from doing so. But what about others of you? How are you to accomplish the same results when you are limited in how you share? I think the answer is in becoming a relationship bridge builder.


Limited In Sharing Christian Faith?

What I am about to share applies to all Christians, not just those in jobs where their Christian faith is unwelcome. The strategy works in virtually every situation. However, for the purposes of this post, I am going to direct my comments to those who ARE limited in sharing their Christian faith at work.

Daniel – Slave In Babylon

I want to start by looking at Daniel 1. In this chapter, we find out that Daniel is one of the exiles from Israel that was brought to Babylon to serve in the king’s court. Can you think of a more worldly job than to serve on the court of the king that just conquered Israel? Me either!

As we read on, we learn that Daniel was faced with defiling himself with the king’s food. Instead of compromise, Daniel persuaded the king’s chief official to allow he and his friends to eat vegetables instead of the offensive food.

This strategy worked. As a result, Daniel and his friends proved to be healthier than the other exiles. In fact, as servants in the court, they were found to be ten times better than any of the others.

While there is much to be learned from the entire book of Daniel about living out your Christian faith in a secular environment, I want to focus on just this one example. I encourage you to read the rest of the book of Daniel on your own for more learning.

Daniel – Bridge Builder

The point I want to make here is that Daniel was a bridge builder.

Daniel was not seen walking around the king’s palace with a bull horn, screaming about the injustices of having to eat something that conflicted with his Christian faith. He did not raise a stink by filing a petition with the king.

Neither was he seen silently sulking about his predicament. He did not whine about it or make excuses about why he could not be intentional or proactive about his faith!

Intentional Relationships

Instead, he pulled the king’s chief official off to the side and made a deal with him. Daniel knew the chief’s motivation was to look good in front of the king. Daniel played to this and built a relationship with this official that served to meet both of their needs.

Notice a couple of points here. Daniel and his friends were rewarded by God for their faithfulness. He gave them favor with the chief official. He gave them knowledge and wisdom and He gave them favor with the king in future chapters when Daniel was able to interpret dreams for him.

At the same time, it is clear that Daniel continued to operate as a servant in the king’s court. He did so by doing his job and doing it well, better than any around him. As a result, he was able to establish relationships that would later result in the king actually saying the following:

Your God is indeed God of gods, Lord of kings!
Daniel 2:47

Relationships In The Workplace

What we need to understand is how to take this example and replicate it in our workplaces. If we can do this, there are some amazing possibilities. People you think would be the last to acknowledge God will shock you with their turn-around!

If you want to see the results Daniel saw, then you need to do what he did.

1.) Trust God.
Rather than fretting over his circumstances (his home country was ransacked and he was carried into slavery), Daniel trusted God for His will to be done. Daniel remained faithful to God, but did so in a way that allowed him to build relationships where he was. He put his full faith in God and relied on Him for the results.

We need to do the same thing in our jobs. Even when it looks like there is no way we can influence others toward God, we need to trust God that He knows a way. Keep your eyes open and be on the lookout for the relationships He will use.

2.) Do your job better than anyone else!
Rather than throwing a pity party at the limits he faced in his new surroundings, Daniel threw himself into his job and did it better than anyone around him. He did not just get by, but excelled. This excellence helped with his bridge-building, at first with the court official and later with the king himself!

Take this same approach with your job. It doesn’t matter that your boss or owner is not a Christian. Work harder and smarter than anyone around you and set yourself apart. The reward will come – probably in a way you least expect it. And it may be more than you could hope for!

3.) Reach out.
Daniel did not allow his circumstances to dictate how he would exercise his faith. He was bold and reached out to those around him. I am sure Daniel had no idea that his plan to do so would eventually put him in front of the king. He simply knew that God had placed him there for a purpose and he knew that relationships could help with that purpose.

You and I need to think the same way. The relationships we build may be the ones that allow us to share our faith right there OR they may lead to other relationships that will. Either way, we must be bold and reach out to build them. God will use them!

Have you seen the evangelistic benefit of building relationships?

Can you look back and see missed relationship opportunities?

Who do you know right now that you need to reach out to?

5 Benefits Of Trials In Business

You have heard it said that you are either in the middle of a trial, coming out of one, or heading into one soon. Certainly for those of us in business, this rings true – especially when trying to do business as a Christian. So if trials are so plentiful, are there any benefits to going through them? Why are we told to consider them “pure joy”?


We Will Have Trials!

To start off, there is no question we are going to have trials in this world. In fact, Jesus told us this himself. In John 16:33, Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble.” Of course, He went on to smooth it over by letting us know not to worry because He has overcome the world.

Well, that is good and I am thankful for it! He is telling us that the end of the story is good and I have a peace because of that knowledge that no one else can understand. However, that really doesn’t address the trials themselves, does it? How am I supposed to get through the trials themselves?

The Answer

Fortunately, there is an answer to this very question later in the Bible. Looking at the book of James (James 1:2-12), we are clearly instructed that we are to consider the trials we go through as “pure joy.” There you have it! That is all we have to do!

Seriously? That is the answer? I am supposed to just look at the trials I am going through and start considering them to be good? How can they be good?

Benefits To Trials

Well, if we read on, we will see how trials can be good. Go back and read through verses 3-8 and verse 12. Here is a virtual list of the benefits we should see in our trials. James paints a pretty clear picture of how trials can benefit us in these verses, but lets dig into each benefit and try to apply it to our lives today.


The first benefit James gives us is perseverance. I am sure you know what this means and can even see some of the more obvious benefits. These would include being stronger over time and better able to hand future trials. Along with this might come a more relaxed or calm demeanor when presented with new trials in the future.

Why is this a benefit? Aside from the obvious increased strength, this perseverance also serves as an amazing witness to those around you. Not only for non-believers, but for new believers as well. As you go through a downturn in the economy, a failed business, or even just a bad month, people are watching.

They want to know how you are going to react. They want to know if this faith you talk about is real in the foxhole. Is there substance to it during a storm? When they see your perseverance through a trial (because of the strength you gained from previous trials!), they are more likely to have a desire for the faith you have!


My father used to tell me that trials build character (when I thought I had all the character I needed!). Maturity shows that this is not true – I did not have all the character I needed. Maturity is something that is gained over a period of many trials. It allows us to see how trials fit into the bigger picture of life. Maturity includes the ability to see how these trials benefit us!

As we progress through multiple trials over time, we begin to see a pattern. This pattern is that God takes care of us. He is there for us – before, during, and after the trials. He will carry us through them and heal us when they are over. Because of this process, we begin to find that we can trust God.

If we have seen how He is always faithful, we will apply that same trust to decisions that may have nothing to do with a trial. We will trust God in a crucial hiring decision or with the decision on whether or not to acquire a new business for expansion. Having the trust in God for these types of decisions adds confidence to our leadership and this clearly benefits us and those we lead!

Stay tuned to my next post for the remaining benefits!

What other applications can you see in gaining perseverance?

Can you see the evidence of perseverance in your life due to trials?

Can you think of any indications of your growing maturity?

Alone Or In A Group – Which Is Best?

This is the fourth in a series of posts on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today we address joining a group.



So far, we have covered a lot of ground in this series. If you are just now joining us and have not read the other posts, you should go back and read them now. Here are the three recommendations we have discussed up to now:

    Recommendation #1 – Pray

    Recommendation #2 – Read Proverbs

    Recommendation #3 – Become An Expert

Each of these three recommendations build on each other so it is pretty important you follow them in the order presented. Of course, you do not have to fully complete one before you start the next one…just begin them in the order listed. Let’s talk about the next one.

Recommendation #4 – Join A Group

For the same reasons you need to join a church body when you become a Christian, I am recommending that you join a group of other Christian business owners and leaders. Just in case you are not clear on these specific reasons, I will go through them for you.

Fellowship – When you are able to spend time in fellowship with like-minded people, there is a bond that develops. You are able to discuss similar challenges and victories. You will find out that you are not alone in your struggles. You are not the only one with spiritual opposition to what you are trying to do through the business. This knowledge is empowering!

Accountability – In addition to learning that there are others in your same boat, you will figure out that making commitments for improvement is much more effective when you are making them to a group. It is difficult to face your peers and confess to lapses in judgment or failure to achieve objectives. The threat of having to do this will often be just the push you need to get you started on a project you have been delaying.

Perspective – When you hang out only with those people who have your same perspective (fellow employees or partners) on you business, you tend to all agree on solutions, strategy, etc. When you seek wisdom from a group with diverse perspectives, you will find solutions you never considered. You will be asked questions you would not have asked yourself. There is tremendous value in this.

Counsel – Proverbs repeats many times that we are to seek godly counsel. While reading God’s Word is a great source of godly counsel, so is a group of godly Christians. A solid group of Christian business people can provide wisdom and advice that will often confirm what you have read in the Bible or vice versa. Trying to go it alone is often a recipe for disaster.

Other Group Benefits

While there are likely many other benefits I could list, I think you get the idea. In fact, it is likely you already knew this to be the case and have experienced the results from a group like this in other areas of your life. I can promise you that you will see similar results from making this same idea a priority for your business.

I have mentioned many times on this blog that I am a member of a C12 group. In fact, both of my brothers are members of C12 groups as well. We have found immeasurable benefits to our commitments to these groups and would not give them up for anything. I have found C12 to be an integral part of our efforts to leverage our business as a platform for Christian ministry.

Do The Research!

If there is a C12 group in your area, I highly recommend you take the time to visit a meeting and see if it is a fit for you. If there is not a C12 group in your area, don’t stop there. Go online and find out if there is something similar available. Check with your church to see if there is a small group with business as the common denominator. If all else fails, start one yourself! Why not?!?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

What benefits have you seen from being in a group setting?

What is stopping you from joining this kind of group?

What next step do you need to take?

Something Really Stinks!

The more I have committed to teaching or writing material over a period of time, the more I have begun to see lessons in even the smallest of things going on around me. I have found I can learn a lot about life if I will just pay attention! I recently learned a great lesson about how the “little sin” that we often leave unaddressed. It stinks!


Lessons All Around Us

Have you experienced this? This happens to me a lot. I can be in a conversation with someone about a funny story or something stupid I did and suddenly it hits me! Something one of us has just said strikes a chord inside of me and I get an immediate picture of a life lesson. In some cases, I file it away for later. Today, I felt the need to immediately share it!

Just this afternoon, I was in my office catching up on things with our chaplain. I described to him how I had been on my way out of town last night to watch my son’s last soccer match of the season. I had stopped for a burger and was hurrying to eat it while driving because I was running a little behind.

The Event

As I was taking a bite at a traffic light, I felt something drop onto my lap. As I looked down, I did not see anything on my pants where it hit, but I knew it had come from the burger. I figured it had fallen into that “black hole” between the seat and the center console, but I was not worried about it. I figured I would get to it later. After all, I was in a hurry and I would have had to pull over to dig down and find it.

I kept going and made it to the game with a few minutes to spare. As I got out of my truck, I knew I had better remove the box that once held the burger or else the cab of the truck would really stink later! I put all of the evidence of the burger into the box and placed it into the bed of my truck. I would throw it away after the game.

First Signs Of Trouble

After the game, I returned to my truck to find that removing the box was evidently not enough to prevent the smell. It was bad. Of course, after a few minutes in the truck, my son and I got used to the smell. So we headed home without thinking there may be more to the smell than just the bag. Once on the road (a two hour drive), we forgot about the smell.

I did not give it another thought when we arrived home just before midnight. Even if I had remembered, I am convinced I would not have crawled under the seat to investigate. As it was, I was tired and just wanted to get to bed so that is what I did.

It Still Stinks!

At this point, you are probably thinking that I making this up as I go. Unfortunately, I am not. This is all true. Fortunately, there is a huge amount of learning we can glean from my stupidity! Read on!

When I got into my truck this morning, the odor was terrible. The smell of onion was unmistakeable! So what did I do? I went back inside the house and came up with a brilliant idea.

Masking The Problem?

I remembered an old method I had learned in the past for removing odors from a used car. I put about two cups of fresh coffee grounds into a small plastic container and took it back out to the car with me. The idea is that the coffee grounds smell great AND they absorb odors.

Proud of my ingenuity, I drove to work. I parked my truck and did not return to it until lunch. I was fully expecting to open the door and feel like I was entering the local Starbucks coffee shop. Instead, I was shocked to smell coffee…AND onions! In case you are wondering, these two distinct smells do not go well together.

Final Resolution

Finally, I gave in. I realized that I would have to crawl in behind and under the driver’s seat and try to find whatever it was that had fallen in my lap the night before. It took me a minute or two, but I came out with a piece of an onion that was half the size of a penny! I could not believe something this small had caused so much damage!

Unfortunately, the truck still stinks. It will likely take a few days for all of the smell to go away. Until then, I will have to suffer through the consequences of my delay! Hopefully, I will learn from this!

Lessons Still To Come!

I apologize if you have gotten to the end of this post and you are expecting the lesson. Amazingly, I have run out of room in this post! You will have to wait until my next post to get the points I want to make.

While I am sure you already have a hint of the lesson here, I would encourage you to read back through the post and consider ALL of the points that parallel our experience with a “little sin.” Just like the game on the kids menu at your favorite restaurant, I will challenge you to see how many points you can find in this lesson!

How many points can you make about the lesson we should learn?

Why do we ever let this happen?

What is the best way to prevent it?

Wisdom Is Not To Be Ignored!

Personal responsibility is an idea that seems to have been forgotten in our society today. If you listen carefully, you will quite often hear people offer excuses or point fingers at others when something goes wrong in their lives. Even when it is clear to everyone else around them, they cannot seem to make the connection between their decisions and their circumstances. Worse than this, in my opinion, is the way in which many leaders handle wisdom when it is offered to them.


Wisdom Ignored

In my last couple of posts, I have been discussing the problems that surface when someone seeks wisdom from godly counselors and then ignores or dismisses the wisdom they are given. We have all seen this happen and have likely been guilty of it ourselves at one point or another in our lives.

For various reasons, we seek out wisdom from godly advisors, but we do not take it and apply it as they prescribe. Maybe we were actually seeking someone to agree with us or to confirm our own wisdom. Maybe the wisdom offered requires more work or discomfort than we are willing to experience. There are many more reasons this could happen.

Various Problems

Regardless of the reasons, ignoring wisdom causes problems. In my first post on this subject, I showed how ignoring wisdom can lead to serious trouble for the one doing the ignoring. The next post described how godly advisors can (and should) stop offering advice to someone who repeatedly ignores it. In today’s post, we will look at how this issue affects those who are following the repeat offender.

Higher Standards

First, lets remind ourselves that as Christian business owners and leaders, we are held to a higher standard. The Bible is clear about this and we have spent a lot of time in this blog discussing this fact. We cannot allow ourselves to forget that we are not only responsible for ourselves. We are not the only ones facing the consequences of our decisions.

We are also responsible for those who work for us and with us. We are responsible for their families as well. We have responsibility for our vendors as well as our customers. Everyone with whom we come into contact is relying on us to make wise decisions in one way or another. Whether we like this or not, this is the path we have chosen.

As a result, when we run into a situation that requires us to seek wisdom from godly advisors, it is likely a decision that carries significant consequences. It is likely a decision that will affect all of those we mentioned above. If we decide to ignore the wisdom we receive for whatever reasons, then we are sentencing others to our same consequences. We are taking them with us!

What Does Scripture Say?

Let’s look at what the Bible has to say about this…

The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.
Proverbs 13:14

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
Proverbs 10:17

Leading Others Astray

Here you see that when we ignore the teaching of the wise, not only are we headed toward the snares of death, but we are also leading others to that fate as well. These are people that have trusted us to lead them. When we ignore the wisdom in front of us and choose our own path, we take them with us to face the consequences!

Even if we are okay with our own personal consequences of ignoring wisdom, we cannot allow others to be led astray as a result. Either we need to step down from our position of leadership or we need to step up to the responsibilities that come with it!

Pray For Clarity

I would encourage you to pray (as I will) that God would reveal to you situations where you ignored wisdom offered. Pray that He will make those situations clear to you and show you how to avoid them in the future. Pray for Him to give you wisdom, along with discernment to see it in others. Pray for the humility necessary to accept wisdom from others the next time you ask for it.

Have you witnessed disastrous results for those following one ignoring wisdom?

Do you accept the responsibility for leading others according to godly wisdom?

How do you maintain the humility needed to remain open to wisdom offered?

17 Biblical Principles

What Would You Invest to Have 50 Biblical Mentors?

Imagine what it would cost to sit down to lunch with more than 50 different leaders to glean their wisdom for life.

  • What would it cost you to travel to more than 50 locations?
  • How much would you pay for hotels and food?
  • What scheduling headaches would you encounter trying to make it happen?

Your costs would easily run into the thousands of dollars if you could pull it off at all. But 17BPS has done it for you.

Now you can have all this wisdom delivered when it is convenient for you for only a fraction of the cost.

Click HERE to learn more!

Wisdom: Handle With Care!

In my last post, I described the dangers we will face as Christian business leaders when we seek wisdom, but do not heed it or apply it. Scripture is clear that we are headed for destruction if we ignore wisdom, but there is another problem that we need to address as well.


Wisdom Not Common

I don’t know about you, but I do not see an oversupply of wise counselors hanging from trees. Maybe the world’s wisdom is plentiful, but finding a mentor or someone that has godly wisdom to offer us in times of struggle is difficult. In fact, that is one of the reasons I have enjoyed C12 as much as I have…for the multiple sources of godly business owners and leaders that are willing to share without hesitation!

The problem that is often overlooked when we choose to ignore the wisdom offered to us is that we may soon find the well dry when we really need it. If we keep coming and asking for advice without truly intending to accept and apply it, then we are likely to find it is not readily available when we decide we are ready to listen.

Various Reasons

Think about it. The people that are offering us their God-given wisdom are doing so for a couple of reasons. First, it is likely that someone else gave them godly wisdom when they needed it most. They give now because someone gave it to them.

Maybe they are motivated by Scripture that says “with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. (Luke 6:38)” They realize that giving wisdom out when asked will result in them gaining even more wisdom!

Frustration Comes

Regardless of the motivation of the giver, eventually they will tire of giving advice to someone who clearly does not intend to follow it. At some point, they will quit dispensing wisdom to this person and move on to more productive uses of their time. They will finally give in to the frustration. Frankly, we really cannot blame them, can we? (One exception to this rule may be parents of teenagers! We can’t quit!)

So, what are we to do?

My Advice

If you are one that is seeking wisdom and advice, but not listening to it for one reason or another…take this as a warning! Pray for God to reveal to you your motivations and the intent of your heart. Pray for Him to show you where you are closed-minded and to help you open your ears to hear. Do this with a sincere heart!

If, on the other hand, you are in a position of offering wisdom to someone that refuses to listen, I think you need to have a heart-to-heart with this person. Share with them what you are seeing and ask them to consider whether your perspective is accurate.

Do not make this a confrontation. There is no need to let it get ugly. Simply state your position and ask for their consideration. Once you have done this, expect the best. Plan for a new relationship and an open mind on their part.

Advice From Scripture

If you get a stone wall, then don’t fret. Simply walk away knowing you have done your part. Take a look at the following verses and see if maybe they speak to this situation:

If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feetwhen you leave that house or town.
Matthew 10:14

Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces.
Matthew 7:6

Do you fall into either group?

Do you think my advice in your case is worth following?

What would you add to this discussion?

17 Biblical Principles

What Would You Invest to Have 50 Biblical Mentors?

Imagine what it would cost to sit down to lunch with more than 50 different leaders to glean their wisdom for life.

  • What would it cost you to travel to more than 50 locations?
  • How much would you pay for hotels and food?
  • What scheduling headaches would you encounter trying to make it happen?

Your costs would easily run into the thousands of dollars if you could pull it off at all. But 17BPS has done it for you.

Now you can have all this wisdom delivered when it is convenient for you for only a fraction of the cost.

Click HERE to learn more!

3 Problems With Ignoring Wisdom

Have you ever been with someone that needed your advice and even asked for it, but was not willing to listen to it? Do you have one of those friends that seeks your wisdom, but quickly makes it quite obvious that they are not really interested in applying it to their situation? If not, is it possible that you are that person?


Not Serious About Wisdom?

I have experienced this very situation on multiple occasions. In each case, the friend asked for advice for a specific problem. In some cases, there were several of us present offering wisdom. Unfortunately, the seekers made it pretty clear that they were not really listening. In a couple of cases, they did not even allow some of the advisers to complete a sentence before interrupting with reasons why the solutions offered would not work!

As I watched this happen, I was frustrated. I was frustrated for them because it was clear they were not hearing what they wanted to hear. I was frustrated for the people offering the advice because they could tell they were wasting time. I was also frustrated for the people following these wisdom-seeking leaders. Overall, these are painful experiences!

What Can We Learn?

After reading through Proverbs and considering what I could learn from these types of situations, I determined there are (at least) three problems that come from ignoring wisdom. I will address each of these three problems in separate posts. In today’s post, we will look at the first problem.

The first problem with ignoring wisdom is described in the following verses from Proverbs:

If you stop listening to correction, my son,
you will stray from the words of knowledge.
Proverbs 19:27

The one who gives an answer before he listens—
this is foolishness and disgrace for him.
Proverbs 18:13

The wise store up knowledge,
but the mouth of the fool hastens destruction.
Proverbs 10:14

Apply Wisdom Or Else!

From these three simple verses, we can see that failing to heed wisdom leads to some serious trouble. When we are guilty of ignoring wisdom, we can expect to face disgrace and even destruction. I don’t know about you, but that is not something I want to experience if I can avoid it!

Examples of this in our lives as Christian business owners and leaders can vary from small, seemingly insignificant issues to those that may even include life and death scenarios. While this may be true, most are going to fall somewhere in between.


Consider the business owner that is advised against investing too heavily in a risky new product without the appropriate cash reserves to handle its failure. What are the potential consequences for his decision to move forward against the advice he received?

What about the manager that is told she would be foolish to show favoritism to the attractive salesperson on her team? Do you see the path that this decision could take?

Trouble Looms

Regardless of the situation, I think it is clear that we all face serious consequences when we do not listen to those offering godly wisdom. I am not sure of the various reasons one might have for ignoring wisdom they sought out, but it is clear from Scripture that doing so is asking for trouble.

In my next two posts, I will describe the other two problems we encounter when we do not heed the wisdom offered to us.

Have you acted like this when seeking wisdom?

Have you witnessed it from the position of offering the wisdom?

What do you do to make sure this does not happen?

17 Biblical Principles

What Would You Invest to Have 50 Biblical Mentors?

Imagine what it would cost to sit down to lunch with more than 50 different leaders to glean their wisdom for life.

  • What would it cost you to travel to more than 50 locations?
  • How much would you pay for hotels and food?
  • What scheduling headaches would you encounter trying to make it happen?

Your costs would easily run into the thousands of dollars if you could pull it off at all. But 17BPS has done it for you.

Now you can have all this wisdom delivered when it is convenient for you for only a fraction of the cost.

Click HERE to learn more!

3 Dangerous Sources Of Misinformation For A Christian Business Leader

Have you ever been given the wrong directions to an important meeting? If you are like me, you were likely already running on a tight schedule and could not afford delays! I can feel the frustration in my throat just thinking about it. Well, running a Christian business can be the same way. It is hard enough to do on a normal day, but having to deal with misinformation can make it especially difficult – maybe even near impossible.


Business Is Challenging Enough!

Business in general can be very challenging these days. When you consider all that is going on – healthcare reform, tax law changes, economic uncertainty, etc. – it can be very difficult to make decisions and navigate to a profitable outcome. When you are trying to use this business as a platform for ministry with an eternal impact, you can further complicate it!

While it makes sense that it should be as simple as just following God’s lead in all you do, this is often very difficult to do. Maybe I am alone in this, but I find this to be a huge challenge. To make it even more difficult, consider the illustration about getting wrong directions…this happens in a Christian business as well!

3 Sources Of Misinformation

As I have thought about it, I have come up with three sources of misinformation that can create significant obstacles for a Christian business leader. These sources of misinformation are distinctly different from each other. However, they are often not the exclusive cause of trouble in a Christian business. There are certainly times where two – even all three – can combine for an especially challenging situation.

I will address the first of these sources of misinformation today. I will save the other two for my next posts.

Worldly Wisdom

The first source of misinformation for a Christian business leader is worldly wisdom. I will define worldly wisdom as being based on any knowledge, experience, or expertise that is not from God. I know you are probably thinking that this is a huge category. Well, you are right.

Not only is worldly wisdom a huge category, it is also very dangerous because it is not always ugly or even obviously immoral, illegal, or unethical. In fact it most often disguises itself as very good advice – even common sense.

Folks, this is probably what makes worldly wisdom the most common form of misinformation for a Christian business leader! As a result, it very well may be the most dangerous.

Examples Of Worldly Wisdom

Let me give you some common examples of worldly wisdom.

Let’s say you are out on your own now as a Christian business owner or leader. You run into an issue that throws you for a loop. Remembering that your former boss offered to help you anytime you needed it, you pick up the phone and make the call. He gives you an answer that makes sense and you run with it.

In another situation, you run into a difficult situation with an employee and you remember how you had faced a similar situation years before. You wince as you think about the trouble that came as a result of the decision you made then. You quickly decide to go in a different direction.

Finally, you are reading through the latest business book by a well-known industry guru. As you read, the author addresses a very similar situation to the one you are currently facing. You are floored! His solution is unconventional, but it seems to make perfect sense so you begin plans to implement it immediately.

Harmful Or Not?

You are probably thinking that none of these situations seem harmful. Maybe, maybe not. I am not telling you that all of these examples are going to get you in trouble. What I am telling you is that without prayer and comparison to Scripture, there is no advice that you should follow based on its own merits.

Quite simply, as Christian business leaders we will avoid being misled by misinformation if we always and only follow advice that has been vetted by prayer and comparison to God’s word. This includes our own experience and expertise. It includes anything that we might rely on other than God.

How Does It Work?

So, you might want to know how this works. How in the world are we supposed to pray about every single decision we face during the day, BEFORE we make it? Are we really expected to search through Scripture and compare our every advice, hunch, and decision before we move forward? That’s crazy!

Well, yes and no. Yes, I think this is the expectation. No, it is not crazy.

Scriptural Support

First of all, we are not of this world (Colossians 2:20). We are now part of God’s family (John 1:12) and we are to follow his lead (Galatians 5:25), not the wisdom of the world (1 Corinthians 3:19). While just trying to imagine stopping twenty times a day to pray and search through the Bible may give you a headache, work with me here.

Instead, picture a mindset of continuous prayer, conversation with God (1 Thess. 5:16-18). Imagine a quick pause before responding to situations requiring a decision (Nehemiah 2:4-5) and see if that looks better.

Imagine The Possibilities!

Now think about the possibility of Scripture actually popping into your head the moment you face a decision. Consider the reality that you could be so versed in God’s Word that you did not have to search it for the decision. Maybe it comes to you instinctively instead.

Folks, if we are spending the daily time in God’s word and in continuous prayer, then this is a reality that is not far off! Rather than risking the common misinformation that surrounds us every day, we could actually be drawing on the knowledge, experience, and expertise of the very Creator of the universe!

Continuous Improvement

I will quickly confess that I am not living this reality. I struggle with this just like you do. However, I am determined I am not going to be in the very same place of dependence upon worldly wisdom (and likely misinformation) a year from now. I am committing to continuous effort and improvement in this area. I challenge you to do the same!

What are your thoughts?

Do you currently rely on worldly wisdom?

Are you familiar with the dangers of misinformation?

The Daily Game Plan: A Must Use Tool!

If you have ever worked on a life plan for your life, then you know the process can be somewhat overwhelming. You likely know that maintaining that life plan can become a burden at times, depending on how you have it set up. In light of that, I have come up with a tool I am calling a daily game plan that may just be the help you are looking for!

game plan

Daily Game Plan

In my last post, I described how I progressed from modifying and tweaking my life plan to creating a more simple tool called a daily game plan. Birthed out of an idea I got from reading Seven Days in Utopia, this daily game plan is an effort to apply life plan strategy to our daily lives. Take a look at my last post for more on the thought process behind this tool.

As I promised in the last post, I want to take you through the current version of my daily game plan tool. I will go over each area and explain how I use it. I will also give you the option to download a pdf of it. As I go through this process, be thinking about how you would improve this tool. I am going to ask you for your feedback at the end.

How To Proceed

The best way for you to go through the rest of this post is to [CLICK HERE] for a marked-up, full-screen view of a completed daily game plan. Because each section is labeled to make it easier to follow along, you will likely want to keep this open in the separate tab and flip back and forth between them. If you would prefer, you can also just print a copy. Either way, it will be helpful to have it visible as you progress through my description below.

Section #1 – Key Questions

This first section is fairly simple. As you can see, I put the day and date in the box at the top and then I read through the questions. These questions are some that I pulled together and may change from time to time. You could add your own here.

Sometimes I actually write a one or two word answer to some of the questions. Sometimes I just think about them and leave them blank. The point is to read and contemplate these questions every day. I want these thoughts becoming part of my mindset throughout the day.

Section #2 – Calendar

The next section is a condensed calendar picture of my day – only the highlights. I do not put more than three or four items on this calendar. The purpose of this section is two-fold.

First, I want to think through my day and how it will flow. When I have to write it like this and only have room for the select few events, I have to visualize how they will fit together. The second reason is to remind me of those bigger appointments when I glance over the game plan during the day.

Section #3 – Key Focuses

In this third area of my daily game plan, I write the most important task or project for me to accomplish that day. Sometimes there are a total of three or four of these items when I combine the three categories – Work, Home, Other. More often, there are only one or two items listed here.

While my to-do list is always much larger than this, completing this section of the game plan forces me to determine and prioritize my most critical tasks. This is a great exercise, especially when many days my to-do’s overwhelm me. I find that it is seldom that I do not accomplish all that is listed here.

Section #4 – Outreach & Prayer

In this part of the game plan, I stop to think about the people I am likely to work with that day. Is there anyone in particular, employee or otherwise, that I need to reach out to in a special way? If someone comes to mind with clarity, then I write their name in the space and pray for the opportunity to impact them. If not, I leave it blank.

After that, I write in those areas about which I know I need to pray. This may be something related to my marriage or my children. It could be a pending decision at work or even a habit I am trying to break. Nothing is off limits here (except a confidential request from someone else!).

Section #5 – Potential Problems

This is one area where I have seen the most impact on my days since I have been using this daily game plan. Here, on the left side, I ask the question, “What could go wrong today?” I then write down any potential surprises or obstacles that I think may pop up during the day to come.

I imagine what it might look like if a conversation I plan to have that day ends up going bad. It could be that I might receive bad news in a pending project I am working on. It could even be a temptation that I am not prepared to handle.

Once I determine a couple of likely problems, I ask myself, “How will I (later) wish I had handled it?” This is a powerful question because it forces me to think about how I would script the situation after it goes bad. It is accountability in advance! You would be amazed at how much easier it is to handle a crises when you have already visualized it and scripted your response!

For a detailed description of the meaning of the five terms (Observation, Strategy, See, Feel, Trust), you need to read the book, Seven Days in Utopia!

Section #6 – Scripture Memory

This final section of the daily game plan is the simplest, but also carries power. In the top section, I write the Bible verse that I am attempting to memorize for that week. In the bottom section, I write the verse I memorized from last week.

This rotates each week so I am writing each verse once a day for two weeks. I also glance at the reference during the day and attempt to repeat both of the verses aloud without looking. This may only happen once or twice during the day, but any repetition helps!


As I said before, I tried this on a half of a sheet of paper at first (8.5″ x 11″ folded), but I am now loading it onto my iPad in an app called Notes Plus. It is fully contained on the screen and I am able to easily access it throughout the day. This seems to work best for me as I am carrying my iPad everywhere I go now.

Like I said before, this is a work in progress. There may be parts of this idea that excite you and other parts that leave you saying, “Huh?” That is fine! I don’t expect you to accept it all as/is and start using it that way. My main purpose in sharing is to start the conversation – both in your mind as well as between all of us.

Take some time and think it over. Ask me questions or give me some suggestions. The only advice I will give is to be determined to keep it as simple as possible! Do not give in to the temptation to add two or three (or more) incremental improvements that end up making it too cumbersome to use.

For a blank copy of this game plan, [CLICK HERE].

What are your thoughts about the game plan?

Does it generate any ideas for you?

What additions/deletions would you suggest?

Wise Counsel In Unexpected Places

When I set out to create this blog over a year ago, I really had no idea what would come of it. I knew something in me wanted to do it and I felt God leading me in that direction, but my expectations were very low. I just did not know what was in store for me. Now, roughly 14 months later, I can say that the benefits have been overwhelming. Today, I want to discuss one of the most unexpected – wise counsel.

wise counsel

Unexpected Benefit!

See, when I started the blog, I had the distinct feeling that God would use it to teach others about integrating their Christian faith into their work. What I did not expect was that He would also use it to introduce me to wise counsel from many other Christian business owners and leaders!

Isn’t it funny how God turns things on us? We know that Scripture says that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but we often forget how that plays out in our lives. Well, I can say that I have been the recipient of more FROM this blog and those I have met because of it than I have ever given TO it.

Wise Counsel Examples

I have had the fortune to meet a man in Chandigarh, India that has taught me a lot about doing intentional ministry with whatever tools you have at your disposal. He has taught me about joy in tough circumstances and praising God in trials.

I have had the opportunity to get to know a couple of other bloggers like Tom Tarver, Kari Scare, Michael Nichols, and Loren Pinilis. Each of these has taught me something different, but all have been valuable.

I have also had the pleasure of meeting several Christian business owners and leaders in person. In fact, over the past couple of weeks, I have spent an hour or two with three different individuals that have each taught me something. Two of these guys were complete strangers to me a couple of months ago!

Just this afternoon I had the privilege of talking with another CEO about similar struggles we are having. He called me for some input on an idea he had, but I was also able to learn a valuable idea from him during the conversation. His wise counsel is something I cannot find just anywhere.

Wise Counsel In Scripture

The Bible speaks a lot about wise counsel. Take a look at the following verses:

    Without guidance, people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance.Proverbs 11:14
    A fool’s way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise.Proverbs 12:15
    Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.Proverbs 15:22
    Listen to counsel and receive instruction so that you may be wise later in life.Proverbs 19:20

Different Opportunity?

Folks, I have obviously been blessed by God to have access to all of the wise counsel that I have mentioned above – and these are only the connections that have come as a result of this blog. I have other sources that are just as valuable.

The problem is that not everyone reading this blog right now feels they have the same opportunity for this amount of wise counsel as I do. Well, I have news for you.

You are wrong!

Pray For Wise Counsel

Listen to me before you puff up! I agree that not everyone has a blog that creates these opportunities. However, I did not have this source for wise counsel just over a year ago. It has only just recently become a source for me.

Even then, I had wise counsel available to me. I had it because I saw value in it and was committed to praying for it. That’s right, I have been praying daily for wisdom for years (as long as I can remember) and God promises that He will answer that prayer. He has been faithful to that promise for me.

    Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him.
    James 1:5

Expect Results!

In fact, I believe that one of the reasons God led me to start this blog was that He knew it would be another avenue He could use to provide me with wise counsel – an answer to my prayer for wisdom!

If you are sincere about wanting wise counsel (which will lead to wisdom – if you pay attention!), then all you need to do is start praying for it. Pray earnestly and consistently, with faith, and it will come.

While you are praying, start looking for it expectantly in the unexpected places. You will likely be as surprised as I have at the results!