Are You Part Of This 80 Percent?

80 percent

It is that time of year! It is the time that, statistically, most Americans give up on their New Year’s Resolutions. If the studies I have read are accurate, then 80 percent of those who made resolutions or set goals at the beginning of the year have given up on them by now. Can you believe that? 80 percent! If that is true of you, then I have a solution for you.

How Should A Christian Invest?


For the longest time, I struggled to figure out how to reconcile my role in running our family’s business with my role as a follower of Jesus Christ. At one point, I even considered walking away from our family business because I thought that was the only way I could fully invest my time as a disciple of Jesus. Fortunately, I later found the answer to my dilemma in the Parable of the Talents.

What Are You Doing About The Encouragement Shortage?


I heard about the most amazing blog post on the radio today. As soon as I had the chance I went straight to it online and read through the entire post. I will say that is was an emotional experience and I am so glad I did. Even though it was not directed at Christian business owners and leaders, it is a lesson about encouragement that we can all do well to learn.

Is Christian Business Offensive To Non-Christian Employees?


I was recently asked by a reader if labeling our business as “Christian” was offensive to non-Christian employees. We had a great discussion, but it made me realize that this concern might be prevalent among Christian business owners or leaders, possibly even preventing many from stepping out in faith to leverage their business for eternal returns.

Are You Called To Ministry?

called to ministry

I had a conversation recently with someone who asked me when I was called to do business as ministry. Like most people, he understood that there would be a “lightning bolt” type moment when God will speak to you and “call” you into ministry. While I am sure there are those who could argue both sides of the theology of that idea, my intent is to go in a different direction.

2 Reasons You Are Not Experiencing God’s Adventure


In my last post, I talked about how God wants all of us on a great adventure with Him. He is not looking for us to play it safe (2 Chronicles 16:9). I made the case that He wants us fully committed to Him, willing to risk it all for whatever unknown adventure He has in store for us. If that is the case, why would anyone NOT experience this great adventure?