3 Steps To Greater Christian Ministry


Recently, I was meeting with our Strategic Ministry Team for the purpose of relaunching our mission and vision for doing ministry through our business. We had completed the mission statement for the team and moved on to the envisioned future. I explained what I had envisioned for our future and then asked for feedback from the rest of the team. That was when I was told that my vision for the future was not big enough!

What Is The Purpose Of Christian Business?


Have you ever stopped to consider what is the main purpose of Christian business? As business leaders, the very purpose of our businesses should be very clear to us. Otherwise, we will likely make decisions and take actions on occasion that oppose this purpose, right? If we are not clear on this purpose, how can we achieve it?

How Execution Can Kill A Witness


As you are probably aware, there is not a shortage of reading material on business strategy. In fact, the vast majority of business schools, seminars, and coaches want to focus on strategy as well. The problem is that most businesses do not fail due to a poor strategy. No, it is execution that kills most businesses (pun intended).

I am excited to announce my next speaking event! I will be speaking to the Christian Business Leaders student group at the University of Florida.

I will host a coaching session after the meeting as well. I am so eager to be spending time with college students who already get the idea of integrating faith and work!

This is a brand new student group, but they are serious about their mission. Check out their Facebook page!

Like their page and show them your support!

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Date: March 16, 2016
Time: 6:15-7:30 p.m.
Event: Christian Business Leaders - Univ. of Florida
Topic: Integrating Faith And Work
Sponsor: Christian Business Leaders
Venue: University of Florida - Stuzin Hall
Location: Gainesville, FL
Public: Private