3 Truths I Learned (Again) From My Daughters

Hiring Must Haves

I experienced one of my proudest moments as a parent this past week.  In fact, I almost did not make it through the full experience without breaking down from the immense swelling of my heart!  As I reflected on it, I realized that this experience was also a perfect reflection of what our goals should be when hiring new members for our team.

Why You Should Quit Competing

Quit Competing

I am fortunate to be around very wise and godly people on a regular basis. In fact, much of the material for this blog comes from their mouths, whether they realize it or not! I recently heard one of them say something that stuck with me. It was especially impactful for me because it was convicting! While the phrase “to honor God” is part of our company mission statement, I have strayed from this idea as my central goal. My friend’s quote made this obvious to me.

Video: Corporate Chaplains of America

I was recently given the opportunity to share my thoughts (on camera) about the chaplain program we have in place in our business. Honestly, I jumped at the chance! I am convinced that this program is one that every business owner should pursue.

We have been partnering with Corporate Chaplains of America for more than 10 years now. The benefits we receive from this partnership are immeasurable! I love talking about how they have impacted our employees and our overall business, but you don’t have to take my word for it! One of our employees was interviewed as well. Her testimony is awesome!

Check out this video of the conversation. I think you will agree with me!

Learn more about Corporate Chaplains of America here.

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Personal Assistant

Personal Assistant

Over the past several years, I have engaged in two extremely effective learning environments – Michael Hyatt’s Inner Circle guided mastermind group and Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach program for growth-minded entrepreneurs.  I cannot describe to you all I have learned (and continue to learn) from these two experiences.  I can say that both have had an incredible influence on how I view the life I have been given and the potential impact I can have if I use it wisely.

Is Caution Keeping You From Something Great?


Are you scared?  Would you admit it if you were?  Are you sure you would even realize it if you were scared?  This may not be a topic you enjoy discussing, but I think it is one that we all need to face head on from time to time.  We need to assess our current circumstances and determine whether or not we are living out our calling with our fullest intensity.

More Advice From Proverbs 31


I love how the Bible is so deep and applicable in various situations. If we will just take the time to read and study it, we will certainly be able to apply it to our lives, regardless of our circumstances. An example is Proverbs 31 [Read HERE] which is normally taught to wives and mothers as the pattern to follow. We will apply it to husbands and fathers today!

Proverbs 31 Advice For Men!

Proverbs 31 - Advice for Men

Rule #1 in writing a blog is to stay on topic. I am supposed to pick a category or fairly specific area and focus on it, not straying far from it much (if ever). Today, I am going to break Rule #1 (a little). With Mother’s Day just ahead of us, I want to take another look at Proverbs 31 [READ HERE].

Career Callings Podcast Interview

Recently I was interviewed by Robbie Romeiser for his Career Callings Podcast. What a great experience!


In this podcast, Robbie gave me an opportunity to share my story and talk about how I shifted my metrics from profit to ministry, and what that looks like in my business.

You can listen to the full length interview here, or listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker, or TuneIn. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the discussion, and learn more about what a ministry-focused business looks like for you.

Robbie is passionate about helping others find, prepare for and pursue the work they were born to do. You can find him at the Career Callings website.