When I mention the word competition, what comes to your mind? For most business leaders, thoughts of rival businesses are the first to appear. While this is not wrong at all, I think there is a competition that deserves more of our attention than these other businesses. It is this competition that renders many of us useless in God’s kingdom. It is this competition that we must destroy by every means necessary!
What Competition?
Before I reveal the often-overlooked competition that deserves our full attention, I want you to carefully read this familiar passage from Mark.
- Listen! Consider the sower who went out to sow. As he sowed, this occurred: Some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground where it didn’t have much soil, and it sprang up right away, since it didn’t have deep soil. When the sun came up, it was scorched, and since it didn’t have a root, it withered. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it didn’t produce a crop.
Mark 4:3-7
Competition For Our Heart!
Most likely, you are familiar with this passage. In summary, Jesus is teaching about the different ways our hearts (the soil) can react to the gospel. I am sure you have already heard this passage many times – maybe even to the point of being numb toward it.
Now, for the sake of our discussion today, read that last sentence again. While it is a much shorter description than the previous two sentences, but it is a very powerful lesson…if you are paying close attention. What is it that kept this seed from producing fruit?
In some translations, the culprit is described as thorns. In others, it is weeds. Whatever the description, this is the competition that must be eliminated from our lives. For more detailed description of what makes up this competition, see Jesus’ own explanation of it in verses 18-19:
- Others are sown among thorns; these are the ones who hear the word, but the worries of this age, the seduction of wealth, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Mark 4:18-19
The Wrong Worries
Jesus teaches that there is a competition for our hearts going on every day, He is not talking about the non-believers among us, but those of us who hear the word. It has taken root in us, but we are allowing worries, wealth, and other desires to choke out His word. This competition is preventing us from bearing the fruit that God desires to produce through us.
Let me attempt to translate Jesus’ teaching into our modern, business language. Too many Christian business leaders are worried too much about current issues like the economy, the election, their retirement, etc. We are overly concerned with seeking wealth and the benefits it brings us. We are allowing our attention to be hijacked by every shiny object that this world can throw at us.
All of these distractions are keeping us from focusing on God and His desires for us. As a result, we are not producing the fruit in multiples of 30, 60, and 100 that He mentions in verses 8 and 20. Don’t you want to produce THAT fruit?!? How amazing would that be, to see your business and ministry efforts producing exponential impact at that level?!?
Three Simple Steps
If you are interested in moving to that position, there are three simple steps you must take. Do not let the simplicity of these steps distract you from their effectiveness.
Step #1 – Assess Your Growing Conditions
Each of us has a different set of conditions around us today. My thorns are not your thorns. Whatever your thorns, you need to identify them. Take a look around and, through prayer, allow God to show you where the competition is winning your heart. Make a detailed list of these thorns. Don’t ignore any of them.
Step #2 – Eliminate The Thorns
I will grant you that this step is likely the toughest, depending on how long you have allowed these thorns to grow. You will likely need to enlist accountability for help. You need to pray consistently that God will give you the strength to accomplish this task. It will not be easy, but the result will be worth the effort. Remember: 30, 60, 100!
Step #3 – Trust (Bear Fruit)
I tell you to trust, rather than bear fruit, for a reason. Your part in this is not to produce the fruit. Your part is to eliminate the competition for your heart and then to trust God to lead you in every way. As He does this, and as we surrender to His leading, He will produce the fruit through us. You simply have to trust that He is true to His word.
I told you that these steps are surprisingly simple. At the same time, you can see that they are not easy. These steps are not accomplished in a day. You are going to have to sweat and grind it out to complete them. But if you will keep the 30, 60, and 100 multiples in mind as you work, I believe God will be faithful to carry you through them.
What is the strongest competition for your heart?
Do you see how these three steps can conquer this competition?
What is your next action?
Photo by R_Type/iStock
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