Sometimes the exact same image can communicate two totally opposite ideas or concepts. I recently posted about this picture, describing 7 Ways Christians In Business Kill Their Witness. In this post, I took the position that “blending” with the world was a recipe for trouble. Today, I want to take the opposite position – encouraging you to engage culture!

Bad Assumption?
In my last post, we looked at the picture above and made some assumptions. We imagined that the owner of this 1991 Honda Accord replaced the typical “H” Honda emblem on the grille with the “GMC” emblem that is more likely found on trucks. Since the photo was taken in the mountains of North Georgia, I concluded that the owner might have been trying to “fit in” with his friends who drove trucks.
But what if I was wrong? What if he was not actually trying to “fit in” for the purpose of acceptance and security, but instead had a more noble purpose? What if he was simply trying to blend with the culture around him, building relationships for the purpose of eventually witnessing to them about Jesus?
Engage Culture
I am sure some of you reading this are asking why we should spend time wildly speculating about the reasons for this modification. I understand, but I think the lesson is worth discussing. In fact, I think there is a huge lesson here for all of us.
The apostle Paul actually wrote some very compelling Scripture about this very idea. It was his intent to engage culture by blending into the world around him for the purpose of winning souls to Jesus. He would do anything within the guidelines of Scripture to accomplish this goal. Read his words on the subject.
Although I am a free man and not anyone’s slave, I have made myself a slave to everyone, in order to win more people.
To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win Jews; to those under the law, like one under the law—though I myself am not under the law—to win those under the law. To those who are without that law, like one without the law—not being without God’s law but within Christ’s law—to win those without the law. To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak.
I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some.
1 Corinthians 9:19-22
Whatever the reasons for the “GMC” on the front of the Honda Accord, as Christian business leaders, we have a responsibility to follow the example lived out by Paul. We ARE to engage culture. Unlike in the last post, our purpose is not to gain acceptance and security. We are not looking for love. We are looking to share love instead.
I encourage you to change your mindset (or broaden it) to see winning those around you to Christ as your primary purpose. To accomplish this goal, you will have to take drastic measures at times. You will need to be willing to build relationships with those you want to impact for eternity, with whatever methods are necessary and effective.
Here are 7 ways you can engage culture around you, blending in for the purpose of relationship and eventual evangelism. Are you already doing any of these? Is your motive pure?
Strategy #1 – Join the effort
A great way to begin building relationships with other business people in your area is to join a civic organization. While you are sure to find Christians in these groups, you will also find those who either have no faith or simply associate with a faith out of convenience or tradition. Whatever the case, a membership in one of these organizations will give you plenty of opportunities to build relationships with the lost.
Strategy #2 – Connect With Business Groups
These groups can be trade associations, mastermind or networking groups, or simply social groups centered around the common interest of business. There are many benefits to these groups, but the main one concerning us is the presence of those who do not know Jesus. Enjoy the other benefits, but keep your primary purpose at the forefront of your mind!
Strategy #3 – Be Inclusive With Local Competition
The typical business leader does not necessarily spend much time with his or her direct competition. Reverse this trend and see if there is a local marketing association or trade group made up of your local competitors. If not, maybe you should start one! Assuming you know your competition includes those without an evident faith in Christ, begin building relationships with them through a group setting like this.
Strategy #4 – Serve With Non-Profits
Here is a way that will allow you to give back to your community at the same time. Joining a non-profit board will put you in contact with many leaders from various industries. Your knowledge of the common leadership language among these people will assist you in building the relationships you seek. You could also take another approach and serve as a volunteer. In this way you will interact with those on the front lines, meeting needs and bonding with each other.
Strategy #5 – Attend Business/Social Gatherings
Regardless of where your business is located, there are likely many business-related organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, ad associations, and development authorities that you can join easily. You can also find a local event center with a calendar of fundraisers for local causes. Be intentional and engage with any of these. You will find plenty of relationship opportunities here.
Strategy #6 – Engage Your Employees
Too often, business leaders are quick to look outside their businesses for evangelism opportunities, but never look inside their employee base for the same. Clearly, this strategy comes with the need for a little more discretion. It is very difficult to both lead and build close relationships with your employees. In fact, some would say it cannot work.
My advice here is to begin engaging your employees about their families, hobbies, and outside pursuits. Show a genuine interest in what makes them tick. Over time, you will build trust and some will allow you to speak into their lives. If you are going to pursue this strategy, I would suggest a plan that includes a company chaplain.
Strategy #7 – Pray For Opportunities & Awareness
Who better to show you the best places for you to engage the culture than God? Go to Him and pray that He would show you those areas where you can intentionally build relationships for the purpose of pointing others to Him. Go in with an open mind and eager heart. Begin paying close attention to your surroundings for opportunities He may be presenting to you. I promise, He is faithful to answer your request here.
Can you see the urgent need for Christian business leaders to engage culture?
Do you currently engage culture with any of these strategies?
Which of these strategies will you implement?
Photo by ME!
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