It was about 15 years ago when I decided to quit my job to pursue Christian ministry. I had no idea what I would do next, but I had a new-found passion for God. I was determined to live my WHOLE life for Him. Like many other well-meaning Christians, I believed that meant I had to quit my job so I could pursue Christian ministry.

I was wrong.
Of course, that did not stop me from making plans to walk away from my position as soon-to-be leader of our third-generation family business. Fortunately, as the timing worked out, I was able to figure out how I could do both – business AND Christian ministry! As a result, God has used this path to impact the lives of countless people through me over the years since.
Make the Distinction
Before I go any further, please know that I am NOT arguing against following a clear and distinct call into a traditional path to Christian ministry. God will certainly call some to leave what they are doing in order to work as a paid staff member of the church. Some will be pastors; others will lead worship; many will work in support positions. This is necessary for churches to thrive in the roles they play.
For those who KNOW they have been called by God to leave their work and follow this path, do not change direction. I am not speaking to you. I am speaking to those who have found themselves overcome with passion about doing all they can for God, but have not heard that clear and distinct call to leave.
The problem here is that entirely too many Christians have come to believe that Christian ministry is limited to those on the church staff. They literally see it as an either/or proposition – business OR ministry.
For some, this is simply out of ignorance of Scripture. For others, it could be out of a desire to avoid responsibility. The reasons are widely varied and do not matter as long as we change perceptions and arrive at the truth.
Start Where You Are
The truth, according to the Bible, is that we are ALL Christian ministers. We are ALL responsible for pointing others to God in our every action. None of us are exempt from the calling into ministry. HOW we do this is the only question!
Do you realize that this is GOOD NEWS?!?
That’s right, you are called to do ministry right where you are! Whether you are in business, education, homeschooling, medicine, etc., you can be active in Christian ministry right there! There is no need to leave. In fact, there is a need right where you are.
Depending on where you are located, statistics say more than a third of those you work with are unchurched. You are right in the middle of a field that is ripe for harvest! If you will just look around with the eyes of Jesus, I am convinced you will see the need. Now it is up to you to begin meeting that need!
For many, this idea is not new to you. You are already beginning to see your job as an opportunity for Christian ministry. For others, this is completely new. In fact, you are probably unsure of where to start. I understand. I have been exactly where you are.
A Roadmap
After making plans to quit my job 15 years ago, I spent 18 months trying to figure out what God had in mind for me. By the end of that period, I knew what I had to do. Of course, I had no idea what I would experience over the next 15 years. I did know the direction I needed to take.
I want to give you four simple steps to follow. If you will take these steps seriously and seek God as you go, I guarantee you will find the path He intends for you. He is faithful!
1 – Pray for clarity
First things first. You must stop and pray. You need to empty your mind of everything but hearing from God and gaining His leading. Ask Him specifically for guidance as you start down this path.
2 – Read for direction
The Bible is full of guidance when it comes to teaching us about our responsibility for ministry. If you will pair your prayer with your reading of the Bible, I am certain that you will begin to see how you can be a minister right where you are. Just take all that you read and apply it to your job.
3 – Take action
As you pray and read, God will place ideas and directions in your heart. It is your job to act on them! Don’t overcomplicate this. Just start doing what you read about in Scripture…and do it at work. As you do, you will begin to see more and more opportunities for ministry.
4 – Rinse, lather, repeat
You’ve seen this phrase on the back of the shampoo bottle. It applies here as well. Once you have followed the first three steps above, start back at #1 and continue through them again. This is not necessarily easy, but it IS simple.
As you follow these steps to pursuing Christian ministry IN your job, I encourage you to share your results with others. God has amazing plans for the marketplace. We just need to spread the word about the need and recruit more workers! He is faithful!
Image by francescoch / iStock
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