I launched ChristianFaithAtWork.com in 2011 and it is growing into a vibrant and engaged community. Frequent visitors tend to be very faith-centered individuals who are business owners and/or leaders. They are interested in topics like Personal Growth, Leadership, Business Practices, Strategic Christian Ministry, and Life Planning.
Do you have a product or service that falls in line with any of these areas? I’d love to share it with my community of readers!
Some Popular Posts
Would you like to see what my visitors like to read? Check out some of my more popular posts:
- An Example Mission, Vision And Core Values
- What Is Christian Ministry?
- Is A Good Name Important In Christian Business?
- How To Create A Life Plan Document
- 5 Ways To Be Faithful With The Small Things
- Pursue The Gifts You Have, Not The Ones You Want
- 11 Killer Resources For Free Christian Leadership Material
That is just a few! My site is updated with 2-3 fresh new blog posts per week. Your ads will be highly visible to my readers, and you will be just one click away! I’d love to share your awesome product or service with my community of readers.
Opportunities Available
1. Sidebar Ads
Sidebar ads appear on the right sidebar of every page. I currently offer 10 ad spots, spread over 7 different positions, with 3 available sizes.
- Position 1 – 350 x 250 pixel ad (1)
- Position 2 – 350 x 125 pixel ad (2)
- Position 3 – 350 x 250 pixel ad (1)
- Position 4 – 125 x 125 pixel ad (4)
- Bottom of Post
- RSS Feed of Posts and Updates
Please contact me for more information or to purchase an ad package. I’m always eager to get creative to create a win for you and my readers.
2. Giveaways and Competitions
Do you want to give away copies of your product or service? I can host giveaway or competition for you. Giveways will run for a minimum of one week to a maximum of one month. A review copy and shipping must be included. Contact me and let’s put together a great plan for your giveaway or competition.
3. Sponsored Posts and Reviews
Do you have a product or service that would be beneficial to my readers? I’d love to help you help them. Please remember, I only promote products and services on my site that line up with the values of my blog and the interests of my readers. Posts will be 300-400 words, written in my natural “voice”, and the post may contain up to 5 keyword links (2 primary and 3 secondary). Contact me so we can discuss.
If you have questions about any of the opportunities listed above, pricing, or you have some creative out-of-the-box idea that will knock my socks off, please contact me. I’d love to answer your questions, and I’d love to work with you!