I had a conversation recently with someone who asked me when I was called to do business as ministry. Like most people, he understood that there would be a “lightning bolt” type moment when God will speak to you and “call” you into ministry. While I am sure there are those who could argue both sides of the theology of that idea, my intent is to go in a different direction.
![called to ministry](https://www.christianfaithatwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/called-to-ministry.jpg)
Called to Ministry?
I will tell you that I never really got a “call” into ministry. I can remember hearing a message from a speaker when I was in high school that talked about being called into ministry. I remember him saying that one in four of us in the crowd would likely be called into ministry. I can still recall how I looked around at my three friends and thought, “I hope it isn’t me!”
Fast forward 15 years from that point and things changed drastically. No, I still did not receive a “call”, but I did figure out that I did not need to! I did not need to receive a call because I began to read how ministry is the responsibility of every single one of us!
When you read the gospels, you do see Jesus “call” the original 12 disciples into ministry. However, if you read on, you will notice that He later tells them to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). That’s us…and if we are disciples, then it becomes our job to go and make more disciples! It is our responsibility. We are commanded.
We Are Called!
We are not to sit around and wait for a call. We are not to ignore ministry, leaving it to others because we never “heard” a call to do it ourselves.
Folks, some people do ministry as paid staff members in the church. This is certainly necessary and they deserve praise. I could not do what they do.
At the same time, the rest of us STILL have the responsibility to do ministry. Not only are we to do ministry, we are to do it FULL TIME!
Everything For The Lord!
That’s right, you read it correctly. Every disciple of Jesus is commanded to do EVERYTHING we do as if doing it for the Lord (Colossians 3:23). That means our every step should be a form of ministry.
Please understand me. God wants our all (Matthew 22:37-40). He is not satisfied with us carving out portions of our time to give to His work. He wants our every minute to be devoted to Him. While He is not looking for all of us to join a monastery and meditate 24/7, He DOES want us to spread His love everywhere we go.
Truly, that is all that ministry is – spreading God’s love to all around us.
My Ministry
For me, I began to understand this as I went through a small group study that was led by a mentor at work. I started seeing how God had placed me in a perfect position of leadership within our family business. This position allowed me to use the influence and resources at my disposal to make an impact on the people around me.
Over a period of years, I learned through trial and error. I learned from those older and wiser than me. I learned from whatever sources I could find. In fact, I am still in a position of learning.
Enlist Others
At the same time, I now find it my responsibility (and yours!) to turn and teach others what I have learned. I don’t have it all figured out, but I take comfort in something Andy Stanley once said.
You don’t to fill anyone else’s cup. You simply have to empty yours.
For today, if I can get you to see that you are indeed called to ministry, then I will consider it a successful day! If you are convinced, then let me know in the comment section below. Let me know, even if my post did not help you arrive at this conviction…I want to hear from you! I would also love it if you would share this post with someone that needs to hear it!
If you are still not convinced, I pray you will take some time to dig into this idea for yourself. Read the verses I have listed below and pray that God will show you the truth and how it applies to you. I can promise you this – He is faithful to answer your sincere prayer!
1 John 2:6
Matthew 22:37-40
Colossians 3:23
1 Peter 4:10
Matthew 28:19-20
Matthew 6:33
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Matthew 10:39
John 13:12-17
John 14:12
Romans 12:1-2
1 Corinthians 15:58
2 Corinthians 5:20
2 Timothy 2:2
James 1:22-25
photo by Jes
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