Are you listening to God?

As I mentioned in my last post, I had been actively searching for my purpose for a couple of years (’01-’03).  I was doing everything I knew to do in order to allow God to speak to me.  I was studying His Word, praying, participating in Bible studies, leading others in Bible study, teaching, etc. and it seemed I was still not sure of what I should be doing with my life.


First of all, please know that hearing from God does not require all of this activity.  In fact, it is easier to actually hear Him when you are still and quiet.  My point is that I was filling my mind with His Word and trying my best to find His purpose for me.  Looking back from where I am today, I believe I was doing exactly what He wanted me to do at the time.

After my second Promise Keepers conference in 12 months, I was having lunch with my father and two younger brothers the following Monday.  I was really talking up the conference and trying to get them interested in going with me the following year.  My middle brother spoke up and said he would be interested in going.  I thought he meant the next year, but he spoke up again and said he would like to go to one of the remaining cities on the tour for that year!

Well, I knew God was giving me the chance I had been looking for.  For a long time, I had not been sure where my brother stood in his relationship with God.  The more I studied for myself, the more I wanted to find out where other members of my family stood.  This looked like the perfect opportunity to get away, just the two of us, and find out.

I bought tickets and we flew to Kansas City for the conference.  After the first night (an incredible experience if you have never been to one), we had talked for several hours before going to bed.  He shared that he was indeed saved, knew how and why, and was just trying to figure out how to live more like it.

I was so relieved!  While I had enjoyed the trip to that point, my main concern had been his spiritual condition.  It had been nagging at me and I could not relax until I heard what he had to say.  Now that I was comfortable with his response, I could relax and enjoy the rest of the conference.

Of course, that was only true until roughly 8:00AM the next morning.  Boy, was I in for a surprise!  Stay tuned…

Are you listening for the opportunities God is giving you right now?

If you recognize the opportunity, are you ready to take it?

If not, what are you doing to get prepared for the next one?

photo by Beverly

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