Every once in a while, I a quote hits me between the eyes. I cannot stop thinking about it. It gets into my head and stays there until I can process its meaning and application to my life. I recently came across one of these quotes and I think it is one we can all use as a litmus test to determine whether we are the leaders with passion that we seek to be.

Here is the quote:
How does this quote about passion hit you? Does it strike a chord with you?
Today I am guest posting at MichaelNichols.org and you can read the rest of this post there. All you need to do is follow this link:
Michael Nichols and I connected for the first time several years ago. He is a leadership expert and has a great blog full of worthy content. He also spends his time as an executive coach, keynote speaker, and author.
He believes that if you are going to live and lead well, you must be thoughtful and purposeful about it. He helps leaders pursue intentional growth – personal, team, organizational – and often includes resources he discovers as he grows.
Go on over to his website and get the rest of my post. Leave a comment there and let me know your thoughts about playing with passion. I will be there to join in the conversation.
While you are there, take a look around and see what you think. I believe you will be impressed!
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