Over the years, as I have grown from childhood, through adolescence and young adulthood, and into a full-fledged adult, my thoughts and dreams about heaven have progressed as well. As my understanding of heaven has matured, I have come to realize that there is at least one thing we will not be able to do there – reach the lost. Evangelism will not exist in heaven.
Hopes For Heaven
Have you thought about this? As a kid, I dreamed of flying around with wings. Later, I began to hope for amazing golf courses and the freedom to drive without speed limits. Recently, I have thought about whether or not we will have adventures in heaven…hang gliding, sky diving, deep sea diving and mountain climbing…will these be options for us?
What I have not thought about much is what I will not be able to do when I get to heaven. I know there will not be tears or pain, but I welcome that! However, when I stopped to realize that there will not be a single friend or family member in heaven that has not submitted to Jesus as Lord and Savior, I realized what else would be missing – evangelism.
No Evangelism
Folks, when we die, we are forever released from the responsibility of sharing our faith with others. We will no longer have to listen to messages about evangelism or witnessing because we will only be surrounded by believers. We will only, for the rest of eternity, be able to interact with others who made the decision to accept Jesus’ blood as payment for their sin.
If you are one who does not enjoy the idea of sharing your faith with another, then maybe this idea brings you a little relief. At least it might until you begin to look around you and count the people you know (or are related to) that are not followers of Jesus.
[Note: I recognize none of us knows anyone else’s heart and therefore we cannot know with certainty their eternal status (unless they have told us). I simply want you to think about those without any visible fruit of faith in Jesus and make the assumption, for the purpose of this exercise, that someone needs to share their faith with them.]
There Is Urgency!
When you begin to think of all the people around you whose eternity is not certain in your mind, do you begin to see the urgency? Do you begin to realize that SOMEONE has to share with them now, here on earth, or they will suffer an eternity separated from God (and you)?
If you are not already living in such a way as to intentionally point people toward God, are you willing to continue on that path, ignoring the clear problem that exists right in front of you?
What about your job or business? Are you intentionally carrying out your duties at work in a way that points others to Jesus? Are you using the leverage and resources of your business to advance the kingdom? Have you done this in the past, but the urgency has faded?
Huge Problem!
I have to tell you, this problem is a big one. The lack of evangelism in heaven means we only have a limited time to reach those who do not yet know God in a personal way. Maybe we are not all good at preaching from a pulpit, but we all have gifts that can be used for evangelism.
Through this blog, I am trying to convince people that their business is a tool that can and should be used for evangelism. If you are not the owner of the business, I want you to see that there are still infinite ways you can impact others in the workplace for Christ. You just have to be intentional about it.
Taking Action?
Hopefully, you have already thought about this whole idea and you are already on the path to take action. If not, I encourage you to stop and read this verse below. Think about what Jesus is saying and how it applies to you. Evangelism may not be your first love, but maybe you need to pray for a heart change.
We must do the works of Him who sent Me while it is day. Night is coming when no one can work.
John 9:4
Are you already engaged in evangelism?
Do you treat your workplace the same as other locations?
Do you need to rethink your position on evangelism?