Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes – Free Give Away!

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Tim Tebow

Another Free Book Give Away?

You read that right! I am offering a free copy of Tim Tebow’s book, Through My Eyes!

How Do You Win?

If you scroll down just a bit you will see the Rafflecopter entry form which outlines a bunch of ways to enter the Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes giveaway. Just complete as many as you would like to be entered to win!

Why Am I Doing This?

I started this blog in an effort to spread the message of integrating the Christian faith into our businesses. I want to see more Christian business owners and leaders begin looking at their businesses from an eternal perspective and running them as platforms for Christian ministry.

While I know my posts are written toward this effort, I thought I would try to step it up a notch for 2013. My plan is to give away one book a month for the entire year! All I am asking from you is to follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. As you enter, you will be helping me to spread the word about this blog at the same time. We both win!

This Month’s Book- Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes

Former University of Florida star quarterback, 2010 first-round draft pick for the Denver Broncos, and devout Christian Tim Tebow tells the story of his faith, his life, and his career in football in Through My Eyes. Written with Nathan Whitaker, the New York Times bestselling coauthor of Quiet Strength, with Tony Dungy, Through My Eyes gives fans a first look into the heart of an athlete whose talent and devotion have made him one of the most provocative figures in football.

Enter The Give Away

Follow the instructions below to enter the Tim Tebow: Through My Eyes contest and then spread the word to others! The contest ends at midnight on Tuesday, April 30th and the winner will be announced on Wednesday, May 1st.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Do You Love Jesus More Than Your Business?

I can remember a handful of truly exceptional days in my career that still stick in my mind. I can still remember where I was, what had happened, and how I felt. I guess it was the rush that came along with winning at something. Have you had some of these days? Do the feelings you associate with these days compare to how much you love Jesus?

love Jesus

Is There A Connection?

You may be thinking that my last question came out of left field. Maybe you see no real connection between our exceptional days and our love for Jesus. Maybe you are right and there is not. However, I would like for you to read further and then let me know what you think.

On my exceptional days in our business, either we sold a huge number of cars or hit a stretch goal. In one case, we beat a much stronger competitor that we had been chasing for a while. In each case, I felt like I was on top of the world. Maybe you can relate to similar days in your business. Or maybe you are still looking to experience those days. Either way, read on!

Peter And Jesus

In my last two posts, we have looked first at Peter’s denial of Jesus on the night before His crucifixion. We then skipped forward to the moment when Jesus was restoring Peter on the beach over a breakfast fire. This was when Jesus asked Peter a very simple question:

Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?

What Did He Mean?

While this appears to be a fairly simple question, I can think of at least three different possible meanings intended by Jesus. While there is no way for us to know exactly what Jesus meant with His question, I feel we could learn from taking a look at three possibilities.

The first possibility that came to mind was that Jesus was asking Peter, “Do you love Me more than you love these disciples?” We dealt with what we could learn from this question in my first post. In the next post, we discussed what could be learned from the second possibility, “Do you love me more than these disciples love me?”

Love For Fish!

Today, I want us to take a look at a third possible meaning of Jesus’ question to Peter. This is how I imagined He could have worded the question to clarify this possible meaning:

Do you love Me more than you love these fish?

Now before you laugh and think I am being ridiculous, think about it. Peter had given up fishing to follow Jesus over three years earlier. Most likely, he had been good at it, too.

Then, the crucifixion happened and Peter had lost all hope. Of course, Jesus soon appeared and restored that hope. But think about the roller coaster Peter had been on. Think about the emotional highs and lows he had experienced.

Return To Fishing?

Very possibly, his decision to go fishing (John 21:3) was an effort to restore some predictability and stability to his life. He was, at least temporarily, going back to what he knew! Haven’t you and I done the same thing before?

So, while the night produced nothing in the way of fish, the morning had just produced a catch that was too big to haul in. For Peter, this had to register as one exceptional day of fishing. It is very possible that this huge catch had brought back some of the feelings that he loved about fishing.

Does Peter Love Jesus More?

Now, let’s go back to the campfire. They have just finished eating some of these fish and Jesus is beginning the conversation with Peter that will restore their relationship. Jesus is also about to cast His vision for Peter’s future. He wants to make sure Peter is “all in!

Can you now see how Jesus could be asking this question while gesturing to the net full of fish? Can you see how Jesus could actually be asking Peter if he was prepared to quit chasing the rush he got from the huge catch in order to carry out the mission Jesus had for him? Can you see Jesus asking you the same question?

Worldly Success

Folks, our careers and businesses are full of opportunities for us to chase the same rush. The world we live in makes it so tempting to chase its version of success and the rewards that come with it. We are barraged by this temptation on a daily basis and sometimes criticized, pressured, or even mocked if we push back.

We are not in an easy position!

At the same time, we simply must push back! We must fight the temptation to follow the path laid out by the world. We must instead continue to remember our first love and chase Him instead! Our every fiber should be seek to love Jesus over the success of the world.

Success Is Not Evil

Keep in mind, I am NOT saying that we are to run our businesses in such a way that we are not successful – even by the worlds standards. Success by itself is not evil. In fact, we are to run our businesses so that they are shining examples of how God’s way is the right way. This will, in most cases, result in profitability and success – even according to the world.

The difference is that this success is not to be our goal. Carrying out the call that Jesus has given each of us is to be our goal. Our goal should be striving to work out our faith, through our businesses, so that we will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:14-30). If success comes with it, that is great! Give the glory to God and leverage the success for eternal impact.

Difficult, But Rewarding!

I know this is not easy. It was never promised to be. But it will be rewarding. It will be worthwhile. That HAS been promised!

In this world you will have trouble!
– John 16:33

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
– 2 Corinthians 4:17

By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
– 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Have you ever loved your business more than you love Jesus?

Do you see how it can happen?

How do you continue to remember your first love?

Do You Love Jesus More Than They Do?

Why is it that we so often judge others by their actions, but we judge ourselves by our intentions? Are you aware that you do that? I know I do. In fact, it is easy for all of us to look around in the business world, in the community, or even in the church, and determine that we love Jesus more than the vast majority loves Him.

love Jesus

Simple Question From Jesus?

In my last post, we started by looking at Peter’s denial of Jesus on the night before His crucifixion (John 18:15-27). We then skipped forward to the moment when Jesus was restoring Peter on the beach over a breakfast fire (John 21:15-17). This was when Jesus asked Peter a very simple question:

Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?

What Did Jesus Mean?

As I look at this apparently simple question, I think of at least three different possible meanings intended by Jesus. While I conceded that we cannot know with certainty what Jesus meant with His question, I still think there is much we can learn from taking a look at these three possibilities.

The first possibility that comes to mind is that Jesus was asking Peter, “Do you love Me more than you love these disciples?” We dealt with what we could learn from this question in my last post.

Another Possibility

Today, I want to dig a little deeper into a second possibility. Imagine, for clarity, that Jesus worded His question in this way:

Do you love Me more than these disciples love Me?

As I stated in my opening paragraph, it is too easy for us to look around and determine that we love Jesus more than any of those around us do. Most of us will acknowledge that our actions do not always reflect our deep love for Jesus, but it is there nonetheless.

Do They Love Jesus As Much?

When we look at the actions of others however, we cannot imagine that they really love Jesus in their hearts. If they love Jesus as much as we do, there is no way they would do what they do, right?

I know there are many who are reading this post right now (author included!) that have looked at other Christians that are business owners and leaders and we have wondered why they are not living out their faith as we do. We judge their business practices and question their motives. We smugly think that we just love Jesus more than they do!

Two Major Problems!

Unfortunately, there are two major problems with this logic. First, we do not know their hearts or their intentions. Without this knowledge, there is no way we can rightly judge how much they love Jesus!

The second problem, and maybe the biggest of all, is that we have no right to compare our love of Jesus with theirs in the first place! We are ALL sinners that deserve to die. On our own, we are sentenced to death for our thoughts and actions. There is no hope for ANY of us…except through Jesus.

What Does Scripture Say?

For an example from Scripture, let’s take a look at the following passage from Luke 18:9-14.

He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and looked down on everyone else: “Two men went up to the temple complex to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee took his stand and was praying like this: ‘God, I thank You that I’m not like other people —greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of everything I get.’

“But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest and saying, ‘God, turn Your wrath from me—a sinner!’ I tell you, this one went down to his house justified rather than the other; because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

I am not sure there is anything I can add to that example that would further clarify the danger in comparing our love for Jesus to that of others. Whether this is an issue Jesus was addressing in Peter or not, we can certainly learn from it!

Have you ever been guilty of comparing how much you love Jesus to others?

What are your feelings right now?

What do you think needs to change?

Do You Love Jesus More Than These?

As I look back on Easter and the events surrounding the resurrection, I cannot help but also think about Peter’s denial of Jesus. Though he is clearly a leader that we would do well to emulate, Peter really messed up this time – just like we do! In fact, we are constantly faced with opportunities to deny Jesus. I want to look at three different ways we could look at Jesus’ response to Peter and what we can learn from each about how we love Jesus.

love Jesus

Peter’s Denial of Jesus

Just in case you are not familiar with the story, Peter was following at a distance behind Jesus as He was taken to the house of the High Priest the night before He was to be crucified. Three times, Peter is asked about his relationship with Jesus. Three times, Peter denies knowing Jesus.

While there are reams of sermons about Peter’s denial, I want to look at a different part of the story. Fast forward to sometime after the resurrection and Jesus is having breakfast over a fire with Peter and the other disciples. Jesus is focused on Peter and from what we can tell, restoring their relationship.

In John 21:15, Jesus asks Peter a fairly straightforward question:

Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?

Straightforward Question?

While this appears like a straightforward question, there may be more to it than we think. Clearly, Jesus is giving Peter a chance to admit his love for Jesus. That is not hard to figure out. In fact, Jesus gives Peter this chance three times – the same number of times that Peter denied knowing Jesus.

There are many lessons we can pull from this part of the story as well. Still, I want to focus elsewhere. Instead, I want to focus on the last three words of Jesus in the question above. I want us to look at what Jesus meant by asking if Peter loved Him “more than these?”

More Than These?

What did Jesus mean when He added these three words to the end of His question? He did not include these words as He asked the question two more times. Was it a mistake? Of course not! Can we know for sure exactly what He meant? Maybe not.

But if we really think about the possible meanings Jesus intended, I think there are at least three solid lessons we can learn. As Christian business owners and leaders, we can take these three words and gain some insights into some potential pitfalls we may face regarding the way we love Jesus.

Let’s take a look at the first of these potential pitfalls today. We will cover the other two in my next two posts.

More Than You Love These Disciples?

In order to get an idea of one question Jesus could have been asking of Peter, let’s modify His question slightly.

Do you love me more than you love these disciples?

IF this indeed is what Jesus was asking Peter, what are the implications? What would this mean to us in the business world? What can we do about it?

Well, if this was truly what Jesus meant when He asked Peter the question, then the implication is that Peter had the potential to put his relationship with one or more of the disciples ahead of his relationship with Jesus. Maybe Peter had indicated this with some of his behavior at some point and Jesus was calling him out on it.

How Do We Love Jesus?

I am not sure about this problem with Peter, but I am confident it is a problem for you and me! I think we make decisions every day that place our love for and relationship with others ahead of Jesus.

Take a moment and think about it. Have you made decisions to bend the rules a little in your business or job because it would benefit you and your relationship with others? Maybe the “others” were your wife or children or even other employees or coworkers. Have you ever made these kinds of decisions even though you knew it was not exactly what you “should” do?

Have you ever chosen, or even allowed yourself, to spend time with someone else instead of keeping your commitment to time with Jesus? Maybe it is simpler to ask it this way. Do your relationships with others come between you and Jesus?

I Am Guilty!

If you are anything like me, you have to answer “yes” to some or all of these questions. If you are like me, it is also true that these decisions seem to slip under your radar. There is not always a sharp nudge from your conscience when this happens.

I guess this is because we tend to put our sins on a scale, assigning differing values to each. Some sins (especially when we see it in others!) are considered more dangerous. Some (those we detect in our own lives!) are less serious. Because no one is visibly hurt when we choose another relationship over Jesus, I guess we just tend to minimize this.

Love Jesus First!

Unfortunately, I do not think Jesus sees it this way. A quick glance at a couple of Scriptures confirms this (Luke 14:26, Matthew 8:18-22, Revelation 2:4). Quite simply, Jesus expects to be our first love. We are to put all other relationships aside when it comes to Him. He gave it all for us and expects us to fully commit to Him.

I encourage you to search your heart (and your business) to find what relationships you are putting ahead of Jesus. Pray for Him to show you where He should be first. Be open to hear and willing to change. I promise, He will answer you.

Do you see any relationships in your life that come between you and Jesus?

Do you love others more than you love Jesus?

Are you praying for clarity in this situation?

The Number One Problem With Accountability!

“If you really loved me, you would already know what I expect!” Have you ever heard that? I am assuming there are a few men out there chuckling right now. If you are a woman, I am sorry, but we DON’T know what you expect! We do love you, but we need your expectations spelled out clearly if you want there to be any accountability.


Same With Employees

Hopefully, you can handle this example without getting offended by thinking I am really talking about marriage relationships. While this is certainly a well-known example of what most men think is unfair, we can be guilty of doing the very same thing to our employees on a regular basis! In fact, this issue can be the number one problem with accountability.

Think I am wrong? Then answer this question.

Have you communicated clear, written expectations for each of your employees and the jobs they perform?


If your answer is “No” or “Somewhat” or “I am not sure” and yet you are still attempting to hold them accountable to doing a good job, then you are guilty. You are just as guilty as the example above in wanting accountability without communicating clear expectations.

It is impossible to have true accountability without first communicating clear expectations. Accountability is not possible because neither party is clear on what was expected in the first place. Without the communication of clear expectations, chaos ensues!

Jesus’ Expectations

Before I discuss a recent example of a renewed accountability in our company, let’s look at what Jesus did with the 12 disciples. If you will read Matthew 10:5-15, you will see that Jesus has gathered his disciples and is sending them out to do ministry.

Notice the detail He uses when telling the disciples what He wanted them to do. Jesus did not send them out without telling them exactly what He expected.

He told them exactly where to go and where not to go. He told them who to talk to and what they were to say. He was clear about what they were to do and what they were supposed to take with them on the journey.

Accountability with Jesus

In Luke’s account, we see that the disciples returned to Jesus after their journey and reported to Him all they had done. Here is the accountability. We have to assume Jesus coached them on what went well and what did not, but we already know his expectations were clear.


Before you think I have this issue completely under control myself, I will confess. In our business, there are quite a few numbers, ratios, and formulas for measuring success in all job levels. We are not short on metrics.

Unfortunately, we ARE short on accountability. We are just not very good at this part of the job and we pay a price for this every day. Fortunately, we have finally had enough and we are determined to correct the problem.

Correcting The Problem

Just the other day, the managers from one segment of our operations met together and worked through all of the most important metrics for a specific job position. While they started out with 15+ important metrics, they were able to boil them all down to the Top Five.

With five primary metrics that encompass roughly 75-80% of the activities of this specific job, we can now start to build in some accountability. Because these five measurements are clear and straightforward, each employee in this job will be able to know at any given time whether they are doing a good job or not.

Common Sense?

As you read this, you may be thinking that common sense should tell you when you are doing a good job or not. It should be really clear to everyone without having to go to such lengths.

Well, maybe that is true for your job, but I have found otherwise in my experience. I have seen people react with shock when their performance was rated at below acceptable levels. I have seen people rationalize that consideration should be given to other activities (most of which fell outside of their job description) in order to raise their performance review scores.

Ask Around

We like to think that everyone knows exactly what they should be doing, but the truth is they often do not. In fact, if you compare your expectations with theirs, you may be surprised at just how far apart they are!

I encourage you to poll those people in your company or on your team and ask them if they are clear on your expectations. If you get anything other than what you think their answer should be, determine that you will correct it immediately. Don’t blame them. Accept the feedback as constructive and take the necessary actions to correct the problem!

How would you rate your communication of clear expectations?

Do you feel you have strong accountability with your team?

If not, where are you going to start?

Do You Understand God’s Training?

I am not asking much. I simply want to know what God is doing in my life to prepare me for whatever is down the road. I don’t need to know everything, but I would like for Him to explain His purposes for the frustration I often experience. If He would just explain His training plan to me, then I think I would be able to handle it better!


True For You?

Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever just wished God would explain your suffering (or training) and how it will play into His plans for you in the future?

If so, you are not alone. In fact, I would imagine that all of us have felt this way at one time or another. It is human nature to want to understand. Not only do we think it would help us to do better in the training itself, we also want to see that there is a higher purpose for the training.

Example From The Karate Kid

If you ever watched the movie The Karate Kid (the original or the remake!), then you have seen this dynamic illustrated. If you have never seen the movie, then I recommend you watch it.

In the movie, an older karate expert (Mr. Myagi), agrees to teach a teenager (Daniel) about karate for the sake of defending himself. Rather than take Daniel into a karate studio for training as expected, Mr. Myagi begins giving him various chores to complete around his house.

Included in these chores are sanding the floor, waxing his cars, painting the house, and painting the fence. Each chore is exhausting and takes several days to complete. The further along Daniel goes in doing these “chores”, the more frustrated he gets until he finally blows up at Mr. Myagi.

Training Revealed

It is at this point that Mr. Myagi shows all that Daniel has been learning about karate while doing the chores. Daniel’s training had been going on all along, but he was unaware of it. Not only did he do a good job of overhauling Mr. Myagi’s home, he also gained invaluable training in the basics of karate.

Same For Our Lives

Folks, it works the same way in our lives – whether in business, at church, or with family. God is training us for the future. In Romans 8:29, Paul describes it as conforming us to the likeness of Christ. In Jeremiah 18:1-6, this training is compared to a potter and his clay. In Malachi 3:1-4, it is described as a refining and purifying of silver.

In each case, this training we will endure can be very painful and difficult. We will not understand it at the time and will likely push back in one way or another. We will question God. We will pray for relief and ask Him to deliver us from it. We will probably even share our frustration with our small group and ask them to pray with us.

God Understands

Fortunately, God understands. He is not frustrated by our blindness. He does not give up on us, despite our weakness. He never stops loving us, even if we shake our fist at Him for our situation.

At the same time, He does not relent. He does not stop the training just because we are not comfortable with it. He does not deliver us from the training when we beg or get angry. No, He continues.


God’s Character

Because He is good. Because He loves us. Because He has plans for us.

God would be doing harm to us if He stopped the training. He would not be looking out for our best interests if he removed us from the struggle. He would be thwarting His own future plans for us if He relented when we asked.

So what is the answer to this?

Our Part


Trust that He is good. Trust that He loves us. Trust that He has plans for us.

Simply trust God on a daily, even hourly, basis. Trust Him even when He does not reveal His plans to you. Trust Him and you will eventually see that the results of His training are worth it. Trust in His goodness, love, and vision. Then, when the training is complete, you will see the fruit of all He has done in you.

Is this easy? NO!

Don’t Forget!

No, this is something that we have to remind ourselves of over and over. It is not a once and done type of thing. It is something that you will understand this moment and forget the next. That is part of being human.

The cool part is that He has given us His Word as a reminder. If we will bury ourselves in the Bible on a daily basis, we will often come across His promises and we will get the reminder we need for that day! If we will bury His Word in our hearts, we can draw from it whenever we need it!

What training are you experiencing right now?

Have you asked God to explain?

Do you trust God’s character?

Do You Believe In The Mentor Process?

I recently had the opportunity to participate in an interview process that was unrelated to our business. During the interview with a candidate, he mentioned one of the main desires he had for the job he was seeking. This main objective was to be mentored by his more experienced boss in a one-on-one setting. He felt this was the only way he would ever grow into the person he wanted to become.

How often do you hear that in an interview?


Still Learning!

I had another experience recently where I needed some advice from an older, more experienced friend in the business. As he responded to my questions, he included some ideas he had recently learned in a seminar he had attended.

Remember that I was seeking advice from him because he is older, wiser, and much more experienced in our industry. And yet he is still being intentional about his continued learning! I was impressed!

Not Impressed?

Maybe these examples are not that impressive to you. Maybe you already understand the importance of being mentored so that you are always learning. Maybe this idea is something you have experienced many times and you are looking for something new.

Well, I think I may have something for you.

What about BEING the mentor?

As Christian business owners and leaders, I think we can all agree that continuous learning is critical to our success. There are very few, if any, solid Christian leaders that would argue against continuous learning – whether by being mentored or self-taught.

Now A Mentor?

Unfortunately, you will likely get a very different answer if you ask those same Christian leaders if they are actively mentoring someone else! Of course, you will get many excuses and reasons for the lack of activity in this area. I can even come up with a few good ones myself!

Consult Scripture

The problem is that these excuses do not hold water when compared to Scripture. Just looking at one verse in Paul’s second letter to Timothy will shoot holes in these excuses:

And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2

While that may be enough to convince you to intentionally become a mentor, let’s also take a look at the following verses:

One generation will declare Your works to the next and will proclaim Your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s will; not for the money but eagerly; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
1 Peter 5:2-3

I think you are getting the picture.

Learning Is Not Enough!

The point here is that it is NOT enough for us to be always looking for opportunities to learn more. While this is certainly something we should seek, there must be more. To follow Scripture, we must also be seeking out those who are eager to learn. We must be willing to mentor them, teaching them what we already know.

Paul taught Timothy and then told him to go teach others that would be qualified to do the same thing! We need to do this as well.

Different Formats

For some, this will mean a regular one-on-one meeting schedule with someone not as far along in their business or their walk. For others, this may mean leading a group study or teaching through a blog!

It really does not matter the format. What matters is that we are making the effort to pass on our knowledge and wisdom to those who can learn from it.

Nor does it matter if we can teach them everything they need to know! Most likely, we cannot. The good news is that we are not responsible for filling their tanks with knowledge. We are simply responsible for emptying ours!

Pray About Your Role!

I encourage you to pray this very day about who you need to mentor and how you should go about doing it. Do not put this off or it will never happen. This must be an intentional effort on your part.

If nothing else, at least begin praying that God would show you the path to being the mentor He wants you to be. I promise you He will answer if you are willing to be used!

Are you actively mentoring someone else right now?

If not, why not? What is holding you back?

Are you willing to pray about it?

6 Keys To Graceful Employee Terminations, Part 2

When running a business, there are many things you will enjoy doing! Termination of an employee is most likely NOT one of those things. While it is not enjoyable, it is sometimes necessary.

In my last post, guest poster William Higgins wrote about the pain that can be caused with a poorly handled employee termination. William gave us his first 3 Keys in that post. The following continuation of this guest post from will give you the remaining 3 great tips on how to execute terminations with grace. William is Founder and Managing Director of Mindware, Inc., a performance development, consulting, and publishing organization.


What Should You Do?

As an employer, there are numerous valid reasons for termination of an employee’s business relationship, and you cannot stop the pain the person experiences. The pain is real. The experience hurts. It’s condescending and degrading to just ask them to trust God and know it will all work out for the best. While it’s true God will work things out, that kind of observation minimizes their feelings.

You will want to be sure you coordinate with your Human Resources department to be sure you are abiding by federal and state laws. While you cannot sidestep the pain of a termination, there are things you can do to terminate with dignity, value, and grace.

Keys 4-6 For Graceful Terminations

4. Be affirming.
A termination can feel very demeaning to the individual being laid off. It’s like what they were doing wasn’t of value, like their time invested with the organization was wasted. Whatever the reason the person is being terminated, there is always something in them that can be affirmed. At one point they contributed something of value to the organization. Find that and reflect back to them the value of that contribution. Or, identify what you see as strengths they have at the present, and tell them about those.

If they’re being terminated for performance reasons, be sure to let them know their performance is not what it once was, with examples to demonstrate your point, and that they still have something to contribute to another organization. 1 Corinthians 12 is a chapter devoted to this purpose; everyone in the body of Christ has a purpose and is of value. So it is in your organization. Mirror that back to the individual being laid off.

5. Be helpful.
Provide resources to help the person move on with their life. They may feel like it’s the end of life as they know it when they hear the news, but you need to let them know they still have skills and abilities to contribute elsewhere. Be sure they understand that God has not deserted them just because they are now unemployed. When Jethro spoke to Moses in Exodus 18, he didn’t just tell him he was not being as efficient as he could be, he also provided resources in the form of counsel on how to delegate some of the responsibility to others.

Be sure the individuals impacted understand what their severance package includes; continued medical and other benefits, lump sum, continued salary period, etc. Provide all details in writing so they can refer to them later after the shock wears off. Also review work completion expectations and plans to transition their projects.

The person you are terminating requires resources to both affirm their faith and provide practical assistance in moving forward. Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search does just that. This book integrates biblical guidelines and strategies with cutting-edge techniques to give the reader a spiritual advantage in their search. Outplacement assistance with Christian career coaches is also available for individuals and groups based on this book.

Go to www.MindWarePublishing.com for more information on the book or to Contact Us regarding outplacement service.

6. Be open.
Survivors need to know what the future holds. Let them know why this action was necessary, and how it will enable the organization to move forward to achieving the goals that have been established. Let them know the resources you are providing those individuals laid-off, to help them see that you’re not dismissing people without caring for their future well-being.

When Christ was preparing for the crucifixion and to leave His disciples He let them know what was going to take place, the resources they were going to receive in the person of the Holy Spirit, and how they were to move forward. In John 14-17 we read how He helped them understand that, while things were not going to be the same with Him gone, they were going to move forward in power.

While terminations are sometimes necessary as economies shift, suppliers change, product lines are altered, and organizational objectives transition to reflect other changes, a termination does not have to be a demeaning, distasteful, and destructive experience. It can launch the impacted individual into a whole new adventure with God, but it needs to be handled sensitively, with grace, and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

As a leader you model the person of Christ in your organization. How would He handle a termination? Actually He did. Read how He handled Judas in Matthew 26:20-25 and you’ll see He practiced what we’ve been discussing.

You can too.

I would love to hear what you think about this approach to handling employee terminations.

What do you think was the best tip of the six?

What struggles have you had in termination of employees?

Did you learn something here that will help in the future?

6 Keys to Graceful Employee Terminations

When running a business, there are many things you will enjoy doing! Termination of an employee is most likely NOT one of those things. While it is not enjoyable, it is sometimes necessary.

The following two-part guest post from William Higgins will give you some great tips on how to execute terminations with grace. William is Founder and Managing Director of Mindware, Inc., a performance development, consulting, and publishing organization.



When it’s time for the termination of one or a number of employee’s relationships with the organization, it will almost always be painful, but it can be done with grace.

    The call on Monday came unexpectedly on my office phone, “I have some bad news,” the caller said after identifying themselves, “Friday will be your last day as an employee here.”

    The emotional blow from that pronouncement was like a heavyweight boxing champ giving me a roundhouse punch to the stomach. My knees were wobbly as if I had just finished running a marathon, and the stress induced noise in my head was like I was standing inside a skyscraper that had been brought to dust and debris from an implosion.

Such are the feelings, thoughts, and emotions of one just terminated.

No More Information?

There was no announcement to the team to let them know what had taken place. Nothing was said thanking the individual for their contribution, or informing co-workers of what lay ahead. It was just he was there one day and gone the next.

Can you imagine the blow to the individual, the drag this action had on morale, the fear in the minds of other team members as they asked themselves, “Am I next?”

What Should You Do?

As an employer, there are numerous valid reasons for termination of an employee’s business relationship, and you cannot stop the pain the person experiences. The pain is real. The experience hurts. It’s condescending and degrading to just ask them to trust God and know it will all work out for the best. While it’s true God will work things out, that kind of observation minimizes their feelings.

You will want to be sure you coordinate with your Human Resources department to be sure you are abiding by federal and state laws. While you cannot sidestep the pain of a termination, there are things you can do to terminate with dignity, value, and grace.

6 Keys To Graceful Termination

These 6 biblical keys will help integrate grace into the difficult termination process:

1. Be personal.
If at all possible meet with the person face-to-face. It’s terribly impersonal to receive this news over the phone, and it’s easy to feel like the person delivering the news took easy way out. If the person resides in another city, telephoning may be the only way, but it must be a second choice. In Matthew 18 Jesus instructs us to meet with a brother that has sinned against you in person. While the situation is different, the principle is the same.

2. Be honest.
There was a problem with the way some believers in the New Testament were welcoming those not walking in truth. John wrote to “the chosen lady” in 2 John to warn her of this. He was kind, gentle, and affirming, but he also spoke the truth. Don’t mince words with the terminated individual. Let them know the decision has been made and the reasons; performance issues, budget containment, or other valid resons. This approach will ensure they’re not confused or think there is still a way to salvage their position.

Don’t apologize. Don’t tell them everything will be okay. Don’t tell them they won’t have any trouble finding a new job. Don’t tell them they’ll feel better after they sleep on it. Don’t tell them how badly you feel about the decision. All of these can be viewed as condescending, even if said sincerely, since you still have a job. Assure them God is still at work, and He’s not finished with them yet.

3. Be gentle.
Paul discusses this principle in Galatians 6 in the context of a believer caught in sin, but the same principle applies here as well. In verse 1 of Galatians 6 Paul says to restore the person “gently.” The word gently in the original has in mind the care and compassion of a doctor firmly but tenderly setting a broken bone. You need to be firm, but you also need to be gentle. Don’t rush roughshod over the person. Inform them of the decision, but be willing to listen to their pain, to their frustration, to their anxiety without feeling the need to change the decision, or have an outplacement coach that will do this on your behalf.

**** Check out the next post for the remaining 3 keys! ****

What are your thoughts on graceful termination so far?

Do you see the benefits to the first 3 keys?

What issues do you anticipate so far?

Gifted Hands – Free Book Give Away!!!

[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgccenter” font=”georgia” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-7em”]Free Book Give Away!!![/title]

gifted hands

Another Free Book Give Away?

You read that right! I am offering a free copy of Dr. Ben Carson’s autobiography, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story! If you have not read this book, you are in for a treat! I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Carson speak at a Chick-Fil-A Leadercast a couple of years ago. His story is incredible! You will not be sorry you took the time to read this.

How Do You Win?

If you scroll down just a bit you will see the Rafflecopter entry form which outlines a bunch of ways to enter the Gifted Hands giveaway. Just complete as many as you would like to be entered to win!

Why Am I Doing This?

I started this blog in an effort to spread the message of integrating the Christian faith into our businesses. I want to see more Christian business owners and leaders begin looking at their businesses from an eternal perspective and running them as platforms for Christian ministry.

While I know my posts are written toward this effort, I thought I would try to step it up a notch for 2013. My plan is to give away one book a month for the entire year! All I am asking from you is to follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. As you enter, you will be helping me to spread the word about this blog at the same time. We both win!

This Month’s Book- Gifted Hands: The Story Of Ben Carson

In 1987, Dr. Benjamin Carson gained worldwide recognition for his part in the first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head. The extremely complex and delicate operation, five months in the planning and twenty-two hours in the execution, involved a surgical plan that Carson helped initiate.

But such breakthroughs aren’t unusual for Ben Carson. He’s been beating the odds since he was a child. Raised in inner-city Detroit by a mother with a third grade education, Ben lacked motivation. He had terrible grades. And a pathological temper threatened to put him in jail.

But Sonya Carson convinced her son that he could make something of his life, even though everything around him said otherwise. Trust in God, a relentless belief in his own capabilities, and sheer determination catapulted Ben from failing grades to the top of his class — and beyond to a Yale scholarship . . . the University of Michigan Medical School . . . and finally, at age 33, the directorship of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.

Gifted Hands is the riveting story of one man’s secret for success, tested against daunting odds and driven by an incredible mindset that dares to take risks. This inspiring autobiography takes you into the operating room to witness surgeries that made headlines around the world — and into the private mind of a compassionate, God-fearing physician who lives to help others. Through it all shines a humility, quick wit, and down-to-earth style that make this book one you won’t easily forget.

Enter The Give Away

Follow the instructions below to enter the Gifted Hands contest and then spread the word to others! The contest ends at midnight on Sunday, March 31st and the winner will be announced on Monday, April 1st.

a Rafflecopter giveaway