Are You Living (Or Just Loving) The Story?

livingI love what I do! I love to tell others about what I do!

I get to go to work every day and use my business to try to impact people all around me for eternity! I have the privilege and opportunity to mentor and teach what I believe is Truth to everyone who works in our company. I get to work with people of like mind and overcome the challenges inherent in running a business from a Christian perspective! I really do love what I do, but I have a problem.


Before I disclose the problem, let me tell you how I discovered it. At the Catalyst conference in October, I had the surprise of hearing a potent message from someone that I had never heard of before. The speaker’s name was Eugene Cho, pastor of Quest Church in Seattle, WA and founder of an incredible organization called One Day’s Wages. You really need to take a look at what this organization does!

The message that Cho gave was very simple, but extremely powerful! He talked about how our nation is one of abundant resources. Our families are extremely wealthy in relation to the rest of the world. We have basic amenities that the rest of the world considers luxuries. We have an incredible capacity for ideas and creativity. The problem he sees with all of this is that we are in danger of being more in love with the ideas than with the actions that should result from them!

Did you catch that last statement? Take another look!

…we are in danger of being more in love with the ideas than with the actions that should result from them!

Telling vs. Living

livingLet’s take a closer look at what this means. How is this evident in our daily lives? For an example, think about how social media has exploded with people telling stories to everyone that will listen. Every day, people talk and talk about what is going on around them – sharing the stories with their friends and coworkers. We all love a good story, whether we are telling it or hearing it! The problem, as Cho put it, is that too many are busy telling the good story and not enough people are living a good story!

Look at this picture of an actual sign that reflects this very problem!

I Am Guilty

So, what does this have to do with my problem? I think I have the very problem that Cho described. While I may not have a terminal case of it, I can certainly see symptoms of it in my life. Too often, I enjoy telling the story about what I am doing in trying to integrate my faith into our business. Too often, I like to learn about new ways to run our business according to our Christian faith. Too often, I am in love with the story of a Christian business. The problem is that too often, I am not taking enough action to make it happen!

As a result of this message from Eugene Cho, I am committing to:

    (1) Quit just telling the story
    (2) Quit just loving the story
    (3) Make more effort to be actually living the story!

In my life and in our company, I am going to make more of an effort to address the gaps between ideas and actions! I am going to close these gaps and take more action. I will continue to tell this story on this blog, but I will be making more of an effort to describe actions rather than just ideas. I hope this makes sense to you. If so, I encourage you to do the same.

What are the gaps between your ideas and actions?

Are you comfortable with them?

What are you going to do about it?

(Originally posted 11/02/11)

Step Three In Developing An Inner Circle

inner circleThis is the fifth post in a series on developing your own inner circle of leadership in your business. We are on step three of Dave Anderson’s three-step process from his book, How to Run Your Business by The Book. The first steps in developing your inner circle dealt with choosing, investing, and empowering them. In this post, we will discuss holding them accountable for results.

Higher Expectations

While it is common business sense to hold individuals accountable for results on a day-to-day, project-by-project basis, this concept goes even further with your inner circle. If you, as the business owner or leader, are going to carefully select, invest in, and empower a few of the higher-potential members of your team, then you are certainly going to expect a higher degree of “fruit-bearing” from them.

Jesus’ Example

Your goal should be multiplication of impact through your inner circle, just as it was Jesus’ goal with His disciples. Jesus did not expect His disciples to just go around winning people one at a time. He taught them to multiply themselves. That is why they delegated the feeding of the widows to the deacons in Acts 6:1-7.

This idea is also illustrated in the story of Jesus’ encounter with the fig tree in Matthew 21:18. Most people notice that it says Jesus was hungry and was therefore upset at the fig tree with no fruit to eat. But have you ever thought of the other God-given purpose of the fig’s fruit? The fruit of the tree is where the seeds are – its God-given system of multiplication! Could it be that Jesus was more upset about this than His hunger? What are the possible parallels here?

The fig tree was accountable to Jesus for fruit. As a result of its lack of fruit, Jesus cursed the tree and it died.

The lesson of the vine (John 15:1-8) is another example of Jesus holding us accountable for our fruit when He said the branches not producing fruit would be thrown in the fire. While I do not recommend this exact punishment to be inflicted on members of your inner circle, it certainly shows us a clear example of accountability!

Your Inner Circle

So how do we apply this to your inner circle? I think there are several things to consider in holding your inner circle accountable.

    1. Where did they start? If you began with really green members of your inner circle then your expectations are going to be different than if you started with tenured and experienced leaders. You need to refer back to Part 1 of this series when I told you to look at where your group is right now and determine the gap.
    2. The key is progress. Regardless of where you started with your group, are they making progress? Are they growing as a result of the development efforts you are making? Look at them both as a group and as individuals. Are they moving forward together? Is any one individual holding up the progress of the group?
    3. Address shortfalls. If there are shortfalls in their progress – either as a group or as individuals – you must address it. Find out what obstacles are in their way and remove them. Help them see the gap between your expectations and where they are. Then help them close that gap.
    4. Cut the fruitless branches. In the event you chose poorly or if outside influences have taken one of the members of your inner circle off course, you are to try to correct that. But if your efforts to do this have been ineffective and the gap remains, then you must act. It is better for you, the team, and the company as a whole, to cut this member from your inner circle than to continue trying in vain to bring them along. While this is certainly a decision that requires prayer and a lot of thought, it must be made.

Are you holding your inner circle accountable?

If so, are you pleased with their progress (and yours)?

If not, what are you missing? What do you need to do next?

(Originally posted 10/21/11)

Step Two In Developing An Inner Circle

This is the fourth post in a series about developing your own inner circle of leadership in your company. I am following the three-step process outlined in Dave Anderson’s How to Run Your Business by The Book. In my last post, we discussed how to identify your inner circle and how to intentionally invest in their development. Now we will turn our attention to the next step in the process – Give up power to go up higher!

inner circle

You Cannot Do It Alone

If you have been in business for long, you already know that you cannot do it all alone! If you want to grow and expand your business (and the eternal impact that comes as a result), then you must learn to get more done through others rather than doing it all yourself.

Giving up control is tough for most business owners and leaders – even when it is a simple task. So asking them to give up real power and authority to anyone else is almost incomprehensible! Unfortunately, this very issue causes many entrepreneurs to fail (worst case) or stunts their growth (best case).

Give Up Power To Your Inner Circle

If we are going to avoid this issue, we must learn to give up power in order to grow. In the context of our inner circle of leadership, this is going to require us to give up more than just day-to-day tasks to them. We must be able to let go of some of the more executive tasks as well.

Of course, this is not a step to be taken lightly. Nor is it a step that should be taken quickly. We must slowly and methodically grow into this or we could run into serious trouble.

Examples From The Bible

Let’s take a look at a couple of examples of giving up power from the Bible. First, consider Acts 6:1-7. The early church ran into a situation where there was too much for the twelve disciples to do alone so they were forced to delegate some of the daily tasks to others.

Note verse 7 in particular – “So the preaching about God flourished, the number of the disciples in Jerusalem multiplied greatly, and a large group of priests became obedient to the faith.” As a result of their wise delegation, the church saw tremendous growth!

What about Jesus’ actions in Luke 10:1-12? Here He sent out 70 disciples and gave them power over demons and power to heal the sick. He gave them clear instructions about what He wanted done and how He wanted it done. What was their response when they returned to Jesus in verse 17? “They returned with joy!” What about Jesus’ response in verse 21? “In that same hour, He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit…” It looks to me like it was a success!

Practical Tips

What can we learn from Jesus’ example here? Here are some practical tips we can pick up from this passage.

    1. Give clear instructions and expectations – Jesus was very specific in His instructions to the disciples. When delegating to your inner circle, don’t expect them to know what you are thinking. Make clear your vision of the process and the expected results. This will help you to avoid many problems!
    2. Have them report back – Jesus did not just send them out and hope they did what He asked. He had them report back to Him with their results. We don’t know if there was a specific time frame for this reporting back, but that certainly would be helpful if it makes sense. This puts urgency in the process.
    3. Coach them upon their return – Jesus was clearly pleased with their results (v.21), but He also took the opportunity to coach them in verses 18-20. This is critical for their development and future growth.
    4. Celebrate success and build them up – As we see from verses 21, Jesus was excited about their progress. He praised God and “rejoiced in the Holy Spirit” when they returned. He also took an extra moment to build them up and strengthen their confidence in verses 22-23. Don’t miss this step if you want your inner circle to continue to grow!

What else can we learn from Jesus in developing our inner circle?

Are you willing to give up some of your power in order to grow?

What is the first step for you to take?

(Originally posted 10/20/11)

Step One In Developing An Inner Circle

In my last two posts, I described why you need to develop an inner circle of leadership. We looked at several compelling reasons you need an inner circle, including the example that Jesus set for us. I also identified and answered several common objections to this idea. Now that you are convinced that you simply must have an inner circle, let’s take at look at how you do it!

inner circle

In this, and the next two posts, I am going to break this process into three simple steps using material from Dave Anderson’s book, How To Run Your Business By The Book.

The first step in developing your inner circle is to:

1. Identify and invest more into those with the highest upward potential

Identify Your Inner Circle

Let’s start with identifying the people with the highest upward potential. So, exactly how do you go about doing this? Well, first and foremost, I would pray about it. I would pray for wisdom and discernment as I reviewed my employees for prospects. Ask for Him to reveal qualities and characteristics that you may not already be aware of. Pray for patience as well. Jesus prayed all night!

Next I would look at your current leadership structure. The easiest people to choose are already in your key leadership positions. Hopefully, assuming you have these positions, the people you have here are trustworthy and have the potential you are seeking. Mutual trust is mandatory.

For me, it was fairly clear because I had been fortunate enough to have people in my key management positions that fit this role perfectly. Not only did they have the highest potential, but they also shared the same values and beliefs and were quickly bought in to the mission as I presented it.

Your situation may not be the same. If not, you may have to spend more time on this step. You also may see that you are not positioned well with your key people. While that is likely not something you can change quickly, it is certainly something you need to address over time.

Here are three keys to choosing these people:

    Ready – The people you choose must be ready to take on the additional learning and responsibility. Regardless of where they are now in their leadership growth process, they cannot be immature, unstable, or short-sighted. They need to be ready to take on the challenge you will place in front of them.
    Willing – Another requirement is that they must be willing, even eager to join this group. You do not want someone that you are constantly having to sell on the idea! They need to see the opportunity you are presenting and value it.
    Able – The actual level of each members’ ability to take this on depends on the general ability level of the group. While every member of the group does not necessarily have to be on equal ground with all of the others, they need to be close. If you have one potential member that trails the others by a significant amount, you may want to consider another path for them. Otherwise, they will likely hold back the progress of the group.

One note, it is my opinion that you may need to start with only one individual that IS the right fit rather than trying to force two or three others that are NOT a good fit. Think quality over quantity! Personally, I have a total of five. I am not sure there is a magic number, but I would not have many more than this. Intimacy is also important for this group.

Invest In Your Inner Circle

This step will be different for each leader, depending on the level of the members of the inner circle. Depending on your industry or your company’s mission, you may already have a ready-made path for leadership development. If not, you may have to create your own. The key here is to be intentional about their development.

Here are some simple steps to consider:

    Determine the gap – Look at where they are as a group right now. Look at where you see them in x number of years after you have invested in their development. Now try to plot out a path to close that gap!
    Gather material – Choose material that will reinforce your mission while moving them down the path you have chosen. Make sure it is not too far above or below their ability to absorb. Obviously, the internet is an almost infinite source of material! Consider joining a C12 group as one source!
    Schedule time alone with them – Jesus spent time with the crowds, but He also carved out time just for His twelve. He then carved out other time for the three. You have to do the same.
    Monitor your progress – Take time along the way to stop and check your progress. Document what you are doing. This will give you a sense of how far you have come as a group.
    Celebrate growth – Take time to celebrate your progress! While there is a lot of work to be done in this process, you need to enjoy the fruit of it as well!

Are you ready to choose your members?

What are your challenges here?

What is your next action step?

(Originally posted 10/19/11)

Some Common Objections To Developing An Inner Circle

In my last post, I told you why you need to develop an inner circle of leadership in your company. If you have not read that post, stop now and go back and do so. You really need to be committed to doing this if it is going to be effective.

Now that you know why you SHOULD develop an inner circle of leadership around you, let’s address some common objections to doing so.

inner circle

It Is Not Fair!

One of the first objections that arises at this point is, “But it is not fair to everyone!” The idea here is that those you choose for this inner circle will have unfair advantages and opportunities over the rest of your group. Folks, as Andy Stanley put it in his session at Catalyst recently, “Fair ended in the Garden of Eden!”

It is not your responsibility to give everyone in your organization equal and fair opportunities with your time and energy. Jesus did not pass around a sign-up list to those in the crowd, giving everyone an opportunity to be in His small group of twelve disciples. Nor did He give those twelve equal opportunity to be in His inner circle of three.

Instead, it appears that each time He intentionally chose those with more potential than the rest. Just like the master in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), you should give of your time and energy “to each according to his ability.”

I Don’t Have Anyone Qualified For An Inner Circle

What if you feel you really do not have anyone qualified to be in your inner circle? Well, there are several ways I could answer this.

First I will assume you have enough people from which to choose, but you do not see any clear stand-outs. In this case, remember you are looking for those with the most upward potential. You may have to start very small and do a lot of developing. You may have your standards too high or you may need to relook at your hiring process! Regardless, it will be worth it.

What if you truly do not have anyone with even a remote hint of potential for this type of group? What if you are such a small company that an inner circle would have to include all of your employees to be considered a group? In these cases, I would advise two things. First, find someone else to mentor you and help you develop as you grow your organization. Second, keep this inner circle in mind as you hire. Do not hire people that could not eventually be considered for this opportunity.

But I Am Not An Expert!

Another argument may be that you do not yet feel like an expert yourself. You do not feel worthy or qualified to gather an inner circle around you for furthering their development. Good point. You are not. Unfortunately, you will never be qualified! If you wait until you are, it will never happen!

To again quote Andy Stanley, he said “It is not your responsibility to ‘fill their cup’, only to empty yours!” You are not an expert, and as long as you keep learning, you never will be! But you do not have to know everything there is to know about your job or role in order to teach them what you do know. Empty your “cup” of all you know – that is your only responsibility here.

Lack of Time

You may object to developing an inner circle by saying you do not have the time to pour into them. This could be a legitimate short-term argument because some leaders truly do not have the time right now to spare for something like this. However this argument virtually ignores the long term necessity and benefits of doing so.

Instead of accepting your current situation, you need to take immediate action to work towards creating this time in your schedule through delegation and elimination of less-critical tasks. By replacing these less-critical tasks with leadership development of an inner circle, you will actually free up more time in the long run than you can imagine!

Do you already have an inner circle? Is it working?

If not, are you now convinced to start working on it?

What is your next action step? Have you prayed about it?

(Originally posted 10/18/11)

Why You Need Inner Circle Accountability!

(Originally posted on 10/17/11) – On two separate occasions during a recent 24-hour period, I had two members of my inner circle of leadership hold me personally accountable on mission-related issues. In both cases, they were “spot on” with their comments and delivered their message with perfect sincerity.

I needed the nudge in both cases, but was not exactly excited to accept their recommendations. At the same time, I knew they were right and I was glad they were comfortable telling me.

inner circle

My Thoughts

As I thought about these situations, I simply thanked God for the privilege of being able to work with people of this caliber and the mutual trust we have established. I have had an inner circle in place for over five years and continue to see benefits!

Of course, my next thought was that I really needed to share this on my blog! So as a result, I am going to give you my reasons for having an inner circle. In the next post, we will look at some common objections people bring up when discussing this topic. I am also going to dedicate the next several posts after that to laying out HOW to develop your own inner circle. I will include some recommendations for additional reading material for further help.

Jesus’ Example

So, we will begin addressing the WHY by doing my favorite thing…looking at the Bible! Let’s consider how Jesus managed His three-plus year ministry on earth. We have to assume that He knew He was operating with limited time to establish an ongoing ministry that would continue after His death (and resurrection!). We can also assume that He would have the wisdom to know the best way to make that happen, right? So how did He do it?

Choosing Twelve

Well, He started with a crowd that was following Him from place to place for various reasons. In Luke 6:12-13, we see that He spent all night praying about who to choose for his small group of twelve disciples. It does not appear that He took this task lightly! The next morning, He chose His small group of twelve disciples from among the crowd.

His Inner Circle

Next, we notice in Mark 5:37, Luke 9:28, and Mark 14:33 that he called out three of the disciples from the small group to go deeper with Him. On several occasions, we notice that He spent additional time with these three, exposing them to opportunities that the other nine did hot have.


I may be simple-minded, but I am one who believes if Jesus saw enough value in the process, then I should as well. However, in case there are some of you out there who need more convincing, I will keep going!

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of developing this inner circle.

    You will learn in the process! – As you go through the steps I will lay out for you over the next several posts, you will realize that this process will teach you as you go through it. Not only will the members of your inner circle benefit from the increased development, you will also learn as you take the time to pour into them. If you are one who does not feel you need to learn, then please stop reading and click on the little red “X” at the very top right of your screen.
    You will raise the bar for all of your leaders! – Not only will those in your inner circle become better leaders, those outside of the inner circle will respond to the higher expectations. They will work to improve their performance and potential because you have shown them this is the way to get your attention.
    You will all gain strength! – While you may think your team members are all on the same page right now, by drawing a small number of them into your inner circle, you will increase the effect of their combined focus. Just like Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.”
    You will gain accountability! – Just as I described in the introduction, we have established such a mutual trust in my inner circle that they feel comfortable enough to call me out. Whether we like it or not, we all need accountability!
    You will perpetuate your mission! – Just as Jesus did through his small group of disciples and, to a greater extent through his inner circle of three, you will exponentially increase the odds that your mission will continue long after you are gone.

Do you already have an inner circle? What benefits do you see?

If so, how could you improve it?

If not, what are you waiting for? Why not start now?

What is Marketplace Ministry?

marketplace ministry

This post about defining marketplace ministry and why it is critical is part of a series of posts that come from the material I recently used to teach a small group of Christian business owners and leaders in Chandigarh, India.

The focus of this material is also the focus of this blog – God’s call for us to run our businesses as a platform for Christian ministry. Hopefully, after reading this series, you will agree that it is God’s will that we run His businesses as stewards with an eternal perspective. You should also have a better understanding of what this looks like in today’s marketplace.

My Story

As I began teaching the group in India about exactly what marketplace ministry looks like, I thought it would be helpful to start with my own story as an example. Hopefully, through reading about my experience, you will get a better picture of what I mean when I talk about marketplace ministry or Christian business.

As the oldest of three sons, I grew up working in the family’s automobile business. I always expected to eventually take over my father’s business, along with my brothers. About 12 years ago, I was in that very role – running the family business. I was enjoying what I was doing and could easily see it being my lifelong career.

My Awakening

That is precisely when I had a spiritual awakening. Through Bible study and prayer, I began to realize that I was only giving God 1.5 days a week. I was spending the rest of my time thinking about business, profit, and family.

Convicted, I went to my father and explained that I wanted to leave the family business to pursue work that would allow me to give God more of my time in actively living out my faith.

My Desires

I sincerely wanted to bring others to know Jesus, help others in need, teach what I was learning in my Bible studies, and to generally be a great disciple of Jesus. I just felt like I could not accomplish that while giving so much time to the business. So I began praying about how God would establish me in a career that would give me the flexibility to accomplish all He had put in my heart.

His Answer!

The crazy thing? It took nearly two years, but He showed me exactly where I was to accomplish all of this…in the very family business I was trying to give up!

In a brief period of time, God showed me how all of my desires for ministry could be achieved through the business I was already running. I just had to approach this business through His eyes, not the ones I had been using.

My Decision To Stay

I went back to my father and explained my revelation. He fully supported my request to stay in the business and apply this new vision. From that point until now, I have been giving my all to running a Christian business from an eternal perspective. My goal is to accomplish all God laid on my heart, but to do it through our family business.

What IS Marketplace Ministry?

One website defined marketplace ministry as, “The directing of evangelism and other Christian activities toward the secular marketplace.” I think the simplest definition is to be a disciple and witness for Christ in and through your work or business. A similar approach is having the attitude of being a full time minister in the workplace.

In a recent post, one of my readers sent me a comment that said my description of a Christian business sounded just like a description of the daily life of a normal Christian. I told him he was right…taking your faith to work should look exactly like what you do with your faith when you are in church or trying to reach others for Jesus outside of work.

Location is the only difference.

Why Is It Critical?

Folks, there are many reasons why marketplace ministry is critical. First of all, in the secular marketplace, the majority of the people you work with are lost and need Jesus. You will interact with many who will never darken the door of a church. Because they are on their own turf in the marketplace, they are relaxed and not spiritually on guard like they would be if you forced them into a church setting.

Not only are they more comfortable, but due to your relationship with them, you can have more influence on them than your pastor can. They trust you. They feel it is his “job” to push them toward God. With you, it is different in their eyes.

So What?

My prayer is that you recognize where God has placed you in business and what He expects as a result of your efforts there. He is not going to grade you on your business success as the world does. Instead, God is looking for the eternal impact you will have as a Christian business owner or leader.

Commit right now to run your business with an eternal perspective. Commit to making an eternal impact on everyone you meet through your business dealings. Commit that you will no longer attempt to separate your business life from your spiritual life – instead acknowledging they are one and the same!

What is your view of marketplace ministry and Christian business?

Do you see the opportunity for your eternal impact in the marketplace?

Where are you on the path toward marketplace ministry?

Warning: Your Foundation May Be Defective!

Imagine you are the owner of a future hotel and condo highrise building in downtown Las Vegas – The Harmon Tower (shown below – tall blue tower on right). You have committed to investing almost $300 million in its construction and eagerly await its opening. Construction is virtually completed on the foundation and exterior of the beautiful building. The interior is moving along quickly.


Defects in Foundation

Now imagine that inspectors have told you that due to defects in the foundation, the original plan for close to 50 floors will need to be revised to include less than 30. After further investigation, it is determined that the building is not safe at all – even with the reduction in size. In fact, though nearly complete, it will most likely have to be destroyed – never to be occupied!

What Are The Consequences?

This is a true story and the legal battle is still going on in court. It is not yet clear exactly who is at fault. All that is clear is that hundreds of millions of dollars have been wasted, several companies may be bankrupted, and the Harmon Tower will likely never open.

Could this have been avoided? Was it poor foundation design or sloppy construction? Who should pay the price for the failure? Will anyone come out unscathed?

Turn The Tables?

Folks, these questions are important to ask in this particular case, but they are also appropriate to consider in our own situations. Let’s turn the tables and see how these circumstances may apply to the foundation of our Christian businesses.

First of all, I think it is clear to all of us that a strong foundation is required when building anything – especially something that we expect to stand the test of time. Why would it be any different with our efforts to integrate our Christian faith into our businesses?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a series of posts from material I had used in teaching a small group in India. This series addressed four truths on which we all must agree if we are to have a strong foundation for our Christian business. Let’s review these truths (for more detail on each truth, read the associated post via the links):

Foundation Truths

1. We must have an eternal perspective! (read post)

2. God owns everything – including us! (read post)

3. God commands us to love Him with our all! (read post)

4. God commands us to go and make disciples! (read post)

Defective Foundation?

Sticking with the building analogy, each of these four truths must be a solid part of your Christian faith foundation as you work to integrate that faith into your business.

If you leave any of these truths out of the mix – either through doubt, fear of loss, greed, complacency, or any other reason – your foundation will be defective. As a result, your eternal impact will most likely not reach the heights you may initially have in mind. It will most certainly not reach the heights God has planned for it!

Omit “Eternal Perspective”

Take any one of these truths and omit it from your Christian business foundation and see what happens. For example, leave out an eternal perspective. That can’t be too dangerous, can it?

Well, test it out. Without an eternal perspective, on what time frames will you base your every decision? Will it be 30 days? A quarter? Even a year? Why not 1,000 years? How big can your impact really be when you are only considering the immediate short-term?

In this case, short-term thinking may not cause death and harm to thousands like the collapse of a building. Or could it? If you are only thinking short term, how many potential souls could miss out on the gospel message that might otherwise hear it if you were thinking from an eternal perspective? What fulfillment will you miss due to this short-term thinking?

Omit “God Owns Everything”

What about Truth #2 – God owns everything? If you left out this truth when building your foundation, what would be the big deal?

For starters, if you do not truly believe that God owns everything, then you will fall for the lie that you DO own something. You will then likely fall for the similar lie that says you deserve comfort and luxury and should spend your hard-earned profits on yourself.

How many people in need would then miss out on the blessings God had in mind for them through your generous giving from HIS profits? What blessings will you miss by not experiencing the generous giving yourself?

You can take the other two foundation truths and apply the same questions. I think you get the idea.

Original Questions

Now go back to the original questions we asked regarding the Harmon Tower disaster. Can you see how these might apply to you and your business if your faith foundation is found defective?

Could this have been avoided? Was it poor foundation design or sloppy construction? Who should pay the price for the failure? Will anyone come out unscathed?

Think through these questions slowly and ask God to give you the answers that are specific to your situation. Go back and read each of the posts on the truths listed above. Especially read over the Scripture given in each of the posts and pray expectantly for His guidance in building the right foundation for your business.

Are all four foundation truths present in your business?

Are all of these truths rock solid and without weak areas?

If not, what is your plan for correcting the problem?

What Do Chick-Fil-A, Running Shoes, Kids Camp, and Christian Faith Have In Common?

Every once in a while, the stars align, God smiles on you, and an opportunity comes along that ties everything together that you stand for. Well, tomorrow, this very kind of event is happening for our company! For a Christian business, it is the perfect mixture of ministry, promotion, and employee engagement.

chick-fil-a ministry

Several months ago, I was approached about an amazing opportunity coming to our community. It turns out that Chick-Fil-A has agreed to bring their Camp Winshape daycamp to our town. A local church has partnered with them to do this. But there is a twist to it – one that makes this opportunity that much better!

Camp Winshape, a part of Truett Cathy’s Winshape Foundation, is described on their website as an experience that offers kids fun, adventure, lasting friendships and a closer relationship with God. At the core of their programs is a relentless pursuit of providing a camp environment that challenges campers to sharpen their character and deepen their Christian faith and relationships.

Scholarship Opportunities Added!

The local church and Chick-Fil-A had agreed that they could handle roughly 300 kids for the five-day camp. But rather than offering the 300 slots to the public in the normal fashion – first come, first served – they decided they wanted half of the slots to be filled by kids that could not afford the tuition! With the tuition at roughly $200 per child, many kids are financially unable to enjoy the benefits of this camp. Of course, that also meant someone had to come up with roughly $30,000 to fund the 150 scholarships!

At this point, the operators of the local Chick-Fil-A restaurants in our town stepped up and proposed an idea. They decided they would host a Chick-Fil-A Race Series event in our town, using the sponsorships from local businesses to help fund the scholarships for the kids’ tuition expenses. That’s where we came into the picture!

We Are Title Sponsors!

The local operators, knowing our ministry mindset, approached us about being the title sponsors for this race event. The event would include both running and walking segments so that more people could participate. Chick-Fil-A corporate hosts these races in communities all over their company footprint, so they are experienced with the details.

As sponsors, we get to be associated with Chick-Fil-A, which is the very kind of company we are striving to be! We will have XX employees acting as volunteers to help with the race day logistics. We also have more than 30 employees and family members running or walking in the various race events.

Our Benefits

Obviously, we get to market this event as well. We will have cars displayed on site. We will have attention-getting pace cars with our name all over them to lead the races as well as to bring up the rear. Our company logo is prominently featured on the posters and flyers that are posted in the four main cities that make up our selling market. Our logo will also be on every t-shirt given to volunteers and participants.

Finally, and most importantly, our entire sponsorship fee goes fully to the scholarship fund to ensure more than 50 kids get to experience the camp Chick-Fil-A has put together! All of the other race expenses are covered by Chick-Fil-A!

Like I said, this event ties together so many benefits for our company. It is truly a win-win-win event! The kids win. Our businesses win. God wins.


Overall Benefits

  • Christ-centered camp
  • Character development and leadership content
  • Underprivileged children being served
  • Employees volunteering and participating
  • Our association with a prominent Christian business (Chick-Fil-A)
  • Money donated along with physical involvement
  • Our business is featured in key markets
  • God is honored


Do you see any benefits I left off the list?

Have you had similar opportunities with your business?

What are some other win-win-win ideas you have?

3 Reasons That Silence Is Not An Option In A Christian Business

This post is the fourth in a series of posts that come from the material I recently used in a presentation I made to a small group of Christian business owners and leaders in Chandigarh, India.

The focus of this material is also the focus of this blog – God’s call for us to run our businesses as a platform for Christian ministry.

Hopefully, after reading this series of posts, you will agree that it is God’s will that we run His businesses as stewards with an eternal perspective. You should also have a better understanding of what a Christian business looks like in today’s marketplace.

Christian business

What Does The Bible Say?

Anytime we want to determine the heart of God, the first place to start is with His Word.  If He has already said it, then we are in no position to question it.

Reason #1: The Great Commission

After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, He appeared to the disciples.  Just before ascending into heaven, Jesus gave them their marching orders through what is called the Great Commission below.  I believe these are our marching orders as well.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all I have commanded you.  And I will be with you always, even to the end of the earth. – Matthew 28:19-20

We are all, as Christians, commanded to go to the nations and make disciples.  This is not a suggestion or a request.  It is a command.  This does not mean that we are all to sell our possessions and move overseas to be missionaries.  There are plenty of opportunities to make disciples right here where we are. We just have to look around.

Reason #2: Ambassadors For Christ

Let’s continue to see what Scripture has to say. Take a look at this verse from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians:

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. We plead on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God.” He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. – 2 Corinthians 5:20-21

As you likely know, ambassadors have a job that requires them to be proactive. They are to live in a foreign land, learn the culture, and represent their king or government to the foreign people. They are not to move to the foreign country and remain quiet about the desires of their king. Neither are we!

As Christian business owners and leaders, we are to live and work in this culture, but we are to recognize that this is not our home. We are to represent our King to the people of this culture. This certainly includes those in the workplace!

Reason #3: Walking As Jesus Did

Finally, I want you to look at the following verse from 1 John. I think this is just as clear as the verses above!

Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. – 1 John 2:6

I don’t think this is referring to walking in sandals. My take on this verse is that we are to walk according to the Father’s will, no matter what we are doing. I believe this applies to our businesses as much as it applies to every other part of our lives.

If you believe that Scripture is God’s Word and that, as followers of Christ, we are to obey that Word, then I do not see silence in business as an option for us. We simply must do as we are commanded and Go!

Icing on the Cake: Barna Research

According to a recent survey by George Barna and his research group, almost 40% of American adults are classified as “unchurched,” meaning they have not attended a conventional church more than once in the past year.  Even worse, only 15% of adults surveyed considered their faith in God as their top priority in life!  It appears the field is ripe for making disciples and being ambassadors right where we are!

The Christian Business Opportunity

For typical business leaders, most of our time is allocated to our work.  We carve out some for family and leave a little left over for church on Sunday.  While some Christian business leaders may buck this trend, they are in the minority. That being the case, does it not make sense to fulfill the Great Commission exactly where we spend most of our time – in our business?

What better way for us as Christian business leaders to reach those people (customers and employees) than through our business?  If we exercise and example our love for God through the way we run our business, maybe we can connect with them in a way (and in an environment) they have not found in a church.

Have you considered your responsibility to make disciples?

Do you see opportunity in your business to impact others in this way?

What are your obstacles to doing this?