Can you imagine a world where employers everywhere are asking the heads of their HR departments the following question – “Where can we find more Christians to hire? They make the best employees and leaders!” Is that so far fetched? Should it be? What would have to change in order for that to be possible?
Too many Christians see their work as a prison. It is a required part of their week, but it is not something they enjoy. When asked for their reasons, the answers vary, but there is a recurring theme. Most view their work as a necessary evil instead of a source of joy and an opportunity for impact. Very few would consider their work as a platform.
I recently had an extended conversation with a business professor at Point University, a local Christian university, about what makes their program different from other business programs. Of course, one obvious difference is the Christian perspective that is central to their mission. However, he went into more detail about another attribute that addresses the gap between knowledge and experience in business.
Anyone in business knows that having a good name is important. The reputation of a business can have a significant impact over time. I have written multiple times about the importance of a good name. The same is true for us as individuals – especially as disciples of Jesus. What would you do then, if Jesus confronted you about your “good” reputation?
Have you ever been totally caught off guard by a speaker before? Have you held certain expectations of their message, only to be shocked by their completely uncharacteristic approach? This happened to me recently when our pastor addressed our church about our culture. I have never been so fired up while at the same time being so convicted!
I experienced one of my proudest moments as a parent this past week. In fact, I almost did not make it through the full experience without breaking down from the immense swelling of my heart! As I reflected on it, I realized that this experience was also a perfect reflection of what our goals should be when hiring new members for our team.
Video: Corporate Chaplains of America
I was recently given the opportunity to share my thoughts (on camera) about the chaplain program we have in place in our business. Honestly, I jumped at the chance! I am convinced that this program is one that every business owner should pursue.
We have been partnering with Corporate Chaplains of America for more than 10 years now. The benefits we receive from this partnership are immeasurable! I love talking about how they have impacted our employees and our overall business, but you don’t have to take my word for it! One of our employees was interviewed as well. Her testimony is awesome!
Check out this video of the conversation. I think you will agree with me!
Learn more about Corporate Chaplains of America here.
Over the past several years, I have engaged in two extremely effective learning environments – Michael Hyatt’s Inner Circle guided mastermind group and Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach program for growth-minded entrepreneurs. I cannot describe to you all I have learned (and continue to learn) from these two experiences. I can say that both have had an incredible influence on how I view the life I have been given and the potential impact I can have if I use it wisely.
I read a powerful post this week and the idea behind it is stuck in my mind. This is partly because God has already been teaching me about this recently, but even so, the post is one of those that we all need to read every once in a while. I am encouraging you in the strongest way to read it now!
Are you scared? Would you admit it if you were? Are you sure you would even realize it if you were scared? This may not be a topic you enjoy discussing, but I think it is one that we all need to face head on from time to time. We need to assess our current circumstances and determine whether or not we are living out our calling with our fullest intensity.