As we look ahead at the new year, many of us take the time to determine what we are going to change about our lives. Some set financial performance goals while others make plans to learn more. There are even those who are determined to spend more time with family or enjoying their hobby. Whatever the case, we all realize there is one thing we are usually missing – margin.
Lack of Margin = Big Problem!
I am defining margin as the cushion of time in our schedules that allows us to function with less stress and pressure. You may not be familiar with this term because you do not have any! If so, you are not alone. Unfortunately, this is a bigger problem than you might realize.
Margin gives us the ability to relax when we are driving to work in the morning because we know we have an extra few minutes as a result of leaving a little earlier than normal. Margin is what allows us to feel comfortable sitting for a few extra minutes (without checking our watch) with a friend over coffee because our next appointment is not scheduled back-to-back with our lunch.
Margin is Elusive!
I will grant you that in today’s world, margin is hard to come by. People are always looking to take your margin every time you turn around. These culprits include your boss or employees, your customers, and even your friends. If you have kids, you know that they can be the best at it!
If you are not practiced at creating AND protecting your margin, then you likely rush from meeting to meeting and place to place. You often wonder what you forgot to do or bring with you as you rush out the door to the next responsibility! You hate the feeling, but you don’t know how to change it. Either that, or you aren’t willing to pay the short-term price for long-term peace.
I do not have the solution to your margin problem in today’s post. What I do have is further motivation for you to make the changes you need to make. While you are probably aware that you need more margin in your schedule, you have likely not seen this need from the perspective I will share with you today.
Christian Ministry Suffers Without It
There is a story about a seminary professor who was preparing his students for Christian ministry. He took them through an exercise that gave them a unique perspective on margin. It is an exercise that I think will impact you.
He divided the class into three groups of five students each and gave each group a different assignment in a sealed envelope. He passed out the envelopes and then dismissed the groups to carry out the assignments.
To the first group, the assignment was to immediately proceed to a point on the other side of campus. They were given 15 minutes to do so or their grade would be docked. They knew this did not give them time to spare so they left quickly.
The second group was given 45 minutes to get to the same point. This gave them plenty of time, but they knew they could not goof off on the way. The last group was given until five o’clock to get there, giving them roughly five hours to arrive.
The students were not aware that the professor had staged several drama students along the path they would take. Each drama student was to play the role of someone in need. One was homeless, another distraught, and a third in need of medical care.
What do you think happened?
Predictable Results
No one in the first group stopped to help any of the actors. Two of the five students in the second group stopped to help. What about the third group?
Every one of them stopped to help!
Folks, as a husband, father, business owner, etc., I promise I understand the schedule pressures you face every day. I face them as well. Unfortunately, we are called to do Christian ministry wherever we go. We cannot use the “too busy” excuse when we are held accountable for the lives we have lived.
Begin Today!
I encourage you to take some time (as soon as you can schedule it!) to build some margin into your schedule. It will not be easy, but it is necessary if you want to see the kind of change we are talking about here.
You can find the story I used (and many more like it!) here – Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks
photo by Bud Ellison
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