Intuitively, we all know that our behaviors as leaders can have significant impact on those we work with every day as well as the results we desire for our business. These behaviors can drive forward, or significantly limit, our efforts. However, I am betting that the behaviors that first come to your mind as I start into this subject are most likely behaviors that we have all learned about in Business 101. Instead, I want to talk about a behavior that gets less attention – that of unbelief.

Extraordinary Impact
Before I go any further, let’s first take a look at a scene where Jesus is looking to have extraordinary impact on those around Him. Jesus has come to his hometown to teach and perform miracles. In this case, He is unable – that’s right, UNABLE – to perform the miracles He desired. Let’s look at the following verses to see what was limiting His ability.
- Then Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown, among his relatives, and in his household.” So He was not able to do any miracles there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them. And He was amazed at their unbelief.
Mark 6:4-6
His Power Limited!
Did you see that? Jesus, the Son of God and all-powerful, “was not able” to perform miracles. Why? Because of the unbelief of the people there in his hometown!
As I read this passage, I notice that it does not say that Jesus chose not to perform. It says He was UNABLE to perform the miracles. That is some serious limiting of power coming from a behavior that many of us take too lightly. We are all guilty of it to one extent or another.
Our Unbelief
For some, this unbelief comes in underestimating God’s power to transform people. For others, we exhibit our unbelief when we begin to doubt our calling or question whether we are “good enough” to carry out what we believe God has led us to do.
Whatever the circumstances when we fall, slide, or dive into this state of unbelief, we are immediately limiting the power of God in our situation. We are creating the very results (little to none!) that we fear!
What Is The Solution?
So, what is the solution? How can we weaken or eliminate the strength and frequency of this behavior of unbelief? How do we move from unbelief to belief, unleashing the full power of God in our businesses as well as our personal lives?
While there may be some deeper issues that you need to address, I will give you four actions that I believe (and have proven) will work to increase your belief. These four actions are very simple in nature, but powerful in practice. If you will create habits within each of the four areas, you will most definitely reduce the power of unbelief in limiting your impact!
#1 – Read The Bible!
I am fairly sure you knew this was going to be one of the actions I would recommend. Well, you were right because it is THE most effective way to increase your belief. You need to read about the various flawed characters in the Bible and how God was faithful to use them for miraculous results, despite their weaknesses.
Unbelief creeps in when we begin to doubt whether God can or will act on our behalf. When we read about how He HAS done this for others that were just as screwed up as we are, we begin to believe He will do it for us as well. Take some time and go see what I am talking about.
#2 – Start A Journal!
Too many people underestimate the power of a personal journal. They feel it is a waste of time and they are already too limited on time. Unfortunately, these people are missing out on an incredible source of reassurance and confidence.
When you journal, you are writing about what is happening in your life from day to day. As God acts on your behalf (you know when it happens!), you document it and share your feelings of excitement and wonder. While it is fresh, you write in your own words how your belief is strengthened right then.
The power in this habit is best shown when you later hit a period of unbelief. Immediately, you grab your journal and begin reading about past experiences when God was faithful…in your own words! You cannot argue with your own experience and so your belief is strengthened again.
#3 – Join With Other Believers
Whether you join a small group of believers for the purpose of accountability, Bible study, discipleship, or other support needs, you will find a gold mine of opportunity to strengthen your belief. As you spend time with other believers in a small group, you will hear multiple stories about how God is moving in the lives of the group members.
So even when you are feeling like God has left you all alone and your unbelief begins to creep in, there will be another member in that group that can share a similar experience where God showed up and showed off. Most likely, you will even remember when it happened and how excited they were at the time. Watching God act in the lives of those close to us is a great builder of belief.
#4 – Ask For Help!
In Mark 9, Jesus is approached by a man requesting that He heal his son. Jesus says anything is possible for the one who believes. The man answered, “I do believe! Help my unbelief.” At first glance, this response is confusing, but I think I understand.
The father believed Jesus was special. Like us, he knew Jesus had the power to perform whatever miracle He wanted. However, also like us, he seemed to have some doubt about whether Jesus would perform a miracle for him. So rather than trying to act like he had full belief, the man admitted his weakness and asked Jesus for help. We must do the same!
Unbelief is something you will most likely deal with at one time or another. It creeps up on all of us. If you will take action in each of the four areas above, I believe you will find you are able to overcome the unbelief. In doing so, you will find God is able to increase your impact.
How much is unbelief limiting your impact?
Do you believe that God’s impact through you could increase?
Which of these 4 actions will you implement for greater impact?
Photo by g-stockstudio/iStock
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