It is the start of another year and I am thankful to be able to start it off with the opportunity to appear as a guest of P.J. Simmons on the Gospel Driven Entrepreneur podcast! You can jump over and listen to the podcast here – GDE interview!

In case you are not already familiar with P.J. Simmons and the Gospel Driven Entrepreneur (GDE), here is some more information:
About GDE
Gospel Driven Entrepreneur cultivates inspiring conversation around the theology of work for entrepreneurs. Like me, they believe that the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, wrapped in the truth that “He has done what we cannot do for ourselves”, plays itself out in every square inch of our lives as believers. The average person will spend about 80,000 hours at work during their lifetime. WAIT!! Did you read that!? 80,000!!!
That’s a lot of hours!
The good news though is that they believe Jesus has something redeeming planned for those hours. Like the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, what would it look like if we as believers started utilizing our God given gifts and talents to literally partner with God in bringing about his kingdom of heaven on earth? With so many hours spent at jobs, what if we created organizations that had this very mission in mind?
Well…that’s what they want to do at Gospel Driven Entrepreneur. Their hope is to INSPIRE and EQUIP you to lead like no one else, work like no one else, and create like no one else so that the world will see Jesus.
Gospel Driven Entrepreneur is all about Inspiring and Equipping. Not only do they want to get you excited about each incredible guest they have on their podcast, but they also want to equip you with insight, tools, and resources to help you move your ideas forward as entrepreneurs.
Today’s Podcast
I encourage you to click over here (interview) and listen to the podcast. If you like what you hear, be sure to subscribe to the GDE mailing list for continued updates and new podcasts. If you are not already getting my posts via email, go ahead and subscribe to mine as well (subscribe here)!
Who Is P.J. Simmons?
Well, I am glad you asked. P.J. is the founder of the Gospel Driven Entrepreneur and he is passionate about what he does! He absolutely loves the gospel and love moving ideas forward. P.J. grew up in Covington, TN and made his way a little further south and to the east, currently residing in Atlanta, GA.
He’s very involved in his local church Renovation Church and loves eating out with friends at various restaurants. If you listen to any Gospel Driven Entrepreneur podcasts, you get the privilege of hearing his voice interviewing so many incredible leaders from around the world. He would love to connect with you!
Connect With P.J. Simmons:
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