For the longest time, I struggled to figure out how to reconcile my role in running our family’s business with my role as a follower of Jesus Christ. At one point, I even considered walking away from our family business because I thought that was the only way I could fully invest my time as a disciple of Jesus. Fortunately, I later found the answer to my dilemma in the Parable of the Talents.

Parable of the Talents
Most likely you have heard and/or read the Parable of the Talents before. If not, I would suggest you take a moment right now and read it (Matthew 25:14-30). Though it is very short, I think you will find it immensely helpful in putting your business in the proper perspective with your faith.
When you begin to think about this parable and your business, I want you to consider the business itself as one of the “talents” given to you by Jesus (the Master). Take the approach that as the true owner of the business, He has placed it in your hands for a period of time. Until He decides otherwise, you are the steward of that business.
Where To Invest?
In this picture, you are charged with “investing” this business while it is in your care. You are to run it, grow it, and invest it while it is under your stewardship. Because it is not actually not your business, at some point in the future you will be held accountable by Jesus for the results you achieve with it.
Now, let’s pause a minute to make sure you are tracking with me. Just like the servants in the parable, you and I will be called to account for our results at the end of this life. Also like the servants, we will be accountable for our results based on the “talents” given us. For some that received more (bigger business, more employees, etc.), more will be expected.
What Is The Best Return?
The REAL question here is the return. The natural response is to think about money or the size of the business as the goal for the best return. It is our instinct to drive more money to the bottom line and to expand our business through additional locations or increased capacity. These are not bad pursuits by themselves, but are these the returns for which we will be held accountable on that day? Is this what Jesus is looking for from us?
I would have to say I do not think this is the case. God already owns it all! He does not need our money because it is already His. He doesn’t need our additional locations or increased capacity either. All of this is already His. So what is it that Jesus seeks? What is it that He does not already have AND that He desperately wants?
What Does The Bible Say?
Let’s check a couple of Scriptures that I believe give us the answer.
For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16
For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost. – Luke 19:10
The Lord does not delay His promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9
We Are To Seek Souls
I think it should be clear to all of us that the one thing that Jesus wants, but does not yet have, is the souls of all of His creation! He wants everyone to come to Him and it is up to us to help make that happen. The returns we should seek as we invest His business are the souls of the lost.
Do you understand that?
Let’s review to make sure. You run a business that is God’s business. You are the steward of that business. You are charged with operating a profitable and healthy business, but money and economic growth are not your end goals. Your goal – the very purpose of your business – is to point people toward Jesus in a way that leads them to an eternity with Him.
We Are Accountable!
So, let’s go back to the parable. The two servants that brought a strong return through the investing of the talents He gave them – they receive the praise and reward. Even though they began, and ended, with different levels of talents and returns, they were given the same praise and reward. We are accountable for generating returns according to what we have been given.
So, I urge you to stop and take a look at the business He has placed in your trust. Regardless of the size, when you invest are you generating returns that are pleasing to Him? Is He seeing people come to Him because of the way you are operating the business?
Stop And Think
Depending on your answers to these last few questions, I encourage you to stop and think about the actions you need to take. Maybe you need to start at the beginning and cast a new vision for your business. It could be that you simply need a slight course correction. Whatever the case, I pray you will do what it takes to get on track.
Don’t allow yourself to be in a position years from now where you are looking back and recognizing that you have been seeking to invest for the wrong returns all along. Change your course now. There is still time!
photo by Ken Teegardin
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