If you are high-performing leader who has a track record for success, you still know what it feels like to get in a rut. Call it a slump, fog, funk, whatever – we have all seen them and they are not fun to experience. The rut drains our energy and takes away any motivation we have for moving forward. We know we are in it, but often have trouble getting out of it!

Escape The Rut
Sometimes the rut you find yourself in is work-related. Other times it is linked to a relationship failure or other disappointment. There are even some ruts that have no clear cause. I recently fell into one of these and had an extensive phone conversation with a mentor of mine, seeking help. The advice I received was simple and effective so I want to share it with you. Whatever the cause of your rut, the following 4 steps will help you regain that fire and passion for life!
Step #1 – Affirm Your Relationship With God
In this first step, you need to take out pen and paper (or your laptop) and begin to list everything you know to be true about God. Whatever promises or truths you can remember (or find now) in Scripture, list them. Build a case for who you know God to be. Don’t leave anything out. Pray as you go through this exercise. He will answer!
Now, I want you to list all that you know to be true about who you are in Christ. Take some time here and list everything that comes to mind. What has He done for you? Why did He do it? What has He promised to do for you, through you? What does He call you? Put it all down.
As you complete this step, you should begin to feel something changing in you. God’s promises are not simply words. They stir something in us and can drive us if we will let them. Make sure you take all the time you need on this step. There is no rush to move to Step #2.
Step #2 – Take Inventory
For this step, start listing everything you can think of that is better today than it was a year ago. Where has your life improved? What are you doing better today than last year? What relationships do you have that grew this past year? Who do you know today that you did not know a year ago? You get the idea.
Again, do not rush through this process. Give your mind time to sort through all parts of your life and identify the improvements. Even the smallest changes for the better need to be listed here. Don’t let the negative changes from last year derail your thoughts; just keep focused on the improvements.
You are likely beginning to see that things are not quite as bad as you thought. Sure, not everything is perfect, but I think you can see that there are many more improvements than you remember. Soak these in and reflect on them.
Step #3 – Focus On Small Wins
In this next step, you need to look for some areas where you can gain some quick, small wins. You need to regain some confidence in yourself. What areas of your work are going well? Where could you gain a few quick wins within these areas?
Don’t go trying to turn the tide in any areas where you or the business have been struggling. Instead, go to areas where there is already some momentum. Add to it! As you get a couple of quick wins under your belt, you will begin to regain some of the confidence you have lost. Push hard here because you are adding to your escape momentum.
Step #4 – Prune Dead Areas
Once you have a few wins behind you, start looking at areas of your business, job, or life that are consuming resources without producing the results you want. Are there any pursuits that seem to be going nowhere but continue to take your time and energy? Get rid of them.
Pruning in this way allows you to take the energy you were spending in these dead-ends and reallocate it to areas where more wins are possible. As you focus more energy in these areas, you will see even more wins than before. The dead areas that were draining your energy will no longer do so, helping to prevent future ruts!
Back On Track!
We have all had time in a rut. It is not fun and can keep you from having the impact you were created to have. Do yourself a favor and follow these 4 steps next time you find yourself in a rut or headed there. I believe you will find them to get you back on track!
Are you in a rut now? When will you start these steps?
What other techniques have helped you to escape from a rut?
Do you have a friend that could use some help out of their rut?
Photo by Slphotography/istock
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