During any given day in the course of business, we may face dozens of decisions. Some are easy and others are more difficult. While many of the decisions that we face might be categorized as multiple choice, I think the more difficult ones are those that fall under the True/False or Yes/No category. If you are not careful with these decisions, you can get into trouble. How are we supposed to make these decisions?
Before we get into the HOW of making these difficult decisions, let’s first make sure we are on the same page as to the WHAT of these decisions. The difficult decisions I am referring to here are those that present us with an opportunity to move forward in some way and we must decide whether to take that journey or stay put.
An example of this kind of difficult decision might be a new business opportunity. You are presented with a chance to expand your business into a new area or to take on a new product line. It could be a new client that approaches you or even a potential buyer for your business. Whatever the case, you have the option to move forward or not. Nothing is really standing in your way except to say, “Yes.”
Involve God in Your Decision-Making Process
So when this opportunity comes your way, what do you do? From a business standpoint, I believe we all know what to do. Depending on the timeframe given, we will likely exercise our due diligence and research the opportunity, counting the costs and weighing the potential rewards. These steps will vary from decision to decision. This is not the tough part of the decision.
The tough part of these difficult decisions boils down to how we involve God in our decision-making process. As I said in my last post, we do not want to be “too smart” and make this decision without seeking God’s wisdom. As Christian business leaders, we want to follow God’s lead and remain aligned with His will.
Unfortunately, these difficult decisions are those which rarely identify themselves as emerging from or counter to God’s will. Those decisions that do are not difficult at all!
So, what is the answer to determining God’s will when we are faced with these difficult decisions? How do we know whether to move forward or not?
Turning to Scripture
As I often do, I would first recommend you see what the Bible says. Unfortunately, in these cases, that may not help much. Again, I am describing decisions that align with Scripture. There is no conflict there. We just need to figure out if moving forward is the best decision for us at the moment or if we should pass and wait on the next opportunity.
If you go to Scripture in this case, you might find yourself confused. On one hand, you might read about Abram (later Abraham) and how God told him to boldly go out and leave his family and homeland for a new opportunity. On the other hand, you could read where God said to be still and know that He is God. In this situation, finding Scripture that appears to give you a clear answer might just guide you in the wrong direction.
So what is the answer? How in the world do we know when to move and when to stay still?
The answer is very simple, but it is not easy.
Stay CloseFor Good Decisions
The simple part of the answer lies in maintaining an ongoing relationship with God that allows you to maintain extreme sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It’s like Jesus said, “the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice” (John 10:4). When we are this close to God, we will sense His leading and we will know whether to move or stay still.
The hard part of the answer lies in the daily choice to spend focused, quality time with God. Life often gets in the way of this and we let this critical habit slide. As we slowly drift away, we lose the recognition of His voice. We lose the ability to sense His leading. As this happens, our frustration with these difficult decisions increases.
So, I encourage you on those days when you want to sleep a little longer and skip your quiet time and prayer, don’t give in. Remember that these are the times when you are building a relationship that is necessary to rely on in those times when you have no idea what to do. God is faithful and will honor your efforts to draw close to Him (James 4:8).
What do you do when either decision looks good?
Do you see the need to include God in these kinds of difficult decisions?
How do you maintain a close relationship with God for these times when you need answers?
Photo by magann/iStock
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