Have you ever thought about actually winning the lottery? Have you allowed your mind to wander into the thoughts about what you would do with the money? In my last post, I posed the question, “What if you won the lottery?”. In discussing the answer to that question, we looked at all of the various ways we could use the money. Today, I will show you HOW to win!
How To Win
Without taking the time for the necessary drumroll or hoopla, I will dive right in and tell you how you can win the lottery. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I want you to stop right now and follow these two steps:
1.) Close your eyes.
2.) Open your eyes.
Presto! You are now a lottery winner!
Lottery Winner?
Don’t believe me? Take a look around. If you are reading this blog right now, you are among the top 34% of the world population simply because you have access to the internet. Not good enough for you?
Let’s look a little further. While there are certainly exceptions, I am going to assume you have an annual income of more than $10,000 per year. If so, you are among the world’s top 15% richest. Let that sink in.
If you make more than $25,000 a year, that ranking jumps you to the top 2% of the world’s richest! That means 98% of the world’s population makes less money per year than you do! No kidding. (Go to http://www.globalrichlist.com to see your own income ranked! )
So, please tell me how it is that you think you have not already won the lottery?
Clearly, virtually everyone reading this post has huge wealth advantages over the vast majority of the rest of the world. There really is no way to argue that. So now, let’s go back and review some of our thoughts from the last post.
Previous Statements
We agreed that many of us have made some of the following statements about what we would do if we won the lottery. How do these statements look now…?
I would tithe on the income!
I would give away a huge portion of the income!
I would not have any debt!
If I could not afford it with the lottery income, then I would not buy it!
My expenses would never outrun my income!
I would carve out a portion for savings for those unexpected expenses!
I would not fall into the trap of trying to keep up with the Jones’!
I would set aside a portion to help those around me in crisis!
How Do You Feel?
What are your thoughts now? Do you see any hypocrisy in the above statements or do you feel good about how you are handling your wealth? I have to admit to having bruised toes myself.
So, what should we do? What does the Bible say about how we should handle our wealth? Good question. Let’s look.
Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God, who richly provides us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do what is good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good reserve for the age to come, so that they may take hold of life that is real.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
We ARE The Rich!
Folks, If you have read this passage before and not realized it was talking directly to you, then you are not alone. Typically, when we read this, we think of all those people that are richer than we are.
However, as we see in the statistics above, we ARE those who are “rich in this present age.” So, what are we doing with that wealth? What are we doing with the businesses we own or operate?
Are we “rich in good works”? Are we “generous, willing to share”?
Are we “storing up for ourselves a good reserve for the age to come”?
Use Of Wealth?
When you read that last question, what comes to mind for you? For me, it is the following verses that I have used frequently on this site. Take a look:
If anyone’s work that he has built survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned up, it will be lost, but he will be saved; yet it will be like an escape through fire.
1 Corinthians 3:14-15
Eternal Impact
We are to be using the wealth WE ALREADY HAVE to be rich in good works, generous, and willing to share. We are to use this wealth to store up a reserve of reward that will last into eternity – eternal impact!
As I have said before, we are to be multiplying silhouettes – adding to the kingdom. In this way, we give God the only currency he wants – more souls to spend eternity with Him.
We have to take a look at our current “lottery” income and resources. We have to do a deep search into our hearts to make sure we are using what He has given us for His purposes.
What comes to mind when you think about your situation?
What do you wish you had done differently in the past?
What do you need to change now?
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