A couple of great friends of mine visited the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove for a Corporate Chaplains training conference. One of them told me about the various displays at the center and the interesting facts about Graham’s ministry. As he talked, I thought about how I would love to have the impact that Billy Graham has had for eternity.
So your issue is this: “If I run my business according to my Christian faith, won’t that offend customers? I cannot take that risk.”If you are seriously considering any Christian connection to your business, then this is certainly a question that has come up.
Anyone in business knows that having a good name is important. The reputation of a business can have a significant impact over time. I have written multiple times about the importance of a good name. The same is true for us as individuals – especially as disciples of Jesus. What would you do then, if Jesus confronted you about your “good” reputation?
Sitting on the balcony overlooking the beach on Fathers’ Day yesterday morning, I witnessed a seemingly insignificant event. It grabbed my attention. I think it was because of recent and recurring headlines around infidelity and broken trust. As I watched pure trust exhibited by a four-year-old little girl, my heart broke for those who have had it shattered or taken away.
Have you stopped to take in the view on the side of a mountain road and wished you had such a view all the time? Have you ever been to the beach for vacation and wondered how the people that live there year-round ever get any work done? In fact, the more you notice the people that appear to live there, the more you realize they seem to ignore the opportunity to stare at the view.
Have you ever been totally caught off guard by a speaker before? Have you held certain expectations of their message, only to be shocked by their completely uncharacteristic approach? This happened to me recently when our pastor addressed our church about our culture. I have never been so fired up while at the same time being so convicted!
Let’s make this easy. Below is a list of ways you can misuse prescription drugs. In addition to the explanation for each misuse is a parallel misuse of Scripture. See if any of these abuses hit home with you.
I experienced one of my proudest moments as a parent this past week. In fact, I almost did not make it through the full experience without breaking down from the immense swelling of my heart! As I reflected on it, I realized that this experience was also a perfect reflection of what our goals should be when hiring new members for our team.
I am fortunate to be around very wise and godly people on a regular basis. In fact, much of the material for this blog comes from their mouths, whether they realize it or not! I recently heard one of them say something that stuck with me. It was especially impactful for me because it was convicting! While the phrase “to honor God” is part of our company mission statement, I have strayed from this idea as my central goal. My friend’s quote made this obvious to me.
Video: Corporate Chaplains of America
I was recently given the opportunity to share my thoughts (on camera) about the chaplain program we have in place in our business. Honestly, I jumped at the chance! I am convinced that this program is one that every business owner should pursue.
We have been partnering with Corporate Chaplains of America for more than 10 years now. The benefits we receive from this partnership are immeasurable! I love talking about how they have impacted our employees and our overall business, but you don’t have to take my word for it! One of our employees was interviewed as well. Her testimony is awesome!
Check out this video of the conversation. I think you will agree with me!
Learn more about Corporate Chaplains of America here.