When Praying For Guidance Does Not Make Sense

I have written often about seeking God’s wisdom before taking action. I am a strong believer in going first to God in getting our marching orders, regardless of the circumstances. However, I think there are some situations in which it makes no sense at all to ask God for guidance. In these cases, I believe we are on our own.


Seeking Guidance

Hopefully I have your attention at this point. My prayer is that you sensed something a little off in the direction I appear to be taking. If so, you are not wrong. In fact, I believe we should ALWAYS seek God’s wisdom and guidance in ALL situations.

Unfortunately, there are some situations in which our asking of God does not make sense. It is in these situations that we are likely wasting our breath when we plead with Him to show us the way to go.

What situations could I possibly be referring to here? Let’s look at a quote from a favorite author of mine:

Wasting Our Breath?

Now do you understand? I agree with Elliot in this case. I believe we are wasting our breath with God when we continue to ask Him for guidance despite the fact that we are not obeying what He has already told us to do.

What if one of your employees came up to you and asked you what she should be doing. You give her clear instructions about the project you want completed and how you want it done. She runs off, presumably to carry out your instructions.

Now imagine she returns later and asks you what she should do next. First, you ask her if she completed the prior instructions. What do you do when she answers, “No”?

Do you give her further instructions? Do you assign her a bigger and better project? Do you trust her with more responsibility?

Obedience First

Then why in the world would you go to God for further guidance if you have not first carried out His last instructions? Why do so many of us presume to be disobedient in multiple areas of our lives and get frustrated when God will not take us further in our desire for additional responsibility, adventure, and reward?

If you are currently allowing practices in your business that are in conflict with biblical principles, your first task is to eliminate them. Immediately. You cannot move any further toward His vision for your business until you begin obeying in the basics.

You cannot move deeper in your personal walk with Jesus until you commit to become obedient in those areas where you already have conviction. He is patient, but He will not take you further until you prove you can handle what He has already given you.

Growth Later

Once you have shown the ability to handle His current instructions, He promises to take you further. Take a look at His words here:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.”
Luke 16:10

I encourage you today to stop and take a hard look around. Do an in-depth assessment of your business practices. Determine which, if any, of your current practices are displeasing to Him. Those you find need to be changed immediately.

The Sleep Is Good!

I know you are likely going to say, “But you don’t understand…” I have had those practices myself. They seemed impossible to change or so deeply imbedded in the fabric of the business that removing them would risk the stability of the entire business.

I get it. I really do. I can only promise you that the choice to continue as-is will not achieve the results you seek. If you are sincere and seeking God’s will in your business, He will see you through the transition. It may be painful, but it will be worth it in the long run.

The best part will be how well you sleep once you have eliminated them for good. Take my word for it. It is good!

Are you aware of areas of disobedience currently holding you back?

Are you prepared to correct these areas before seeking more guidance?

If you do, what would this make possible?

Photo by Romain Fouchard – on Flickr

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