A friend recently used the following illustration: Can you explain how cell phone technology actually works? I am not asking if you know how to use a cell phone, but if you can explain how it works? Odds are, you cannot explain this technology. I sure cannot. Yet, it does not seem like this lack of understanding of cell phone technology is a stumbling block for anyone. People do not refuse to believe in and depend upon cell phones simply because they don’t know how they work, right?

Is “How?” A Stumbling Block?
So, if we are completely willing to put our faith in and depend upon cell phones without understanding the technology that makes them work, why do we treat God differently? Why do so many people doubt God simply because they cannot see exactly HOW He works? Why do they allow the “How” question to be such a stumbling block?
In my last post, I talked about the difference between the reactions of Mary and Zechariah to Gabriel’s news. If you have not read that post yet, please do so now! This post will make more sense if you do.
Zechariah’s Doubt
As we look at Zechariah’s reaction to Gabriel’s news of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, we see the same mentality I described above relating to cell phones. Zechariah was looking at the facts (he and Elizabeth were old and she was unable to bear children) and doubted God.
Zechariah questioned the “How” because he could not understand “How” it could happen. He allowed it to be a stumbling block to his faith and was punished as a result.
Mary’s Faith
On the other hand, Mary did not express doubt. She also asked “How” it would be, but evidently Gabriel saw faith in her heart. It is for that reason that he did not punish her.
What was it about Mary that gave her such strong faith?
How can we mimic that same faith in our lives and businesses?
Willing Suspension Of Disbelief
The first key to doing this is similar to what is called a willing suspension of disbelief. We learned about this in high school literature class. In that context, it means is that we voluntarily ignore the apparent impossibility of something we are about to experience for the purpose of being entertained.
While our purpose is different than that, the action is similar. Mary did this and so can we. She knew she was a virgin and therefore could not be pregnant. She ignored that fact and trusted God. We can do the same thing in our lives and in our businesses.
Let’s say you are faced with a huge decision and you have been praying that God would lead you to the best outcome. As you come to a decision point, the path it appears that God wants you to take seems impossible. Maybe the numbers don’t work. Maybe it would require too many components to come together at just the right time.
Whatever the case, you know on one hand that God is in the decision. You have seen evidence of that as you have prayed for guidance. On the other hand, the facts appear to contradict the wisdom of the decision He is presenting to you.
Rather than allowing the facts to become a stumbling block to you, I am recommending you act like Mary and ignore them. Rather than following Zechariah’s example, trust God to be Who He says He is. Trust Him to do what He says He will do.
Now that you have ignored the facts opposing your decision, your next move is to submit. Maybe this seems obvious, but it is not always the case. The following illustrates my point:
There are four frogs on a lily pad and one decides to jump off. How many are left? Four! The decision to jump off is not the same as the act of jumping off!
After we have decided to act, we must then act. This action should come in the form of submitting to God’s will. This is key because God looks at our heart. He is not interested in what we do as much as the intent behind what we do.
Mary’s Example
Look back at Mary’s reaction to Gabriel. Right after Gabriel explained what would happen to bring about the conception and pregnancy, Mary spoke words of faith.
“I am the Lord’s slave,” said Mary. “May it be done to me according to your word.”
Luke 1:38
These words not only confirmed that she had decided to move forward with the plan Gabriel had announced, but they also conveyed the condition of her heart. She was completely and totally submitted to God and whatever He had in mind for her.
Just like Mary, we need to pray these words on a daily basis! I don’t mean we do it to the point of it becoming a habit without sincerity. I simply mean that we do it to condition our heart to a point of submission. Without this submission that Mary exampled for us, we cannot experience the fullness of God’s plan for our lives!
When we are unfairly targeted or slandered by a competitor and we want to react in kind, it is only a submissive heart that will hear God’s still, small voice talking us down. When our instinct tells us that we need to take action despite the clear godly counsel recommending we wait patiently, a submissive heart will keep us in place.
Give Him Praise!
The final step in this process is to give God the praise for whatever happens. Mary did this in Luke 1:46-55. She credited God with His great mercy and mighty deeds. She was quick to acknowledge that He was her source.
We must learn to do the same. Our first thought after a victory should be one of thanks and acknowledgement to God. He alone is our source. Without Him, we can do nothing! The sooner we recognize this and acknowledge it to Him, the sooner He can use us for incredible victories!
Has this been a stumbling block for you?
If not, how have you kept it from being a stumbling block?
What part of this do you need to work on?
Photo by LDProd/iStock
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