You Won’t Believe This Culture Victory!

Every once in a while, something happens that really catches my attention and gets to my heart. Recently, this very thing happened in our company and validated the culture we are trying to create. I feel I have to share, especially since it actually relates back to my last two posts!



Two posts ago, I shared how we see our community as a critical part of the answer to the question, “Why does our business exist?” Our answer to that question, also our mission statement, is that our business exists to honor God by impacting the lives of our employees, customers, and community.

In my last post, I gave a specific example of how we attempt to create a culture of impacting the community by hosting monthly car wash events to benefit local, faith-based organizations. To get the whole picture here, you really need to go back and read these posts first.

Blanket Drive

About a week or two after our last car wash event for the year (due to the weather getting colder!), we held an employee blanket drive for Emmaus Women’s Shelter, a local homeless shelter for women and children. With the cold weather quickly approaching, they had a need that we wanted to help meet.

In order to deliver the 100+ blankets we collected from employees, we enlisted the help of one of our Clean-Up department employees, “Joe”. He was eager to help and the blankets were delivered without incident, or so I thought!

Surprise Twist

The next day, “Joe” came to me and asked if he could have a minute to share something. I quickly agreed. What I heard was incredible to me! He told me that he had helped to deliver the blankets to the shelter and was shocked to find children there. He could not believe there were so many children that were homeless.

Keep in mind that “Joe” is in the most “entry-level” position in our company and has more financial needs than most. He went on to tell me that he could not get the children off his mind, wondering what they were going to do for Christmas. He said he wanted to help make sure they had gifts at Christmas.

He then asked if we could do another car wash event where we asked people to bring toys instead of paying for the car wash. I then asked him who would actually work the event, washing the cars, since that was typically the job of the organization we were helping. He said he would get other employees to volunteer their time (their Saturday off) to do it.

Another Car Wash?

My first reaction (transparency here – it wasn’t culture!) was to think about the cold weather (this was mid-November) and many other reasons it would not work. I really did not think we would have many employees volunteer to give up their time off to do it. I am not knocking them, but that is a big deal when they work so hard during the week.

To check his commitment level, I gave “Joe” a test. I told him to go create a sign-up list and see how many employees he could get to volunteer for this car wash event. I told him we would talk further when he came back.

Less than 90 minutes later, he was in my office with a list of 25 employees willing to staff the event! I was shocked!

Not The Best Conditions

I have to tell you, I still did not know what to do. Thanksgiving was less than two weeks away and people were not going to come out in droves for a car wash. It could be snowing that day (it’s possible!) or raining and cold.

My mind continued to flood with excuses. The problem was that I had a very committed employee in front of me, and whether he knew it or not, he was calling me on my commitment to real ministry.

I told him it was a done deal. We would hold the event on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, hoping that the natural shopping traffic would help our cause. We posted details about the event on Facebook and our normal channels.

Not satisfied, “Joe” got another employee to create a paper flyer for him and he went from gas station to grocery store and to the WalMart parking lot, passing them out. He did this by himself!

Culture Victory!

The day of the event was cold…maybe not cold for some of you, but sub-40 degrees. That is cold enough when you are washing cars with hoses, buckets, etc.! The traffic was not overwhelming, but it was decent. My brother and I joined in and worked the whole event right there on the hoses! We were soaked and exhausted, but I can’t remember being more fulfilled recently.

The end results amounted to roughly $1,200 raised along with a truck load full of toys donated! “Joe” ran the entire event and delivered the toys and the money. He was on cloud nine (and deserved it).

He single-handedly motivated 25 employees to volunteer their time washing cars in the cold and provided Christmas for a crowd of homeless children. In fact, when we later recognized his efforts with a “Lightning Strike” award at the company Christmas party, everyone in attendance gave him a standing ovation!

Tough Question

Folks, I still get emotional thinking about the impact that one guy had on so many people. He had the least to give, but produced amazing results. What about you and me? In anyone’s book, we have so much more to give than “Joe” does.

So the question is this:

What are you doing with your time, treasure, and talents to impact eternity?

Best Practice: Community Car Wash!

car wash

Over the years I have been writing this blog, I have tried to focus on action rather than theory. Sometimes I have been successful with this and other times I drift. Today’s post is pure action. While a community car wash might not make sense in your particular circumstances, I hope my description of what we do will spur your creativity in coming up with an idea of your own!

Would Your Community Miss You?

We recently hired some new employees in the sales department. As part of their orientation, I spent a couple of hours talking with them about the history and philosophy of our business. Of course, I went into detail about our Mission Statement, Core Values, and Vision Statement. In doing so, I tried to give them a clear picture of the vital part we believe we play in our community.


Community Is Crucial

I don’t know about other companies, but we see our community as a crucial part of the answer to the question, “Why does this business exist?” You probably already know this, but this question is the one you are answering when you create your company’s mission statement. For us, this question also influences our core values and our vision statement as well.

See, we believe we are simply stewards of this business and that God is the actual owner. As a result of this belief, we see our roles as running the business in a way that brings honor to Him and impacts others for eternity, pointing them to Him. For our family, that is why our business exists.

When looking at the purpose of the business through this lens, it becomes clear that our community is a huge part of our mission. No, we are not a church and could not fill that role if we wanted to. However, we still feel our business practices and our involvement in the community can impact everyone around us in a way that leads them to Him.

Execution Will Be Different

The execution of this kind of mission will be different for one business than it will for another. A business with 10 or fewer employees will carry out this mission differently than one with 100 employees. A service business may approach this from a completely opposite angle than a manufacturing business. The “How” is not as important.

What is important is that we strive as Christian business owners to make our businesses such a vital part of the community that we would be sorely missed if we were to disappear. Can you imagine what that would look like? Is your business already there? Even if so, can you now relax?

Pray For Wisdom

If this is new to you, then I encourage you to stop and pray about it. Ask God to show you how to start down this path. Ask Him to give you insights as to how you can leverage the influence of your business to bring Him honor. Pray for wisdom in starting down this path.

If this is not new to you, then I would suggest you stop and take an inventory of what your business is doing to accomplish this mission. Is there more you could do? Are there new and creative ways you could impact the community and earn customer loyalty at the same time? Have you asked your employees for ideas? How are they involved?

In my next post, I will describe for you an example of how our business attempts to do this in our community. We certainly don’t have it all figured out, but maybe our idea will spark something with you that will turn into a successful effort. Until then, take some time to brainstorm this.

What are some ways your business impacts your community?

Does your community recognize your business as one involved in the community?

What would your community miss the most if your business were to disappear?

Is Your Plate Too Full Or Too Small?

You have most likely heard the expression (and probably used it many times), “My plate is too full!” Maybe you used the “full plate” as an excuse to say no to someone recruiting leadership for your industry’s state association. Maybe it was something else. Either way, I think your perspective is off.

full plate

Not More Tasks!

First of all, this is not a post about taking on more tasks or duties than you can handle. I am not a proponent of over-scheduling and hoping for the best. That “full plate” behavior is probably one of the most detrimental to a sane quality of life. I promise I am not advocating that at all!

Instead, I want you to think back over the past several months or years. Do you remember any ideas, thoughts, or urges coming to mind that excited you, but as you looked at all you were already trying to do (with not enough success), you decided your plate was too full?

If you took the time to get away and really brainstorm some of these types of ideas, do you think you would come up with any that would just seem too big given your current circumstances? Maybe they would require too much time, energy, or resources?

Can’t See Adding To Full Plate?

Do your dreams sometimes get brushed aside because you are looking at a full plate and cannot see a way to add to it without something else falling off? If you have had these thoughts, then you are not alone. Fortunately, I think I know the problem (and solution!).

As you look over your “full plate” and see it crammed full of stuff (some of it is really good stuff!), you are likely doing some sort of math in your head and quickly determining that your time, energy, and resources (the size of your plate) will barely hold your commitments. Sometimes you even realize you are overdrawn!

Your Plate Is Too Small!

The problem is not that your plate is too full. The problem is that your plate is too small! You heard me, you simply have to get a bigger plate. If you could only snap your fingers and dramatically increase the size of your plate, then you could suddenly be able to handle more. Your dreams could be bigger and your accomplishments could multiply.

If your plate was bigger, your eternal impact could be greater!

See, I told you I knew what the problem was! Aren’t you glad I shared that with you? Now you can run right out and get a bigger plate, right? You might want to try Bed, Bath, and Beyond or even Home Depot or Sam’s Club. Don’t you think they would have them?

Okay, you are right. That is not going to help. So, what is the real problem? And what is the real solution?

You Are The Problem!

The problem is right there in the mirror. You are the problem. You are the problem because you are only considering your own time, energy, and resources when you determine the size of your plate. You have decided that your plate is effectively the same size as the sum of your time, energy, and resources.

That thinking falls short of the truth. Sure, you need to consider your own resources, but there are infinitely more resources available to you if you are just looking for them. And no, these resources cannot be purchased at the local big box retailer.

God Is The Solution!

The solution I am talking about is God. Quite simply, your full plate is too small because you are only considering your own resources and not including those of an all-knowing, all-powerful God.

Assuming your goals and desires are aligned with His will, then the solution to your problem is to begin enlisting God in your efforts. While that seems overly simple, it is the truth.

Instead of assessing a task, strategy, or dream based on your own ability to achieve it, begin asking God if it is what He wants you to do. Forget the fact that you feel like your plate is full. Trust Him to lead you in the direction He wants you to go and watch Him provide the necessary resources to accomplish it.

Allow God…

If you will begin allowing God to inspire your dreams and trusting Him to accomplish them THROUGH you, the size of your plate will grow exponentially! Of course, then you had better buckle up! The ride is about to get wilder than you can even imagine!

The real problem is with the size of our faith. Like I said in an earlier post about “practical atheism,” we don’t often back our talk of faith with a real walk in faith. Too often, we say we believe, but our actions suggest that belief is not strong enough to take us very far.

Reconsider Your Dreams

Take some time and think about your recent (and not-so-recent) dreams. Did you brush them off due to a full plate? If your plate suddenly tripled (or more) in size, would you reconsider those dreams? If so, start praying that God will build your faith in Him to the point where you can accept the plans He has for you!

Has your full plate kept you from following God’s leading?

Do you see how your full plate could simply be too small?

What would you do with a larger plate?

The Success Edge – Marketplace Christian Podcast!

In place of a post today, I am sharing a link (below) to my first Marketplace Christian podcast. Actually, I am just a guest on Tyler McCart’s podcast! Tyler has a website called The Success Edge where he uses interviews of people from all walks of life that also happen to be Christians in the marketplace. He sees his goal as helping Christians in the marketplace be inspired, be a light, and succeed! Here is his intro video:

Meeting Tyler McCart

Tyler and I met through LinkedIn and he invited me to be a guest on his podcast. Folks, I can tell you he was professional from the very start. I was very impressed with his preparation and the way the entire process went so smoothly. He is truly driven to excellence in what he is doing…and this is not even his full time job!

I encourage you to click over to his website ( and check out all of his interviews. I think you will be impressed with what you find! Here is a summary (from his site) of what you will find:

We look forward to bringing you podcast interviews from successful Christians in the marketplace as they share their business victories, failures, turning points, ah-ha moments, and more!

You will also find topical podcast episodes to help you grow in your Christian walk and career. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and as we say here at The Success Edge, we’ll catch you on the flip side!

Of course, I also would like for you to check out Episode 53 in which Tyler interviews me. Let me know what you think by commenting below! [CLICK HERE for podcast!]

We had a good time! I am sure you see immediately that he has a lot of energy and passion around what he does. Make sure to spread the word about what he is doing so more of us can learn from his efforts!

You can connect with Tyler here (click on each to connect):

Itunes Podcasts

Stitcher Radio



Are You Afraid Of Loss?

Recently I wrote a post in which (tongue in cheek) I called myself a practical atheist and challenged readers to ask themselves some tough questions. Good or bad, that post generated more controversial comments and discussion than any other I have published. In an effort to clarify my intent, and hopefully clear my name, I thought it would be good to do a follow up post on the intended subject of true faith and how fear of loss can affect it.


Walk vs. Talk

Let’s start by reading from James 2. To get the full effect, you should read James 2:14-26, but in the interest of space, here is the core of what I want to discuss:

What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
James 2:14,16

In reading this entire passage, some people think that James is contradicting Paul’s words in Ephesians 2:8-9 when he says we are saved by grace through faith and not by works. Actually, James’ message does not contradict Paul’s, but complements it. James is simply adding that it takes deeds or actions to validate faith. In other words, like I said in my prior post, we can talk all we want to about faith, but the true test is in our actions.

Do They Match?

Do our actions bear out the faith we claim? If we profess to BELIEVE in an all-powerful God, then why do so many of our actions only reflect the confidence we have in ourselves or our team?

Why are we not taking bolder steps in our faith? Why do we not pray throughout the day and trust God’s wisdom to answer the challenges we encounter? Why do we pray quickly in the morning and then go out the door to face the day alone, hoping we have what it takes to overcome and emerge in victory?

Why is it so difficult for us to have those tough conversations with friends, family, or co-workers that we believe are living without a relationship with God? If we BELIEVE God is real and Jesus is truly the only path to Him, then why don’t our daily actions reflect this belief?

Why The Gap?

The more I think about this, the more I believe it comes down to one word: LOSS.

We fear loss.

Maybe it is loss of esteem among our friends, family, or co-workers. It could be loss of wealth or other gain due to being alienated for our beliefs. It might even be that we fear loss of our lives in certain circumstances.

As Christian business owners, we might fear loss of customers, revenue, or even the business itself. Regardless, I believe it is the fear of loss that drives most, if not all, of our actions.

What Does Scripture Say?

The problem with this is that this thinking is in direct opposition to what the Bible teaches us as Christians. We are told, very clearly, that God already owns it ALL (Psalm 50:10-12). We own nothing.

Did you get that? We own nothing therefore there is nothing for us to lose.

We do not even own our very lives…we are not our own; we are bought at a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Why Fear Loss?

If all of this is true (and we SAY we BELIEVE it), then why the fear of loss? Why do we act like “practical” atheists while professing a belief in an amazing God? What will it take to shake us out of this pattern of behavior?

Maybe my last post did not hit the mark that I intended. I take responsibility for that. However, I encourage you on your own to read the Scripture listed below. There will not be much confusion in it! Then take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself two questions:

1.) Do I TRULY BELIEVE what I am reading?
2.) Is there clear, consistent evidence of this belief in my actions?

For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father, and then He will reward each according to what he has done.
Matthew 16:27

And everyone who has left houses, brothers or sisters, father or mother,[l] children, or fields because of My name will receive 100 times more and will inherit eternal life.
Matthew 19:29

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12

Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58

You are being protected by God’s power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
1 Peter 1:5

And everyone who has left houses, brothers or sisters, father or mother, children, or fields because of My name will receive 100 times more and will inherit eternal life.
Matthew 19:29

Ordinary vs. Extraordinary

The following post is courtesy of Bill Higgins. You have probably read several of his posts here before. This post is about the power of being ordinary. There is more information about Bill at the end of this post.

I’m just an ordinary guy.

I’ve never won a major award. Never written a best seller. Never came up with a break-the-bank invention. Never won the lottery. Never starred in any sport. Never became a major corporate executive. Never headed an industry leading consulting group. Never became a household name (unless it was my Mom hollering, “BILLY!”). Never built a world wonder. Never had a street named after me. Never became a recognized expert in anything.


An Ordinary Guy

In other words, unless I’m mistaken, I’m pretty much just like you.

I pay my bills, donate to my church and monthly causes, don’t have more than three months’ cash savings, volunteer to help those less fortunate, have a great wife and super kids.

I do my job as best I can, and sometimes that’s really good and other times it doesn’t quite cut it.

All in all, I’m pretty much like you. And we are both just ordinary.

Most Are Ordinary!

But here’s the thing, there were millions of ordinary Israelites and only one Moses, one Jacob, one Abraham, Joseph and David.

There were thousands of ordinary believers in New Testament times, but only one Paul, one Timothy, one Peter, James, and John.

There are thousands of ordinary churches for every mega-church. There are thousands of ordinary pastors for every super-pastor. In fact, 95% or more of us are ordinary. We may like to think we’re more, but we’re just ordinary.

The thing of it is, the Biblical message is for every one of us, ordinary and extraordinary alike. Whether you are the super-pastor of a mega-church, a struggling saint in a neighborhood mini-church, the CEO of a major corporation, or the guy tightening the bolts, the message is the same.

Extraordinary Power

And the message for each one of us captured in Ephesians 3:20 is this: You can do so much more than you can even imagine through the dynamic power at work in you (author paraphrase). The word for power in this verse is the Greek word dunamas, from which we get the terms dynamo, dynamics, dynamite. God has a dynamo at work in you.

Now you may never be a Moses, Joseph, Paul, or Peter. You may never be a super-Christian winning souls left and right all over the globe. But you can have that dunamas power spoken of in Ephesians, right in your sphere of influence.

It Only Takes One!

You may only touch one that makes a difference, but you never know which one it will be. You may only have the privilege of leading one soul to the Lord, but it only takes one to unleash the dynamo of a Billy Graham, or a Desmond Tutu, or a Nelson Mandela. It only takes one. Many add gas to the tank, but it only takes one to start the engine.

Maybe you or me, Joe or Jane Ordinary, will be the one to unharness the next Billy Graham. Maybe.

So go. Just be the you God made you to be. Let Him unleash that dynamic power in you. Take a risk. Join His adventure. And understand that ordinary can be pretty extraordinary.

About the Author:

BILL HIGGINS is currently the Managing Director of MindWare Incorporated, an independent training and career coaching consulting firm. He previously served on the pastoral staff of churches in the U.S. and Canada, and worked in a managerial capacity for industry leading organizations.

Bill is a graduate of Biola University and Talbot Theological Seminary and his book, Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and MindWare Publishing websites.

Parenthood Or Christian Faith Exercise?

Each year, students all over the world are taught about the responsibilities of parenthood using a simple exercise with eggs. By having the students care for the “egg babies” over the period of a week, they come to realize important truths about being a parent. I think there are parallels between these truths and those relating to our Christian faith.

Christian faith

Egg Baby Assignment

The idea is simple, but brilliant. Each student is assigned an “egg baby” (an actual egg) for a whole week. They are told that they are to keep their egg baby with them at ALL times, wherever they go – regardless of their circumstances – for the entire week. Being caught without their egg baby at any point could equate to a failing grade!

They are not to leave the egg baby in a locker or in their car. They cannot forget it and leave it at home or at the soccer field. They must protect the babies from damage of any sort. No nicks, cracks, or gouges are allowed! They are graded on their ability to present a whole, undamaged “egg baby” at the end of the week!

Parenthood Principles

Even if you have never heard of this exercise, I think you understand the principles that are being taught. Parenthood, when viewed from the perspective of a young student, often looks easier than it really is.

Students cannot grasp the sheer responsibility of it and assume parents only have to “act” like parents at certain times during the day or week. Children likely think that parents play during the day and then become “parent-like” at home at night.

Children cannot possibly understand how becoming a parent changes your identity and forever changes your focus. No longer can you afford to only think about yourself and your own desires. Instead, being a parent means you always have the welfare of your children in mind.

You worry about their health, their friends, their whereabouts, etc. Being a parent is NOT a role you can turn on and off like a light switch. In fact, once it is “ON,” you can never turn it off! This is only something you can fully grasp when you become one.

So what is my point?

Similar Principles For Christian Faith!

My point is that this exercise is the perfect example of our Christian faith! Think about this and see if what I am saying makes sense.

If we would do as we are commanded in several passages of Scripture, then our Christian faith would be a light that would never turn off once turned on at salvation. Let’s first take a look at these passages:

Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your soul, with all of your mind, and with all of your strength.
Mark 12:30

You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14-16

Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.
Luke 9:23

But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven.
Matthew 10:33

Christian Faith Is Full Time!

Are you getting the idea here?

Just like the “egg babies,” our Christian faith should be with us at all times. It is not something that we can leave at home on Monday mornings or in the car when we go into the office.

We are not called to exhibit our Christian faith on Sundays and leave it at the church during the week. It should be a part of us at work on Monday and when we go out with friends on Friday night. If we are at the soccer field with the kids or at lunch with a client, our light should shine.

Like parenthood, when we accept Christ we become new people. The old is gone and that is true for every day of the week. We can no longer focus on ourselves and our own desires, but on the desires God has for us. This thinking is not part-time thinking, but should consume our every waking moment.

Extremely Difficult!

Sure, this does not sound easy. It doesn’t even sound natural. Good news – its not! Your “natural” self will not gravitate toward this way of living. It is a decision you will likely have to make and remake on a daily basis, just like Jesus said in Luke 9:23 above.

That’s okay! You are not a defective Christian if you have a hard time with this! The only problem is when you have a hard time with it and do nothing to change.

Start Now

I encourage you to begin changing your mindset. Focus on God’s word on a regular basis and ask Him to show you where you need to allow Him to have full authority in your life. Tell Him about your struggle (He knows) and how you want to improve (He will help!).

Keep the image of the “egg baby” in mind as you enter a new week. Remember this representation of your Christian faith and keep it with you at all times. It will not be so easy at first, but you will get better. Add accountability through like-minded believers and you will be well on your way!

Do you see the parallels with the exercise and our Christian faith?

Is this new to you or is it something you are already working on?

What is your biggest challenge?

How To Read And Apply Scripture

We all know we need to read and seek to apply Scripture in our lives. This is no revelation. The problem is that sometimes we really don’t know HOW to do this, right? Sometimes, we read a passage and cannot understand what exactly it should be saying to us. While it sounds simple, sometimes it is not.

apply Scripture

My Effort To Apply Scripture

For today, I want to try something different from my norm. I am taking a short passage (Psalm 119:73-80) and I am attempting to put it into my own words. I have tried to imagine how each verse should apply to my life in particular and then worded it as a prayer back to God.

Keep in mind, this is clearly not Scripture itself. I am not attempting to rewrite it, only to apply Scripture to my life in my words and according to my understanding. These verses may say something else to you. The Holy Spirit is not limited in how He can speak to us!

Take a look at the following verses and see if they resonate with you. Each verse is listed in italics and then my words follow. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment area at the end of the post.

Verse 73 – Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding so that I can learn your commands.

    Father, Your hands made every part of me and formed each of my strengths, weaknesses, talents, gifts, and desires into the man that I am. There is nothing about me that You cannot use to impact others. I don’t just want to know Your commands or even to be familiar with them, but to fully understand them. Please give me this understanding so I can apply them in every role I play, in every part of my life.

Verse 74 – May those who fear You rejoice when they see me for I have put my hope in your word.

    I pray that all those who fear You and know You in a real way would be glad to see me and do business with me because they see You in our business. This is not for the sake of the business itself, but for the relationships between us and so that both of us are impacted in a way that draws us closer to You.

Verse 75 – I know, Lord, that your judgments are just and that you have afflicted me fairly.

    Lord, Your rules and judgments are perfect and true, even when they do not make it easy for me. I realize You have a much bigger perspective than I do and therefore I will not always understand Your ways. At least I know they are perfect as You are and that your application of them in my life is fair. I thank You for Your promises here.

Verse 76 – Let your steadfast love comfort me according to your promise to your servant.

    Father, I know my choice to be in business means I will face challenges and struggles on a regular basis. As a result, there will be times of loneliness and frustration. I accept that. I ask that You comfort me during these times with Your endless love. You have already promised this in Your word – I just claim it now!

Verse 77 – Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live, for thy law is my delight.

    In addition to the times of frustration, there will also be times when I personally fall short of Your expectations and guidelines for my life. Though I do not intend to do so because I love Your laws, I know that I am flesh and will disappoint You. I pray now that Your mercy will come to me in those times. I pray not only that You will show me mercy, but that I will recognize it. I also pray I will show that same mercy to others.

Verse 78 – May the arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause; but I will meditate on your precepts.

    Often because of the business I am in, there are those who disparage me with lies. Though they do not know the truth, they arrogantly assume they do and speak as such. I pray that at some point You will shame them for these lies. To make sure I avoid this same behavior myself, I will continue to meditate on Your word. Help me with this!

Verse 79 – Let those who fear You, those who know Your decrees, turn to me.

    Lord, I interact with many people on a daily basis. While I know I am to be an ambassador to those who do not know You, I pray that you will surround me with others who do know You. I need the companionship, mentoring, and accountability from those who have walked with You and know You and Your ways.

Verse 80 – May my heart be blameless in your statutes, that I may not be put to shame.

    Father, I read Your word regularly and try my best to follow what it tells me. However, you know I am sinful and tend to wander from Your path. Please strengthen my faith to stick to Your path and give me a clean heart so that I am not ashamed of my behavior, thoughts, and deeds. I want to reflect You to those around me.

What does it look like when you apply Scripture to your life?

Have you done it like this before?

What methods would you recommend to apply Scripture to your life?

Unity In Diversity

In a recent post, we looked at how diversity of skills, perspectives, gifts, etc. is necessary for an organization to achieve it purposes. If you have not read it yet, I would recommend doing that now. Today, I want to look at how diversity may not be enough. We also need unity.


All-Stars Without Diversity

In the other post, I described a hypothetical situation where the Atlanta Falcons signed five new all-star players for their roster. All five were quarterbacks. The leadership of the team knew they did not need five quarterbacks, but instead planned to play these all-stars in the offensive line positions.

I talked about how ridiculous this would be (if it were true) and how ineffective it would be to put quarterbacks on the offensive line. I don’t think anyone argued about this opinion.

Same True For Business

We then looked at the parallels between a football team and our businesses. Regardless the organization, we agreed that we needed among our members a diversity of skills, perspectives, gifts, etc. if we want the team to be effective.

While this is true, there is more to the picture.

What About Unity Of Purpose?

Think about this. Assume for a moment the Falcons did not sign five quarterbacks, but instead had all of the best skilled players in the league for each position and had them playing in the right positions. Sounds much better, right?

Well, now assume the quarterback had decided he was going to set a new record for the most rushing yards for a quarterback. The running back set his goal as the most receiving touchdowns in a season. The linemen determined they would seek the record for the fewest injuries in a season for an offensive line. The coach is convinced he can orchestrate the most come-from-behind wins in one season.

Do you get the idea? If each player has a different goal – even if it is a valid, challenging goal – then the team will self-destruct! Can you imagine what a game would look like for this team?

Unity In Business

The same principles apply in our businesses. If we hire the best people and put them in the right positions according to their skills or gifts, we are starting off on the right foot.

However, if we do not work just as hard to make sure they all have the exact same overall goals in mind, we are simply setting ourselves up for failure. There is no way for an organization to be successful in achieving the purposes for which it was created if the members of that organization have varied goals.

Take a look at your own organization. Does everyone have the same goals as you do? Are these goals communicated clearly and consistently? Do you make corrections to the goals of those on your team as it becomes evident they are different from those of the team?

What Does Scripture Say?

In case you are wondering what the Bible says about this principle of unity, I suggest we go there to find out. In fact, we can use part of the same passage of Scripture to illustrate this point on unity as we did for the point about diversity. Take a look:

But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
1 Corinthians 12:24-26

Note the following phrases:

    God has put the body together…
    there should be no division in the body…
    its parts should have equal concern for each other…
    if one part suffers, every part suffers…

I think it becomes clear that diversity is important, but it must be combined with unity if we are going to be effective. The right skills in the right positions, all with a common goal, can achieve amazing results!

Which is more of a problem for your team: unity or diversity?

What action step do you need to take to begin correcting this?

Is your team aware of the need for change?