Is It True That God Owns Everything?

This post about how God owns everything is the second in a series of posts that come from the material I recently used in a presentation I made to a small group of Christian business owners and leaders in Chandigarh, India.

The focus of this material is also the focus of this blog – God’s call for us to run our businesses as a platform for Christian ministry. Hopefully, after reading this series, you will agree that it is God’s will that we run His businesses as stewards with an eternal perspective. You should also have a better understanding of what this looks like in today’s marketplace.

God owns everything

True Balance Sheet

One of the skills a good business owner must have is reading a balance sheet. Imagine someone in accounting gave you your balance sheet this morning and, to your utter shock and surprise, the asset section was blank. You call accounting and find out there is no mistake. You own nothing. What would you think? What would you do?

Well, I hate to tell you this, but it is indeed true. You own nothing. I am sorry, but nothing you thought you owned last night is actually yours. See, the truth is that God owns everything. Not just the heavens, but the earth as well. Not just the earth itself, but everything in it.

What Does Scripture Say?

To prove my point, let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say on the subject. While the Bible never mentions a balance sheet (to my knowledge) by name, I think you will clearly see from the following Scripture that I am right. God does own everything.

[This post will have the greatest impact on you if you will read each passage in full as you go. If you need to come back to this later to do that, so be it. However, if you are like me, you will likely never come back to this. You will put it off repeatedly and then finally delete it. If that is the case, please stop now and take the time to do it right.]

Are you getting the picture? I have a feeling you are not surprised. This is likely not the first time you have heard this.

God Owns You, Too!

Before I get ahead of myself, let’s address one more issue. You are not your own either! God owns you as well. That’s right, He bought you and paid for you. Take a look at the following Scripture to confirm this.

Do you get the rest of the picture? Can you see the blank asset section on your personal balance sheet?

Heard This Before?

As I said earlier, this is likely not the first time you have heard that God owns everything. In fact, you probably recognize all of the Scripture. You also probably believe it is true. I hope this is true.

So, assuming you have seen much of this before and you believe it to be true, I must ask a question.

Are you living your life as if you believe that God owns everything and you own nothing?

Example Illustration

Let me ask it this way. Assume, for a moment you work for someone else. They give you management responsibilities over their personal checkbook, their investment accounts, their home, their car, etc. for a period while they are going to be out of the country for a couple of years. They tell you they will review the status of everything you manage when they return.

How would you manage their money? Would you spend it on yourself or in their interests? How would you treat their home? Would you trash it and abuse it? How would you treat the other assets?

God Owns Everything

I think you see where this conversation is going! What I proposed as an example is very close to our exact situation with God. He has made us stewards over His earth. We are responsible to Him for our decisions. We manage His businesses. We are only here for a short time and we will be held accountable for how we managed what He gave us – read the Parable of the Talents.

So What?

Since this is true, don’t you think we should behave differently? Shouldn’t we be running our businesses in a way that honors His ownership and advances His interests? What should our mission statement look like? Shouldn’t our decisions come from an eternal perspective since our Owner does?

If you agree with this line of thinking, I invite you to follow along in the rest of this series to see exactly how you can do it.

Do You Have An Eternal Perspective?

eternal perspective

This post on having an eternal perspective is the first in a series of posts that come from the material I recently used in a presentation I made to a small group of Christian business owners and leaders in Chandigarh, India.

The focus of this material is also the focus of this blog – God’s call for us to run our businesses as a platform for Christian ministry. Hopefully, after reading this series, you will agree that it is God’s will that we run His businesses as stewards with an eternal perspective. You should also have a better understanding of what this looks like in today’s marketplace.

Focus on Scripture

For the next minute or two, I want you to forget about work, business, etc. and concentrate instead on the Scripture I will highlight below. This post will have the greatest impact on you if you will read each passage in full as you go. If you need to come back to this later to do that, so be it.

However, if you are like me, you will likely never come back to this. You will put it off repeatedly and then finally delete it. If that is the case, please stop now and take the time to do it right.

We Must Have An Eternal Perspective

Let’s start with these passages below. You can follow along in your Bible or just click on the Scripture links.

  1. Psalm 39:5
  2. Psalm 144:3-4
  3. Job 14:1-2

From these verses, it is crystal clear that as humans, our life is extremely short. The Psalmist calls our life a vapor. Job calls it a shadow that does not last.

Question # 1 – Do you TRULY BELIEVE that our lives are short and not guaranteed?

Surviving The Fire

Next, let’s read the following passages:

  1. 1 Corinthians 3:11-15
  2. Matthew 6:19

It is easy to see from these verses that a day is coming when everything on earth will be tested by fire. Only those things we have done that survive this fire will bring us reward. Everything else will burn.

Even between now and that day, we can expect rust, moths, and thieves to destroy or steal anything temporary we possess. Nothing we think we own today is guaranteed to survive intact for our entire lives, much less for eternity. It is all subject to the elements or theft.

Question # 2 – Do you TRULY BELIEVE that all of your earthly possessions will deteriorate and eventually be destroyed on this side of eternity?

Laying Up Treasure

Finally, take a look at these verses:

  1. Matthew 6:20-21
  2. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
  3. 1 Corinthians 3:14

In these verses, God promises us that we can store treasure in heaven that will survive the fire. He promises that, in effect, we can make deposits into an eternal savings account for future use! The only requirement is that we understand the difference between temporal and eternal value.

Question # 3 – Do you TRULY BELIEVE that we can store treasure in heaven through our actions here on earth?

Summing Up The Eternal Perspective

I want you to read back over the three questions listed above. If you answered any of these questions with a “No,” then I recommend you do further study on the infallibility of Scripture. You are certainly welcome to disagree, but, if so, the rest of this post will pretty much be meaningless to you.

IF, and I mean only IF, you answered “Yes” to all three of these questions, then I want you to answer two final questions.

Final Question #1 – Does your personal life (decisions, actions, focus) reflect the fact that you believe these three truths?

Final Question #2 – Does your business life (decisions, actions, focus) reflect the fact that you believe these three truths?

For a great visual illustration of this idea, watch this Francis Chan video on eternal perspective:

My First International Christian Business Conference!

Christian business conference

Just reading the title of this post makes me feel weird! I am not that guy in my mind. I am not someone that gets the opportunity to teach a group of Christians one third of the way around the world. I have so much to learn myself…I could not possibly be able to teach anyone, right? Even if the subject of the conference is Christian Business, something near and dear to my heart, I do not feel qualified.

Regardless of how qualified I feel, that is exactly what I had the opportunity to do a couple of weekends ago. I was given the opportunity to teach a small group of Christians in Chandigarh, India about Christian business and taking their faith into the marketplace. Before I give you more details about the event itself, let me tell you a little about how it began.

My Passion

I started this blog only eight months ago. I started from scratch. I did not have a platform ahead of time. I did not have a name in the Christian business world beyond my fairly small circle of influence. All I had was a passion welling up inside of me that had to get out.

This passion is for Christian business – using our businesses and/or leadership positions to do ministry for eternal impact in the business world. This passion is what has driven me to attempt to run my business with an eternal perspective for the past eight years. This passion has brought disappointment and victory, but it has also brought opportunities I never would have imagined before.

First Contact

After several months of blogging about Christian business, I received a comment on one of my posts from Pastor Rajeev in India. We exchanged emails and began communicating about our similar passions.

Rajeev mentioned another contact here in the U.S. named Scott Pitman. Scott is actually a car dealer like myself! He owns a very successful Suzuki dealership in Wichita, KS. More than that, Scott is a prime example of a Christian using his business as a platform for ministry. Check out his foundation’s website (Walking in the Reign) to learn more about what he is doing in Wichita as well as Haiti and India!

The Invitation!

Anyway, I talked to Scott about Rajeev and got some information on the work Rajeev has been doing with Scott’s help. I continued communicating with Rajeev about his ministry and mine. One day, he asked me if I used Skype.

I told him I did. He went on to ask if I would be interested in using Skype to teach some of the business people and professionals in his church about Christian business and marketplace ministry. I was shocked at first (reread the first paragraph of this post!), but then I realized God was certainly working in this. There was no other way that someone like me would get this opportunity – except by God!

My Fears

We made necessary preparations, including a practice run with Skype, and then set the date. The closer the date got, the more nervous I got! Surely something would happen and it would get canceled or postponed…maybe they find out I am not really qualified! More likely, they will run across someone else with better skills and more knowledge. Maybe I should even find someone for them and suggest they make the switch!

Maybe you would not have thought all of these things, but I did. I must have asked Rajeev ten times to give me a better feel for the cultural differences, his expectations, the make-up of the audience, etc. I wanted to know more so I could feel more secure. Unfortunately (or not), he just kept saying that I would be fine and that God would take care of it.

Successful Christian Business Conference!

Finally, the day came and the conference went without a hitch…that is if you ignore the 20+ times our internet connection failed! Even so, it really did go smoothly. We were prepared for the hiccups and God paved the way for a smooth presentation (with Rajeev translating). It was truly a remarkable experience.

Christian business conference

Audience in India in prayer.

I cannot explain the excitement that was pulsing through me as I sat in my office in Georgia watching a group almost 8,000 miles away in India sit attentively listening to what I had to say about running a Christian business. The teaching lasted three hours straight (1.5 hours of material and the same amount of time spent in translating!). They never took a break, but sat quietly on the floor soaking it up.

Future Opportunities?

They ended the session with a couple of questions, including the request for further teaching. Rajeev also has another church or two that wants to do the same session in their nearby churches! I honestly do not have any idea where this is headed. Nor do I need to! I am much more inclined to just trust God at this point and see where He takes it!

My Take Aways

Here are some take aways I have from this experience:

  1. Don’t underestimate God. He can do more than I can imagine. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
  2. These things do not depend on my ability, but on His will. (Proverbs 21:31)
  3. Learn and grow as I wait on Him. He will use the knowledge I gain. (Psalm 37:34)
  4. Moses did not get off the hook just because he felt unqualified. (Exodus 4:1-13)
  5. Be faithful in the small things and He will give me bigger ones. (Matthew 25:21)
  6. Relax and trust Him. Worrying is not productive. (Matthew 6:27)

What is God preparing you to do?

Are you being patiently faithful?

Do you see a take away I missed?

Why You May Not Like Tim Tebow!

I had the opportunity to attend the live event for the Chick-Fil-A Leadercast this past Friday. It was a fantastic chance to turn off my work mind for a day and learn from proven leaders. With a slate of 12 or more speakers, it was also easy to find plenty of leadership material for this blog. One of the first items that stood out came from Coach Urban Meyer, former Florida Gators football coach. He finally answered the question I have had for years – Why do so many people dislike Tim Tebow?


Tebow Is Clear About His Faith

If you follow sports at all, you clearly know of Tim Tebow. If you know of Tim Tebow, then you also know about his faith in Jesus Christ. You see, Tebow is open and up front about what he believes. His banner is clear. There is no question about where he stands on the issue of his faith.

You may not agree on his skill as a quarterback. Actually, Tebow is not concerned about that. He will tell you straight up that he is not concerned with his recognition as a great quarterback. No, his main concern is that you know where he stands with Jesus.

Is Tebow Too Vocal?

This is the very problem, some people will say. They say that he is too vocal. Many believe that Tebow should quiet down about his faith and just let his play on the football field do the talking. In fact, many Christians believe we should all keep our faith to ourselves, that it is a private matter. If we will just do this, they say, there will be more peace and tolerance.

Let’s put that argument on hold for a moment and get back to Coach Urban Meyer’s answer to the question, “Why do so many people dislike Tim Tebow?” When asked this question by Soledad O’Brien, CNN journalist, Coach Meyer responded insightfully. In fact, his answer makes total sense to me.

Urban Meyer Tells Why

Meyer first talked about his respect for Tim Tebow and the kind of man he is. He explained how Tebow had taught him more in their four years together than Meyer had learned in the 44 years prior! Finally, Meyer answered O’Brien’s question.

Meyer said Tebow is the kind of man that forces people to look inward, to self-evaluate.

Think about that. That statement says volumes! In fact, it is almost an exact match, in meaning, to a quote from Jim Elliot that I shared with you several days earlier! Look at this quote from Elliot’s prayer journal again…

Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me.

Tim Tebow Is A Crisis Man

I don’t know about you, but I cannot get that quote out of my head. When I heard Meyer’s answer, this quote was the first thing that popped into my mind. It is clear to me that Tim Tebow is a “crisis man.” Whether he is familiar with this quote from Jim Elliot or not, I am betting that he has prayed a similar prayer. If so, God has clearly answered it.

For me, there are two take-aways from this post.

Take Away #1

The first is that too many people are uncomfortable with looking inward and self-evaluation. When forced to do so by people like Tim Tebow, they get frustrated, even angry. Unfortunately, this group of people includes Christians and non-Christians alike! This simply should not be so!

I think we should all commit to looking inwardly and self-evaluating on a regular basis. Just like the Psalmist, we should ask God to help us with this (Psalm 139:23-24). We cannot grow in our conforming to the likeness of Christ without doing this!

Take Away #2

The second take away is that I think we are all commanded to shine our lights. Scripture is clear that we are the light and this light is not to be hidden (Matthew 5:14-16). I am not recommending a run on bullhorns at the local sporting goods store! I am, however, suggesting that we all step up our game when it comes to raising our banner. Silence is not an option.

Are you willing to be a “crisis” man or woman?

How are you shining your light in your work?

If hidden, when are you going to uncover your light?

Christian Business: My All-Time Top 10 Posts

I have not done a Top 10 post in a while, so I thought I would catch up. The following Christian business posts are my most popular so far, since the beginning of the blog! I hope you will check out the ones you don’t recognize and let me know what you think!

Christian business

Top 10 Christian Business Posts

1. Why I Decided To Walk Away From The Family Business…
This one is close to my heart because it is truly what started all of this. Interestingly enough, this post received more than three times as much traffic as #2. It has been the top post every time I have ranked them. It was certainly a turning point in my life – one I will never forget.

2. Pursue The Gifts You Have, Not The Ones You Want!
This is a great post about embracing our God-given gifts. This post received more comments than any of the others on this list.

3. Reason 2 of 5 To Run Your Business According To Your Faith
In this post, I look at how the Greatest Commandment(s) relate to our business purposes. This really hits at the core of what drives my efforts in business.

4. 10 Warning Signs You Are Not A Good Leader (Part 1)
I think we have all tripped over one or more of these at one time or another! Make sure to read “Part 2” as well! How many did you recognize?

5. Taking Action: Owners Manual For Life!
Here I describe one of the various methods our company employs to do ministry in the course of doing business. I also explained how I was heeding my own advice to just take action!

6. Why Acknowledge Christ In Christmas?
As a result of a friend sharing a video with me, I ran a Christ-centered TV ad leading up to Christmas. I posted about this video and the bigger issue of acknowledging Christ in Christmas.

7. Is Lack Of Excellence Excusable In Christian Business?
Too many Christian business people think mediocrity is excusable because they get a pass for being a Christian. Too many consumers get nervous when they find a Christian business because they are sure the service or product will be poor. Is this really acceptable?

8. How To Create A Life Plan Document
If you do not have one, in any shape or form, then you need to read this post. You are missing out on some serious impact and influence without one.

9. Reconcile And Forgive Immediately!
This was the fifth post in a series on character issues for leaders. I confessed my own struggles in this area as well.

10. Do You Have A Strategic Plan…For Ministry?
Just like #8, if you do not have one, you need it. We often make strategic plans for our businesses, but very few do the same for their ministry impact. Read this post and get started!

Did you see a post you missed?

What was your favorite? Why?

If you have a blog, what has been your most popular post? Sound off!

What Is A Christian Business?

Christian businessRecently, I have had multiple opportunities to answer the question, “What is a Christian business?” In fact, in a couple of days I will have my very first opportunity to teach an conference of business owners and professionals about taking their faith to their workplace.

Do you want to know the cool thing about this opportunity? The audience will be in India and we will be communicating via Skype!

Christian Business Defined?

In preparation for this conference, I have been working on my definition of a Christian business. While I am not an expert, I have spent the past eight years trying to answer the question and live it out. I have read what the Bible has to say about it, as well as many books that reference the Bible. I have learned from others that are living their faith through their businesses. I have also learned from my own mistakes and disappointments.

Rather than try to relay everything I have learned about defining Christian business (and taking the next several hours of your time!), I will try to give you the basics. I do not pretend that this is an exhaustive definition. Nor do I claim that I am the authority and cannot be questioned. I am simply a disciple that is learning as I go. This is what I have so far:


6 Characteristics of a Christian Business

1. God owns the earth and everything in it.

    This includes all animals, all plants, and even all businesses. In my opinion, the first step of a Christian business is to acknowledge this fact and submit the leadership of the business to God’s direction.

2. God’s economy operates from an eternal perspective.

    God’s economy does not operate from a 30 day picture (or quarterly or annual either). Therefore, a Christian business operates from an eternal perspective – choosing eternal impact over financial results. Obviously, no business can exist by ignoring financial results, but by operating on God’s principles first, both can be achieved.

3. Christian business does not guarantee prosperity.

    Despite TV preachers telling you otherwise, dedicating your business to God will not guarantee you financial success. Though God promises to honor our efforts if we dedicate them to Him (Psalm 37:5-6), He does not say when this will happen. His time frame is not ours. We may expect our reward while we are honoring Him, but He may not bring it to life for 100 years. We honor Him for who He is, not for what it will bring us.

4. The mission of the Christian business lines up with Scripture.

    The Greatest Commandment (Matt. 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) are commands, not suggestions. Therefore, I believe the Christian business should have a mission that reflects these commands.

5. A Christian business exists and operates in the “world.”

    It employs believers and non-believers alike. It ministers to both, as well as customers and the community, in the normal course of doing business. This ministry takes on a variety of looks!

6. A Christian business will fulfill us.

    Quite simply, we are designed to be fulfilled through our relationship with God. Period. If we try to separate our work from that relationship in the hopes that we will get a different, material fulfillment, then we are sadly mistaken. Read Ecclesiastes for more on this. On the other hand, even the most menial work, if done unto God, will bring fulfillment we cannot imagine.


To me, these are basic characteristics of a “Christian” business. I believe this can be done in a tasteful and practical way, without using a bullhorn (consider Chick-Fil-A). Of course, there are going to be pitfalls along the way. But in the end, I believe the fruit that is produced by this kind of business will survive the fire (1 Cor. 3:11-15).

What are your thoughts about these characteristics?

What would you add? What would you eliminate? Why?

How close is your business to exhibiting these characteristics?

What Kind Of Man Do You Want To Be?

Jim ElliotOne of my favorite role models in the world is Jim Elliot. I am not sure I know of a better example of a sold-out disciple of Jesus Christ than Jim. You cannot read his biography without being rocked by his total submission to his faith. Jim’s example is one I aspire to emulate, though I fall dreadfully short so far.

Jim Elliot – His Story

From a very young age, Jim Elliot was determined to give his all to God and trust Him for the rest. His life, and death, are told in various books and movies. Because of the depth of his dedication to Jesus, there is no way I can adequately relay his story to you here. Instead, I will give you the basic facts and let you read the rest on your own if you choose.

From his high school days, Jim Elliot wanted to spread the gospel. In college, his dream began to take shape as his every thought and action was directed toward this objective. Finally, at the age of 24, he realized his dream as he arrived in Ecuador as a missionary.

A short four years later, in January 1956, Jim Elliot and four fellow missionaries were slaughtered by the very Auca Indians they were trying to reach for Christ. Later, their wives continued their husbands’ efforts and successfully brought the gospel to these same Indians. Jim’s death received national attention and it was certainly dramatic. However, it was his life that gets my attention.

Jim Elliot – His Writing

One of the reasons his biography is so riveting is that he was a prolific journal writer. So many of his thoughts and actions are recorded there and his wife quoted from them quite often in his biography (she was the author). It is in reading these excerpts from his journals that I realize how far I am from being the disciple of Jesus that I want to be. I find myself inspired to be more of a sold-out man of God.

One of my favorite quotes from his journals is this one:

“Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me.”

Please stop and read that again, slowly. I don’t care how many times I read that quote, I am rocked. When I talk about making an eternal impact on our employees, customers, and community, this is what I mean.

The Man I Want To Be

I do not simply want to be someone that gave a helping hand, though that is good. I do not only want to be the one that listened when someone needed an ear, though that is certainly needed. I do not want to be satisfied with being a model citizen that is respected and admired in the community, though there is nothing wrong with that.

No. I want to be a “crisis man” that causes people to truly desire to meet the God I know. I want everyone I meet to walk away wanting the same fire I have in my belly. I want them to walk away unsettled if necessary, wondering what it is that I see that they cannot.

I do not want to be neutral and liked by all. I want to be bold and on fire – clearly in love with Jesus and trying to walk as He did. I do not want to be everyone’s favorite except for those who met Him because of meeting me.

A Long Way To Go

I know I am not there – not even close. I know I have a LONG way to go. But at the same time, I am determined to make that my final destination. I am committed to doing whatever I have to do between now and then to ensure that I finish the race and get the crown (2 Timothy 4:6-8). My heart hurts to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:14-30)

To whatever extent God allows me to realize this dream through the business I am stewarding for Him, I will be thankful for it. If He calls me elsewhere, I will go. But until that day comes, my business is His business and I will commit it to be used to bring others to know Him as I do.

Ministry Action: Resource Library for Employees

Do You Have A Resource Library…?

As a Christian business owner or leader, you are most likely a life-long learner. Whether you read books, blogs, and magazines or listen to podcasts or other audio materials, you most likely consume teaching resources on a regular basis. You may even have your own resource library. I bet you consider the expense of learning to be necessary – just a part of being a leader.

resource library

…For Employees?

My question is this – do you give your employees the same opportunity? Have you even thought about this? Obviously you see the benefit of constant reading and learning for your own growth. Don’t you think the same is true for your employees or team members?

ministry actionWhat I am suggesting here is not a program that forces them to read. I am not talking about forcing them to do anything.

First, it may be that no one else has ever before emphasized to them the importance of reading. Their lack of reading could also come from a lack of the financial resources. Regardless, for those that see the benefits of continuous learning, you can certainly offer your support.

Recently, I posted about easy ways to do Christian ministry in the course of doing business. Now I am about to add another one – a resource library for your employees. There is nothing complicated about doing this at all. In fact, it may be easier than you think.

How To Set Up A Resource Library

Here are some of the steps we went through to set up our resource library:

    1. Decide where you will locate it.

      It needs to give them easy access while also being monitored so it does not turn into a hide-out or junk collection point.

    2. Decide who will approve the material and the guidelines they will use.

      Depending on your purpose, you need to make sure there are guidelines for what you will and will not include. Our guideline is simple – it must not conflict with our mission statement.

    3. Decide how it will be funded.

      We fund ours through the business, but I am sure you could come up with any number of ways to raise the money to make this happen.

    4. Solicit book donations.

      Allow your employees to bring some of their favorite books and materials and donate them or loan them to the resource library. They need to understand the risk of loss, but most are fine with this.

    5. Begin with basic materials.

      I would suggest you start with your own books – those fitting the overall purpose – and then adding those resources you think will meet the basic needs of your people.

    6. Accept requests from employees.

      In the event an employee sees a book they would like to read, have them submit a request for it. If it fits your criteria, buy the book and add it to the resource library.

    7. Add your own twists.

      a. We stock several translations of the Bible. In the event an employee wants a Bible, we will buy it for them. In this case, they get to sample the various translations and choose one they like. This is one book they do not have to return to the resource library. It is theirs to keep.
      b. We also stock multiple copies of several more popular books. We encourage the employees to share these copies with anyone they meet that is interested. This is especially true with the Christian books.

As a reference only (not necessarily a guide), the following is an estimate of the mix we currently have in our resource library.

resource library resource library

Do your employees have access to a resource library?

How hard would it be to establish one for them?

What benefits do you think you would see?

Crisis – An Advisory Board In Action

advisory boardAs Christian business owners and leaders, we are virtually guaranteed to face a crisis in the course of doing business. In fact, the odds are we will face more than one.

Are You Prepared?

Depending on your experience, you may or not be prepared for it when it hits. If it is big enough, even your years of experience may not help. This is where the combined godly wisdom of a good advisory board is critical.

Advisory Board in Action

In a recent C12 advisory board meeting, one of the members shared the crisis he is currently facing in his business. His crisis was actually a conglomeration of several difficult issues involving family, business, and faith. To protect the innocent, I will not go into details!

The Crisis Defined

I will tell you that in all my years of business, I have not faced anything like this business owner is facing. It quickly became clear in the group that the same was true for the rest of the members. This situation was a doozy and had more hair on it than Bigfoot! Quite simply, there was no clear and easy solution.

It took the member 30-45 minutes to finally get all of the pertinent facts onto the table because he was so distraught over the situation. He bounced from issue to issue, trying to describe all the details. We were asking clarifying questions the whole time because he was so scattered in his thoughts and words. It was a painful effort just getting a clear picture of the whole situation.

Action Plan Established

From there, it was amazing to watch the minds of eight godly, Christian business owners jump into action. In a flurry of more questions, debate, and brainstorming, our advisory board group came up with a solid action plan for the member to execute.

Here are some of the advisory board contributions:

    1. Detailed the timeline for his action plan.

    2. Debated the best approach to each step of the plan.

    3. Outlined possible break downs in the plan and how to respond to them.

    4. Discussed the potential pitfalls to shortcutting various steps in the plan.

    5. Gave advice relating to legal issues he will need to further investigate.

    6. Tested our recommendations against Scripture throughout the process.

    7. Questioned him on various decisions he had made up to this point.

    8. Gave him contact info for key people that could meet various needs.

    9. Prayed over him and the whole situation – asking for wisdom, peace, strength, mercy, forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation for all parties involved.

Now Fully Prepared

At the end of the meeting, it was clear that the member was in better spirits and fully equipped to face the crisis head on. While, the tough time was still in front of him, he knew he was on the right path and had a solid game plan. He also knew that we would continue to pray for him through the process. That does a lot for one’s confidence.

Advisory Board Structure

I encourage you to contact C12 if you are interested in visiting a group meeting to get a feel for how it works. Of course, the C12 Advisory Board structure is not the only way to accomplish this process. In my conversation with Mark Cress a couple of weeks ago, he explained how his advisory board consisted of a unique blend of personalities and experience. This board is the actual Board of Directors for Corporate Chaplains of America (CCA).

Though there are some significant differences in the responsibilities of his board when compared to the C12 advisory board, the benefits discussed in this post are the same. An example of this is how the CCA board has played a critical role in creating Mark’s succession plan over the next several years. Their combined wisdom will ensure a smooth transition of leadership over CCA, as well as position the organization for significant growth in the future.

You Need An Advisory Board

The bottom line is that regardless of the size of your business, you need an advisory board. There are too many potential problems you could face that will require more wisdom and experience than you have. Whether you seek a paid advisory board or one that volunteers their time, you cannot afford to go it alone.

Consider these verses from Proverbs as your encouragement to get started:

Without guidance, people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance.
-Proverbs 11:14

Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.
-Proverbs 15:22

Finalize plans with counsel, and wage war with sound guidance.
-Proverbs 20:18

…wage war with sound guidance – victory comes with many counselors.
-Proverbs 24:6

Do you have similar access to the godly wisdom an advisory board offers?

What are some other benefits you have seen?

If not, when are you going to get started?

Christian Business: 7 Easy Ways To Integrate Faith And Work

Christian businessI am a strong believer in the great need for Christian business owners and leaders to begin integrating their Christian faith and their businesses. I do not think enough people are thinking this way, so I write this blog in an effort to get the message out.

As part of this effort, I often include practical ways to do ministry in the normal course of doing business. The following is a list of 7 easy ways to get started. Each item on this list is something we are already doing and is further described in separate post. The link to each post is included in each brief description. At the end of this list, I will tell you how to find another 101 ideas!

7 Easy Ways To Integrate Faith and Work

1. Christian mission statement

    This is so crucial that it really should be the first thing you do. A mission statement that acknowledges your business as a Christian business not only tells others what you are about, but also serves to keep you on track for years to come. Read more here – Mission Statement – Step 1 in a Strategic Ministry Plan.

2. Impact Fund

    Your employees will get into the giving spirit if you lead the way. Creating a fund that allows them to support their co-workers in times of need is a huge opportunity to lead. They will surprise you with their response! Read more here – How Could a Business Help with Employee Hardship?.

3. Gospels in the lounge

    You do not have to hit people over the head with the Gospel to spread it as a Christian business. Simply placing these simple Gospel messages in your customer areas is a great way to sow seeds. Let God do the rest. Read more here – Ministry Action: Gospels in the Lounge.

4. Employee Newsletter

    Communication is critical for any business. This is especially true for a Christian business. You can easily improve your company-wide communication through the use of a company newsletter. Using even the simplest of newsletters to convey a Biblical message or promote Christian values can bear fruit. Read more here – Advice from Coach Wooden.

5. Message at company gatherings

    Company gatherings, such as Christmas parties, can be an excellent opportunity for the Christian business owner or leader to reinforce the mission of the company. An easy way to do this is to carve out 10-15 minutes or so and tell a story or interesting illustration that conveys the Gospel message. While the first time may be uncomfortable, God will honor your efforts. Read more here – Christ and the Company Christmas Party.

6. Message to customers

    Different companies will have varying opportunities to share the Gospel with customers. For us, including a copy of the New Testament, with a cover that reads “Owner’s Manual For Life”, in the glove box of every car we sell seemed like an easy way to accomplish this. Read more here – Taking Action: Owner’s Manual for Life.

7. Chaplain program

Don’t Delay!

You should have no excuses to delay. Pick one or two ideas to get started, grab a couple of your key people to help, and lay out your plan. I promise you will not regret taking action!

Do you see any ideas you can implement immediately?

What can you add to the list?

What results have you seen from your efforts?