How Could A Business Help With Employee Hardship?

ministry actionOne of the main purposes of this blog is to share ideas relating to running your business as a platform for Christian ministry. I have shared many examples of things we do in our business in an effort to minister to our employees, their families, our customers, and the community. Today, I want to tell you about a ministry action called the Impact Fund program that we currently run within our business to help with employee hardship.

Employee Hardship Assistance

The Impact Fund is designed to help employees going through a hardship. All employees have the opportunity to contribute to this fund directly from their paycheck. Anytime we become aware of an employee going through a tough time financially, we use money from this fund to help them out.

employee hardshipThe contributions are voluntary and range from $2 to $40 per donor each month. All assistance given is confidential and the decisions to assist are made by the Leadership Team. We make sure the needs are legitimate and not reflective of a trend. Rarely is assistance given to the same employee twice.

I have been amazed at the response from the employees giving. I have also been amazed at the opportunities we have had to help those in need! This really is a great program. I urge you to consider something similar for your own company.

Below is one of my recent articles promoting the Impact Fund program in our company newsletter.


    Working Together

      Not long after the I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) test was developed, several studies were conducted to find out how different groups of people scored on the test as groups. The test was administered to men and women, young and old, rich and poor, and many ethnic groups as well. It was in this context that the I.Q. test was given to a group of Hopi Indians.

      When the Hopi received the test, they immediately started to ask each other questions and to compare their answers. The instructor saw this happening, and quickly intervened, telling them that they each had to take the test alone. “You are not permitted to help each other or to share your answers among yourselves,” he told them.

      When the Hopi heard this, they were outraged and refused to take the test, saying, “It is not important that I am smarter than my brother, or that my brother is smarter than me. It is only important what we can do together!”

    Folks, I am NOT recommending group work on factory certification tests! At the same time, I am telling you that we need to look around and lend a hand to those in need of help. If we are truly going to act like a family and reap the benefits of being part of a family, then we all need to make sure we are acting like Hopi Indians!

    One perfect opportunity to do this is what we call the Impact Fund. Each month, you have the opportunity to contribute some amount (of your choice) from your check into this fund. The money in this fund is used for responding to employee hardship. This money is not used for anything else. While I cannot go into detail on any of the specific employee situations that this fund has helped with, I can tell you with confidence that it is working!

    Here are two ways you can help your fellow employees…

    1. Contribute some amount from your check to go into the fund.
    (anything from $1 or $2 up to $20 or more per check – anything helps!)
    2. Make us aware of employee hardships that you see or hear about.
    (see Brian, Chris, Allen, Tim, or Mike)

    I appreciate all who are currently contributing! I know the recipients of the help appreciate it! I encourage everyone to consider participating as you can.


Do you have anything like this at your business?

Do you have any success stories to share?

What would it take to do something similar?

Ministry Action: Gospels in the Lounge

Several weeks ago, I did a post on Christian Ministry in Business. I mentioned that I would be following up in the future with ministry actions that our company takes. So far, I have posted about several examples listed below:

Other Ministry Action Posts

ministry action

    Newsletter article
    Christ-centered TV ad
    Christ-centered message at company Christmas party
    “Merry Christmas” on business windows
    New Testament in every glove box

Another Ministry Action Idea

Today, I would like to tell you about another idea that you may be able to use in your own business. This is a very simple idea that costs very little.

ministry actionOur business has three separate buildings with three separate service departments (one for each franchise group – Honda, Ford, Chrysler). In each of these buildings is a customer lounge that includes leather club chairs and sofas, laptop workstations with free WiFi, flat screen TV’s, and complementary refreshments. These lounges are very comfortable and are frequently full of customers getting maintenance completed on their cars.

As most waiting areas do, we offer various magazines and newspapers for customer use. We also have brochures for vehicles, accessories, and warranty protection. Up to this point, you are probably thinking that there is nothing abnormal about our customer lounges.

Pocket-sized Gospel of John

Well, the part that I wanted to tell you about is the way we offer God’s Word as a part of this experience. We also have a small display case full of pocket-sized Gospels of John. We have one of these display cases in each of the lounges.

We included a sticker on each of the displays that says, “Please Take One!” in an effort to encourage customers to take one to read or share. Inside each gospel is a simple plan of salvation along with a phone number to call for more help.

Pocket Testament League

We order these gospels from The Pocket Testament League. The league has been around since 1893 and has given away more than 110 million gospels in its history! You can order the gospels for free, but they ask for donations to support the ministry. We donate $1 per gospel, or $30 per box of 30 gospels.

One cool feature of these gospels is the variety of cover designs they offer. Currently, they offer 50 different cover designs that are all very attractive. You can choose from so many themes that I cannot even begin to list all of them here. You just have to take a look yourself to see which ones fit your needs!

Pocket Testament

Above is just a sampling of the 50 or so covers they offer. While we have not yet done it, they also offer custom covers for orders over a certain volume. This organization is so flexible!

Inexpensive Results!

As I said earlier, this is a very inexpensive way to spread the gospel message in your business. The plastic displays may have cost $3 each and the gospels themselves are just $1 each. In 2011, we had roughly 200 gospels taken from these displays. I do not know what the results are beyond this, but I do know in Whose hands they rest!

Give this a try in your own business!

Does this ministry action encourage you to do something similar?

What are some other ways you could distribute these gospels?

What is holding you back from signing up and ordering your first box right now?

How To Do Christian Ministry In Business

I often get asked (and ask myself) “Just exactly HOW do you do Christian ministry in your business?” or “How do you integrate your Christian faith into your business?” In my last post, What is Christian Ministry?, I put forth my belief that we ALL are to be in full-time Christian ministry, whether that is our paid vocation or not. Now I want to help you learn HOW to do that!

Christian ministry

Christian Ministry Practices In Business

Based on multiple requests from readers and others, I am going to start a new series of posts. Unlike other series I have done, these posts will not be back-to-back in a continuous stream. Instead, these posts will be scattered among my posts from week to week. The common subject of this series will be actual Christian ministry practices in our business that are designed to bring the Christian faith into our business. Many of these practices came out of our Strategic Ministry Planning.

I will tell you what we are doing and how we are measuring our progress (if we are!). I will also tell you about any results, feedback, success stories, etc. that we have received. I will include any documents (on my Resources page) that apply.

Christian ministryYou will be able to recognize these posts right off by seeing this symbol to the left. I will include it anytime I add a post to this series!

As you can see, the cross, representing the Christian faith, is integrated into the upward-tracking graph arrow, representing business. While it is simple, I think it conveys what we are trying to do.

Goals Of The Series

In showing you how we are attempting to integrate our faith into our business through Christian ministry actions, I hope to accomplish several things:

  • Give you ideas that you can implement in your business
  • Help you think outside of the box in coming up with your own ideas
  • Get feedback from you about how we might improve our practices
  • Generate conversation that contributes to everyone’s learning

I hope this series will be helpful to you as we go. I know it will be helpful to me…especially if you do your part in commenting at the bottom! Feel free to ask questions, add suggestions, or just make general comments for each practice. I am truly interested in hearing from you and learning with you.

Pray First

Before we go into this series, I encourage you to begin praying about how God might want you to start doing ministry in your own business. If you are already bringing Christian ministry into your own business, then pray about how you can improve on what you are already doing.

Maybe He wants more from you in this area. Maybe He wants you to share what you are doing with other business people. It could be that you need to start including more of your employees in the Christian ministry already going on. Who knows?

Whatever the case, you need to start with prayer. I am not the expert in the area of Christian ministry in business, but I know that God is. Seek His wisdom as you try to invest the talents He has given you. I hope to have some ideas that will help you, but He is the source of all ideas and creativity.

What is God placing on your heart right now relating to Christian ministry in your business?

Are you seeking His wisdom and guidance?

What do you need to do next?