This is the last in a series of 13 posts that describe, from the beginning, our ongoing journey to integrate our Christian faith into our family automobile business. This series of posts lays the groundwork for the context of this blog. This final post wraps it all up and gets it started at the same time!

Read and Apply God’s Word
Going all the way back to the fall of 2000, I experienced an awakening of sorts when I realized how little I actually read the Bible. If it really is God’s Word, then I need to treat it that way and begin learning it. For the past eleven years, I have been doing just that.
Not only have I been spending time in the Bible virtually every day since then, but I have also been working hard to apply what I have learned. Whether that application is in the home, at work, in the community, or even in the church itself, I want to live out what I read. I cannot say that I have it all figured out or that I am consistently applying all I have learned, but I am working at it every day.
The Business Belongs To God
The area of application that I feel is most unique today has been my work. God has shown me through this process that my business is not separate from my spiritual life. My “spiritual life” is my whole life and my business is a part of that life. As a result, it must be given over to Him. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 that we are not our own, but we were bought at a price. I believe this includes our temple (body), time, treasure, and talents. This business is part of my time, treasure, and talents and therefore belongs to God.
Having made this decision, I have been working for the past eight years to transform this business into one that pleases Him and advances His kingdom. This transformation has created many challenges. We have encountered resistance along the way, both from friend and foe alike. At the same time, God has been faithful to sustain our efforts. He has given us victories when we most needed them and has blessed us with wisdom to see the fight for what it is.
A Long Journey
Since I made the decision to turn this business over to him in 2003, we have not looked back. We are eight years into this journey. In some ways, we have come a long way – in this blog, I will be describing some of the projects, initiatives, processes, and policies that have resulted along the way. In other ways, it seems we have just barely started the journey – I will also be describing the challenges causing this feeling. Either way I look at it, I believe we are fulfilling God’s purpose for this business.
Regardless of where you are in your journey, I hope you will find the information here helpful. I also hope you will pass it on to someone else who may need it. Feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions! I look forward to the journey together!
Are you on a similar journey? Should you be?
What is God’s purpose for your life and business?
Are you ready to take the leap?
photo by Joe Diaz
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