How would you respond if someone placed a gun to your head and asked, “Are you willing to die for Jesus?” If you are like most believers in Jesus, you want to say that you would remain faithful to Him to the end, regardless of the threat. The truth is that you probably do not know the answer. Until we are actually IN that position, it is next to impossible to know how we would respond.

For most Christians reading this article, the threat I just described is not one we will likely face in the near future, if at all. It is almost a worthless discussion since the threat is so removed from our current situations that we cannot know our heart on the matter.
There are Christians around the world who wake up every morning with the possibility of facing death for their faith in Jesus. These people could discuss this scenario because it is a very real threat to them. For most of us, this is simply not the case.
In light of that, how is a follower of Jesus supposed to respond to the following Scripture? How do we live out this command given to us from Jesus?
Take Up The Cross Daily
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.
Luke 9:23-24
I believe there is a key word in these verses that gives us a clue as to how we are to respond. Take a look at the phrase “take up his cross daily” and see if you recognize the word that stands out.
The word that tells me all I need to know is “daily”. For those of us not facing a threat on our very lives, we are still commanded to die for Jesus. Though we are not going to die in the sense that our lives end, we ARE to die daily through our decisions and actions.
Jesus specifically said that we are to take up our cross on a DAILY basis. That means every day. It means all through the day. As disciples of Jesus, we are to die daily to our own selfish desires, goals, and dreams. Instead, we are to take on His desires, goals, and dreams for us.
That’s right. Stop and think about all of the desires, goals, and dreams that make up your vision for your life. With each of them, ask yourself if it is something for you or something for Jesus. What is the root of each of these desires?
If you are honest and determine that the desire is rooted in you (not Jesus), then you must die daily to it. You must give it up. It is that simple. The verse above is not at all fuzzy on this.
Now, before you push back on this, realize that God may have placed this desire in your heart. While you see it as rooted in you, that does not mean you will never see it again. It just means that you need to give it back to God and let Him decide if, and when, He will give it to you.
The key point here is that we ARE to die daily for Jesus. We ARE to do this on a daily basis, giving up our own desires for the sake of His. We are to do this for multiple reasons. Let’s take a look at three of these reasons.
We Are Ambassadors
First, we are told in Scripture that we are to be examples to those in this world who do not know God. We can look around in the world today and see enough examples of Christians who do not look any different than the world around them. Instead, Jesus told us we are to stand out. We are to act in such a way as to point others to Him.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
We Should Be Thinking Eternally
Second, even though we may lose our temporary desires in this world, there is a greater reward in store for us.
Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:23-24
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 18:14
We Are to Surrender
Of course, the third reason for us to choose this path is that Jesus told us to choose it. Throughout Scripture, we are taught that we are to surrender to His desires. We are to humble ourselves. We are to seek Him first. This is the mystery we are given:
The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
John 12:25
I encourage you to think about the areas of your life in which you need to die daily for Jesus. Is it your business? Are you running your business for the purpose of reaching your own desires, goals, and dreams? Or have you turned it over to Him and you are now seeking Him first in every area of it?
Don’t let the lack of an immediate threat on your life lull you to sleep. Be prepared to die for Jesus every day.
Image by kevron2001 / iStock
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