If you look around at the world we are living in today, you will see a lot of confusion and chaos. There is so much uncertainty and fear whether you look at politics, the economy, or most any other arena. It is in many ways a frightening time to live. On the other hand, this is an amazing time to live if we look at the opportunity from an eternal perspective. We simply have to stand.

Confusion And Fear
Let’s go back to a time of similar confusion and chaos so you can see what I mean. The time I am referring to is the Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection. The place is Jerusalem. It has been a short time since Jesus was crucified and only days since He ascended, leaving His disciples alone in Jerusalem.
The people of Jerusalem are not sure what to think about the whole “Jesus movement” at this point. They heard amazing stories about His miracles, but they also know He was killed and buried. Now they hear some saying He is alive. They are definitely confused. Many are afraid to even hint at being a part of this movement for fear of their lives.
Not too many days before, Peter was not any different. In fact, he actually denied knowing Jesus (John 18:15-27) prior to the crucifixion. Then afterwards, he was hiding in a locked room with the rest of the disciples. They were all in fear for their lives.
Transformation Happens
As we read Acts 2:1-13, we see a transformation happen. As promised by Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes on the disciples, they begin speaking in foreign tongues, and everything changes for them. However, the crowds in Jerusalem are still confused.
Many begin to question the disciples and their speech. Others sneer that they must be drunk! This crowd does not appear to be one that would be very receptive to their message. The crowd is not quite like the one cheering for Jesus’ death weeks earlier, but neither is it one that appears to be open-minded.
Before we move on, do you see any similarities between this crowd and the conditions in which we live? Do you see the parallels of confusion, frustration, and skepticism? Do you see the crowd described in Acts 2 to resemble one you might see in today’s cultural environment?
Peter Takes A Stand
So what happens next (Acts 2:15)?
Peter decided to stand up.
That’s right. Peter, who had recently denied Jesus, has now decided to stand up in front of a restless crowd. No longer is he scared or hiding. No longer is he worried about his life or the consequences of being associated with Jesus. Instead, he takes a stand.
Would You Stand Up?
Put yourself in Peter’s place. Are you willing to get off the sidelines and stand up? Are you ready to stop worrying about the consequences of identifying yourself (and your business!) with Jesus? Will you take a stand in front of the crowd and proclaim that you are a disciple of Jesus? Will you do this by using your business to minister to the crowds?
Let’s be clear. Not all of us will literally get to be in front of a crowd where we are called to preach a sermon like Peter’s. Instead, some will find God placing us in other opportune settings. Regardless of the exact situations for each of us, we are all called to proclaim our identity with Him. We are all called to stand.
What Happened To Peter?
For one final point, I want to go back to Peter at Pentecost. Take a look at Acts 2:37 first. Here, the crowd responds to Peter’s sermon.
When they heard this, they came under deep conviction and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what must we do?”
Did you see that? The crowd that just minutes earlier was questioning and sneering at the disciples had now experienced “deep conviction” and were ready to take the next step! That is a huge transformation, right?
Now, read Acts 2:41.
So those who accepted his message were baptized, and that day about 3,000 people were added to them.
Look At The Results!
Are you kidding me? This is Peter’s first sermon and 3,000 people accept his message and are baptized! If you want to see how deeply they accepted his message, just read the rest of Acts 2. They bought in completely!
Folks, we have the same opportunity today. No, we may not speak to 3,000 at once and see them all baptized. At the same time, with the influence we have in and through our businesses, we have just as many (or more) opportunities to impact people on a large scale, especially if the ones we influence go on to influence others!
We Have The Answers
The bottom line is this. We live in a world that is confused and needs answers. We have those answers. We also have a “platform” from which to give the crowds these answers. Our jobs and businesses are the perfect platforms with which to point others to God and the hope He offers us all.
The only question remaining is this – will you stand up?
Photo by suradach/Shutterstock
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