This is the second post in a series on life planning. In this series, I am sharing with you the basics of a life plan and why you need one by going through the details of my own LIFE planning process. Neither my plan nor my process are perfect. In fact, they are evolving from year to year. My hope is that you can take what I do (or even just parts of it) and use it to create your own plan.
The Components
As I said in my previous post, there are many components that you can use as parts of your life plan. I can break my process into three main components – the Plan, the Dashboard, and the Technology. In this and the next two posts, I am going to describe each of these components in detail. In the final post, I will describe the process I use each year to review and update my plan for the new year.
Side Note: In case you did not notice, I use all CAPS when referring to my personal LIFE plan – it stands for Living Intentionally For Eternity.
LIFE Plan – Main Document
Let’s talk about the LIFE Plan first – the main document for me. This document consists of three parts:
- -Role Descriptions
-Focus Areas
To create this document, I drew heavily from Stephen Covey’s book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In this book, Covey talks about the various roles each of us plays in our lives. For me, I am a husband, father, steward of God’s business, etc.. In each of these roles, my responsibilities and goals vary.
Role Descriptions
As a result of the material in this book, I based the structure of my LIFE plan on what I defined as my roles. Here they are, in order of priority for me:
- 1. Sold-out Disciple of Jesus
2. Intentional Individual
3. Loving Husband
4. Godly Father
5. Faithful Steward of God’s Business
6. Servant Leader at Church
7. Compassionate Neighbor
8. Loyal Friend
For each of these roles, I have written a brief summary description of what I believe that role looks like. Essentially, I used Covey’s Habit #2, Begin With The End In Mind.
I have cited the Scripture upon which these descriptions are based. I have written these descriptions in the form of positive affirmations to help me visualize my living out each role with maximum effectiveness. These role descriptions go beyond just the one year and represent what I want to look like at the end of my life.
Here is an example of one of these descriptions:
Example Role Description
- Sold-Out Disciple of Jesus
As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I love the Lord my God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength(1). It is my first and most urgent priority to seek to know God in a way that is real and that serves as my primary motivation in life. I believe in a true eternal life and therefore I live this life with an eternal perspective(2) at all times.
(1) Matthew 22:37
(2) Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Focus Areas, Goals
In addition to the role descriptions, I have decided on 3-5 main focuses for the upcoming year under each role. These focus areas could be areas where I need improvement. Or they could be areas where I need to start exploring something new. They may even be something I am going to stop doing!
For each focus area, when applicable, I have listed one or two clarifying goals. Here is an example of a focus area and goal:
Example Focus Area and Goal
- Faithful Steward of God’s Business (role)
Focus Area: Mentor & Teach
This is something I believe God has gifted me to do. I will be more intentional about scheduling this time in 2012. I will focus mainly on the management staff and the Leadership Team.
Goal: 25 Hours of actual teaching (not including prep time)
In essence, these three parts (Role Descriptions, Focus Areas, and Goals) make up my entire LIFE plan main document.
So that you get an idea of what one full role portion of the plan looks like in its entirety, you can [Click Here] for a copy of my Godly Father role plan for 2012. You can also [Click Here] for the Title Page Summary I wrote for the beginning of the document. While it is not detailed above, it may help you get a clearer picture of my approach.
I have said it before and I will say it again. I am sharing my plan in an effort to get you started. Your plan may look very different. It may be more involved or less so. Either way is fine.
Seek God First
The important part is that you seek God and ask Him to impress on you what your plans and direction should be. You can certainly do this on your own, but I do not believe that is His desire for us. If we start with His plan (and stick with it!), we will experience the fulfillment for which we were designed.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to comment here or email me privately from the Contact Page. I am not an expert, but I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.
In my next post, I will describe my LIFE Plan Dashboard.
Is this what you were expecting?
Do you see the benefit of this kind of plan?
What one obstacle is keeping you from getting started?
Originally posted 1/24/12