5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety, Part 2

[This is a the second half of my post on the 5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety. If you have not read the first post, please take a moment to do that before reading this one. It will make much more sense!]


Praying For Patience?

Have you ever prayed for patience? If you have or you know someone that has, you know that is just asking for trouble, right? With training for patience come trials. I have news for you…the same is true for writing about anxiety! Before my last post, I felt I had very little to “worry” about. In the last couple of days the reasons for anxiety have flooded in!

So far, I have attempted to practice my own advice! I am excited to say that it is working at the moment. I may have to come back to you later with some modifications or further instructions, but for now I will stick with my 5 Steps.

Eliminating Anxiety!

In my last post, I talked about the root of anxiety being a simple uncertainty of the future. I described how this uncertainty is not a problem until consequences are added. It is usually the size of the consequences that creates the anxiety that is so difficult for us to handle.

In that post, I gave the first two of these 5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety. Following is a summary of the first two steps and then the details of the final three steps. I suggest you take these and pray through them. I truly believe you will find that, with practice, they are effective.

Step #1 – Bible Is Truth

We must recognize and believe that the Bible is absolutely and totally the Word of God AND that it is without error or fluff. This step is non-negotiable and is the foundation for Step #2.

Step #2 – Read About Your Future

The next step is to read about our ultimate future as described, and promised, in the Bible. We are told there that Jesus died for us. If we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives, we are promised an eternity with Him. Therefore, what happens to us between now and then is in His hands and unworthy of worry or anxiety.

Step #3 – Pray For Faith

Because it is easier to read and understand the truth in Step #2 than it is to fully accept it and internalize it, our next step is to pray for the faith we need. We need to be just like the father (whose son was dying) who said to Jesus, “I do believe! Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:14-27)

Many professing Christians believe the Bible is true and that it gives us a picture of our ultimate future, but when life comes at them, their faith fails them. Anxiety takes over and faith seems like a distant memory. We simply cannot allow this to continue!

Cry out to God for the faith needed to believe what He tells you in His Word. Do not relent until He grants you this faith. Just remember that much of our faith comes from going through these trials and coming out on the other side. Looking back builds our faith for the next one!

Step #4 – Repeat Steps #2 & #3 As Needed

Unlike learning not to put your hand on a hot stove, this lesson about anxiety is not a once-and-done kind of lesson. This is something many people will struggle to defeat over a period of time. While this may be true, do NOT accept that it cannot be defeated. Anxiety is not something you just have to learn how to live with – unless you cannot get past Step #1!

Because it may take time, you need to keep doubling back to Step #2 and then Step #3. Repeat these steps over and over. Write them on labels and put them on your monitor at work and the dash of your car. Put them on your refrigerator at home. Memorize the Scriptures that speak to you the most.

As you do this, keep praying for God to help your unbelief. You may believe that He saved you, but you have trouble believing that He will provide a job for you. Maybe you can trust Him with your soul, but cannot seem to place your teenager in His hands. As you pray through this, you will begin to see the fallacy of your logic and your faith will grow to meet the challenges you are facing.

Step #5 – Enjoy The Peace

Oh yeah, Step #5 is the goal! If you will follow the first four steps listed above, then you will be treated to what is probably the greatest gift God has given us after our salvation – peace. If you have had it, you know what I mean!

If you look at the beginning of all of Paul’s letters in the New Testament, he starts with a mention of peace. Jesus talks many times about the peace he brings us, despite the trouble of this world. This is clearly our goal as it is the total absence of anxiety. Not only is it promised to us, but it is within our reach every day!

Practice Makes Perfect

You will not be fully successful with these five steps on your first try. You absolutely must commit to practicing them if you expect to be good at them. If you want this to work, you must work through these steps over time. Each time you will get stronger and stronger. Eventually, you will see that the truth of Steps #1 & #2 are enough to vanquish the anxiety at your door. Until then, keep practicing!

Now that you have the 5 steps, what do you think?

Are you willing to try following these steps?

What part of this process is new to you?

5 Steps To Eliminate Anxiety

Before I even start this post, I want to be clear (again) that I do not have it all figured out AND that I may be oversimplifying an issue that seriously plagues most of us at one time or another. At the risk of offending some and confusing others, I am going to offer what I believe is the cure to this problem. This problem is anxiety.


Anxiety Is Destructive

It goes by many names – stress, worry, concern, apprehension, fear, etc. Even when we only focus on the business world, anxiety takes on many shapes, sizes, and forms. Some suffer from it like a minor rash, but for others it may as well be a broken back or worse!

It can paralyze you when you need to make a critical decision. It can steal the focus you so desperately need to keep your business on track. It can be a pothole or a cliff. If you don’t suffer from it yourself, you surely know someone who does. If you or that person happens to be in leadership or a position of influence, then the results can be anywhere from frustrating to devastating.

Anxiety Defined

So what exactly is anxiety? What is at its root?

I think the root of anxiety is simply an uncertainty of the future.

At this level – simple uncertainty – there is not really a problem. Uncertainty by itself is not a big deal. Without consequences, uncertainty scares no one. I can be uncertain about the outcome of a coin toss without experiencing anxiety.

Add Consequences

However, if that coin toss takes on more significant meaning or determines what my future may look like, then anxiety can creep in. If the potential consequences of the coin toss are dire enough, anxiety can come rushing in like a flood!

The greater we perceive the consequences of the coin toss (or any event or situation in our lives), the more intense the anxiety becomes. If there are little to no potentially adverse consequences to the coin toss, then we have little to no anxiety. The reverse is also true.

When we simplify it like this (and de-personalize it), it becomes easier to see how it works (and how we can eliminate it). Do you agree?

Eliminating Uncertainty

Clearly, there are two ways we can eliminate uncertainty (and therefore anxiety). First, we could know all the details of the future, right? If we absolutely know the future, uncertainty is gone. If you have already watched a key football game, there is no anxiety in watching a recording of it again later.

Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to look into the future to see the outcome of every situation that causes us anxiety. We cannot look ahead to see if sales will reach the required quotas we have been given. We cannot look into the future to find out if a new product will succeed or fail.

The second way to eliminate uncertainty (and the resulting anxiety) is to know the ultimate future of a situation so that you can then assume the details leading up to that ultimate future. Back to the example of a football game – even if you did not watch the game, but you know the final score, you know enough about what happened during the game to relax.

Folks, I honestly believe it really is that simple for life. We can live a life without anxiety if we can only eliminate the uncertainty inherent in it. It sounds simple, right? Well it actually can be that simple.

Step #1 – Bible Is Truth

First, we must recognize that the Bible is absolutely and totally the Word of God. We must believe that it is without error or fluff. We must completely trust what God says to us through His Word (2 Timothy 3:16). It is not enough for us to give lip service to this belief – it must be part of the core of who we are.

I wish I could tell you otherwise, but this first step is non-negotiable. There is no way in the world to completely eliminate anxiety without starting here. If you cannot get past this first step, then you need to embrace anxiety as a close friend! You are not getting rid of it!

You might think you are okay with this step at this point. I hope so. However, if you find trouble later in this process, you may want to come back here and dig a little deeper. Without a rock-solid foundation here, no further steps will help you.

Step #2 – Read About Your Future

Next, we need to read what the Bible says about our ultimate future. What I believe it says is that Jesus died for me. Because I accepted this and invited Him to take over as Savior and Lord, He saved me from my sin and promised me an eternity after this life with Him (John 3:16).

This is a done deal and nothing can change it. The enemy cannot steal me from my Father’s hands. In fact nothing can separate me from Him (Romans 8:35-39)! I believe this. I believe this with all that I can muster.

If that is true, then what happens in between now and that ultimate future in heaven is irrelevant. When I look at my life from 10,000 feet and know that my ultimate future is completely and totally secure with His promise, then there is nothing in the details at 100, 50, or even 10 feet that should worry me or cause me anxiety (Matthew 6:25-34)! This called having an eternal perspective and I think it is the key to solving the problem of anxiety.

Whenever something does begin to cause me anxiety, then I simply need to remind myself that my ultimate future is in His hands and the rest is immaterial. If this is particularly hard for me to do in a given situation, then I need to dig to find out what about this situation is more important to me than my ultimate future. I may need to ask why I trust God with my ultimate future, but not with this immediate situation.

Final Three Steps

Once I can take God at His Word and look at this life from the eternal perspective, then anxiety will fade. Unfortunately, this is not always as easy as it sounds. In my next post, I will give you the final three steps to eliminating anxiety. Once you can successfully complete all five steps, I believe you will have put anxiety in its place for good!

Do you have a problem with anxiety?

Do you see how Steps #1 & #2 can begin to help?

What would you suggest for Steps #3, #4, & #5?

Failure, A Mark Of Success

Are you awash in a morass of failure? Does everything you try seem to turn to dust? Does every new venture end up a money pit? Does every new relationship end as a heart breaker? Does every new opportunity evaporate into thin air?


Not Alone!

You fail a lot? Welcome to the club. You are not alone. In fact, you are some very good company. Almost without exception, those that have achieved the most, and are considered to be very successful, have also failed miserably. Consider these historical examples:

Failure Examples?

  • Jesus Christ seemed to be an utter failure when He died at about 33 years of age.
  • The Wright brothers crashed numerous flight tests before they got one to fly only about 30 feet.
  • Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade and was defeated in every public office role he ran for.
  • Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “too stupid to learn anything.”
  • Harland David Sanders, the famous KFC “Colonel,” couldn’t sell his chicken and more than 1,000 restaurants rejected him.
  • Steven Spielberg was rejected from his dream school, the University of Southern California, three times.
  • Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.”
  • Albert Einstein didn’t speak until age four and didn’t read until age seven. His teachers labeled him “slow” and “mentally handicapped.”
  • Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting in his entire life, to a friend.
  • J.K. Rowling was unemployed, divorced and raising a daughter on social security while writing the first Harry Potter novel.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was dismissed from a position as a court musician in Salzburg and died with little to his name.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven was incredibly awkward on the violin, and his teachers felt he was hopeless at composition and would never succeed with the violin or in composing.

Where is God?

You may ask, “Where is God in all my failure?” My answer; He’s right there with you. Here are several lessons to take to heart from these examples of failure:

If you’ve never failed, maybe you haven’t really taken any real risks either. Maybe you haven’t tackled any really challenging scenarios. If you try for “safe” at all times, there won’t be much chance of failure; there won’t be much chance of outstanding success either.

Take Heart!

If you are in the midst of failure, take heart. Your best achievement yet may be your next attempt. If you’ve failed repeatedly, you are probably continuing to take calculated risks (be sure they are calculated and not emotional or foolhardy) and can probably point to numerous successes also. Success and failure work hand-in-hand.

Statistics indicate professional salespeople will fail to make a sale better than 80% of the time, but they view these failures as steps toward success.

Use Failure To Grow

If your failures point out personal inadequacies or weaknesses, examine them to see how you could strengthen these areas so you don’t make the same mistake again. Use failure as an opportunity for growth and personal development.

If your failures cause loss of self-esteem, embarrassment and humiliation, you need to ask yourself, “Does my sense of worth come from who I am or from what I do?” Initial feelings of this nature are normal, but if you tie worth to work, remind yourself of how Christ sees you, how He died for you, and how He is invested in your growth.

Begin to look at failure from a different perspective. One that responds to friends’ inquiries of, “How’s it going?” when you have just encountered another resounding failure with, “It’s going great. I’ve just eliminated another possibility en route to a successful outcome.

Instruction From Scripture

  • Proverbs 24:16 “for though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…”
  • Psalm 35:15 “But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee; assailants gathered against me without my knowledge.”
  • Isaiah 40:30 “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;”
  • Daniel 11:35 “Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless”
  • James 3:2 “We all stumble in many ways.”
  • Psalms 40:2-3 “I waited patiently for the Lord,…He lifted me out of the slimy pit…”
  • Jeremiah 8:4-5 “Say to them, ‘This is what the LORD says: “‘When people fall down, do they not get up?
  • Job 4:4 “Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.”
  • Psalms 145:14 “The LORD upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.”

Just a few of the noteworthy biblical heroes that were examples of failure include:

    David’s failure with Bathsheba.
    Joseph’s failure and his brothers resulting actions.
    Moses’s failure when he killed the Egyptian.
    Peter’s failure when he denied Christ.

Failure Is Good!

Bottom line, failure is good for you. Failure provides many benefits. Failure keeps you humble. Failure enables others to identify with you. Failure prepares you to minister to others. Failure shows you are taking risks. Failure helps you understand anything of value is really accomplished through the Lord and is the result of His blessing.

So, keep on failing, knowing you are eliminating possibilities en route to success. Here’s a toast to failure! May God bring you much failure, and through it bless all those around you.

About the Author:
BILL HIGGINS is currently the Managing Director of MindWare Incorporated, an independent training and career coaching consulting firm. He previously served on the pastoral staff of churches in the U.S. and Canada, and worked in a managerial capacity for industry leading organizations.

Bill is a graduate of Biola University and Talbot Theological Seminary and his book; Your Road to Damascus: 6 Biblical Secrets for an Effective Job Search is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and MindWare Publishing websites.

Are You Acting As Salt And Light?

For the past couple of years, I have written this blog as an attempt to enlighten, educate, encourage, and enlist other Christian business owners and leaders to recognize God as the owner of their jobs and businesses and that He desires an eternal purpose to be accomplished through these jobs and businesses. Another way to describe this process came from Jesus when He told us to be salt and light in this world.

salt and light

Salt And Light

Near the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told his followers (and us) to be salt and light in this world. He drew on two different analogies to show us that we are to stand out in this world. We are to make a difference wherever He has placed us and that difference should point others to Him (Matthew 5:13-16).

Paul tells us later that we are no longer to conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2). He reinforces this idea when he describes us as new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), the old gone.


So how do we translate this idea of being salt and light into running a business? What does salt and light mean on Monday morning when decisions are to be made and strategies formed?

Great questions! I am glad you asked!

Of course, I am not the expert on this. Nor do I have the answers…at least not the perfect answers. If you do, please let me know. I would be very interested in hearing from you!

For those of us who do not have all the answers, I think the best we can do is to pray through each area and open our hearts and minds to what God has to say to us about it. If we are open to learn, will read His Word, AND be ready and willing to apply what we learn, then I am confident He will answer.

May Look Different For You

Keep in mind that being salt and light in my business may look very different than being salt and light in yours. God has given each of us different gifts, areas of influence, and circumstances. To think we can apply one rule across all businesses would be crazy.

At the same time, I think there are some core truths that we can apply to various areas of the business. These truths can help someone in the automotive business to be salt and light in one way while they may lead someone in banking or construction to do so in a different way.

The Main Point!

Regardless of the methods or processes used, as long as others are caused to “glorify God in heaven” as a result, I believe we are doing it right. In fact, if that is not happening as a result of the way we operate our businesses, I believe we are failing in our efforts to be disciples of Jesus.

Since this whole topic can cover a multitude of areas of business, and each could be lengthy, I am going to attempt to cover one or two areas at a time in future posts. These posts will not run in a continuous series, but I will make it clear when they are published that they are part of this overall series.

What Does It Mean To You?

In the meantime, I encourage you to pray that God will begin revealing to you where you can make changes in your job or business. Ask Him to begin making it clear where you can take action for the purpose of being salt and light. Where can your business stand out and be different – in a way that points others to God?

I think you may be surprised at how He will reveal this to you over time. Just when you are not expecting it, something will stick out like a sore thumb and you will know – an opportunity for salt and light! For a starter list, take a look at the following areas of a typical business. Allow God to show you opportunities in each to be salt and light.

Areas To Consider

    EE Benefits
    Product Quality
    Service Quality

How are you living out the salt and light command?

Can you see where you could do this at work?

Is the failure to do this a sin?

What Useful Tools Do You Have?

Have you ever owned a Swiss Army knife? You most likely know what I am talking about – the pocket knife with anywhere from 10 to 100 additional little tools, all built into one pocket-carry device. Growing up, it was the coolest of tools for a little boy to own! Even now as an adult, I can see them as useful.


Various Tools!

Not only did they have a couple of different-sized blades, they also included both flat-head and Philips-head screwdrivers, tweezers, a corkscrew, and a bottle-opener. Some had miniature pliers and a file. You could even find them with a toothpick hidden inside.

The point of the Swiss Army knife was to have whatever tools you might need for a variety of situations. You might not see a need for all of the tools they had available, but they were there in case you needed them. I remember sometimes being amazed how much I used them when I wasn’t expecting to need them!

You Are The Same!

You want to know something really cool? You are the same way in God’s hands! No kidding! You have a variety of talents, skills, and experiences that when submitted to God, can be used by Him just like the tools of a Swiss Army knife in the hands of a Boy Scout (Ephesians 4:11).

Think about it. Every experience in your life that seemed exciting, victorious, devastating or miserable at the time can now be used to comfort someone else in the same situation. You know this is true.

Useful Strengths…

Every success you have experienced can now be used to encourage someone else that is struggling to break through. The tough path you followed to get to the peak can now serve as guidance for the one you are mentoring.

Each talent God gave you at birth or since can be used to connect with others and point people to Him. Maybe it is your voice (singing), your strength (relationships at the gym), financial insights (business relationships), or even your ability to do magic tricks (fill in the blank!) – each can be used by God for His purposes!

…And Weaknesses!

Even your particular weaknesses can be used by God. When you seek guidance from someone else because of their strength, you are creating a connection that God can use. When you publicly acknowledge to your employees that you don’t have all of the answers, you point them to the One that does!

See, God is working on us every day – even when we don’t realize it. He is adding tools here and there. These are tools that He can use just when you are not expecting it. He can use these tools to reach others and to draw them to Him.

There are even times when He uses these tools to get your attention! Think about those times when you felt like you were at the end of your rope, unable to go any further. Just when you thought your weakness would be the end of you, He shows up and uses that weakness to show you His strength!

My Advice!

My advice? Go buy a Swiss Army knife and start carrying it with you. Maybe you should put it on your desk at work, the dashboard of your car, or on your bedside table. You might just want to carry it in your pocket. Put it wherever you need a reminder that your God is amazing.

Let this simple, but multi-functional tool be a reminder to you that God is still working on you. Let it remind you that He is still adding to your toolbox in ways that He plans to use later. Allow it to serve as a reminder to thank Him for allowing you to be used in such an eternal way!

Which of your tools have you seen God use?

What tools do you think He is developing in you now?

Which of your tools should you seek to put to use?

Are You Waiting To Be Told What To Do?

Our business is not a big one in the grand scheme of things, but we do get a good cross-section of employees with roughly 100 people working here. As a result, I have seen those that learn the job quickly and others that do not. Some understand their job and do what is necessary without being asked while others are waiting to be told what to do.

waiting to be told

Waiting To Be Told

If you have been working for any length of time, you have probably witnessed this. For the most part, any new employee needs to be told what to do in the beginning, right? Unless they have worked that exact job before, there are things they need to be told first.

They probably need to know WHAT to do, WHY, WHEN, and HOW they are to do it, and maybe a few other tips. Once they get this, they should be able to go forward on their own with only occasional guidance along the way.

Still Waiting…

The problem is that some employees are still waiting to be told what to do. You probably know some of these people where you work. Maybe they work for you. No matter how many times they have read the job description or listened to the training, they refuse to take action on their own. They can sometimes be found actually standing around because no one stopped to tell them what to do next! It really amazes (and frustrates) me!

To be clear, I am not talking about waiting to be told about NEW tasks, responsibilities, or ideas. As employees are being developed for promotion or more responsibility, they need to be taught more. They cannot know the new stuff until it is taught to them. I am only now talking about what they already know (or should know) they are to be doing.

What About Us?

So now that I have you worked up and as frustrated as I am, let’s (again) turn this around to be about us. You probably knew this was coming, didn’t you? For the sake of this discussion, we are the “employees” in this picture and God is the “employer”.

As you go through the rest of this post, ask yourself if you are acting just like one of these employees. Ask yourself if you are “standing around” waiting to be told by God (again) what He wants you to do. Be honest with yourself and allow Him to guide you. He will show you what He wants you to see.


Let’s take an easy example to start with.

Our “handbook” (the Bible) says that we are to love God (Matthew 22:37-40), right? This is called the Greatest Commandment and we should all be aware of it by now. We have probably read it many times and have likely heard sermons (training) on it as well.

So, are you DOING it? Are you really LOVING God? Are you doing it with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength? OR are you waiting to be told again that you are to do this?

If I am honest in answering these questions for myself, then I would say I am doing it sometimes and I am trying to do it other times. I can’t really say that at any point in time I am sitting around waiting to be told again to love God. I think I have a passing grade here, but not by much.

Another Example!

Let’s get a little tougher. We have all likely heard of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) as well, right? We are told here to go and make disciples of all nations. Again, we have read it and heard many sermons on it. I doubt there are any of us that can honestly claim ignorance here.

So, again I ask the question. Are you DOING it? Are you truly making disciples? Are you mentoring someone in the Christian walk? Are you engaging your employees, co-workers, and others in Christian ministry? Are you teaching what you have been taught?

In the past, I could answer this question with an easy “Yes!” without blinking an eye. Lately, I have allowed distractions to creep in and now I am unable to answer with confidence. What about you? Have you made an effort? Have you allowed distractions to interfere?

More Examples!

I won’t go into detail with each of the following areas from our “handbook,” but I will at least list them and let you ask yourself the questions. Think about each category and ask yourself the tough questions. Where are you waiting to be told what to do? If that is difficult for you or if you think you will go too easy on yourself, ask someone else to help you. Maybe that can be the start of a discipling relationship!

Evangelism (Acts 1:8)

Tithing (Matthew 23:23)

Love your enemies (Matthew 5:43-44)

Forgive your enemies (Luke 17:4)

Praying for others (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Bible study (2 Timothy 2:15)

Take Action!

When you have had enough abuse for one day and you are ready to close out this post, stop and do one more thing. Decide on one, only one, of these areas and commit to do something!

Commit to make at least one change. Start doing something that you already know you should be doing. It will be the first step down a great and rewarding path!

Where are you doing what you know you should be doing?

Where are you waiting to be told what to do?

What are you going to do about it?

Are You A Worthy Example To Follow?

Recently, my wife and I were out of town on a date and wanted to get some dinner and do a little shopping. We knew where we wanted to shop and that restaurants were likely nearby, but we did not know how to get there. So, like any intelligent adult that can, we decided to blindly follow the navigation system in my truck. Bad idea.


Follow Bad Directions?

Evidently, the store we sought had moved to a new location and had failed to notify my truck. In fact, when we arrived at our “destination,” we found that ALL of the businesses formerly in that area had decided to move…and a neighborhood was put in their place! There are few things more frustrating than to follow bad directions.

Folks, this is so true for us as Christian business leaders as well! Look back to my last post. In it, we discussed taking Paul’s advice and imitating another Christian who is ahead of us in their walk with Jesus. If you are not taking this advice, I urge you to find someone worthy to follow.

However, today I want to turn the focus back on us. Let’s assume you are taking Paul’s advice and you have decided to follow another, more mature disciple of Jesus. Great! You should give yourself a pat on the back for making a good decision.

Does Anyone Follow You?

Before you hurt yourself though, turn it around and ask yourself if anyone has decided to follow you. No matter where you are on your walk with Jesus, there is someone else that is behind you (earlier in their walk). Assuming this is true, are you walking in such a way as to be a worthy example to follow?

See, Paul’s advice really is good advice to follow. And at the same time it is good for us to see ourselves in both roles – the follower AND the leader. We should follow those who are more spiritually mature and lead for those who are less spiritually mature.

Don’t Feel Responsible?

Unfortunately, some people don’t mind deciding to follow someone else, but they don’t feel responsible for being the example for others. This may be due to feeling to new at being a disciple of Christ. It could also be a aversion to the responsibility that comes with being an example.

Whatever the case, we cannot shirk this responsibility. Jesus even touches on this in the following verse:

But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!
Matthew 18:6

We Are Responsible!

Folks, we are in a position of leadership whether we like it or not. We have influence (intentional or not) with others and therefore we are responsible for how our behavior affects theirs. No, we cannot keep everyone else from sinning, but we can be diligent in making sure our behavior does not cause it!

The point here is that we should strive to live a life that is worthy of having someone else follow. We should be sensitive to any activity that may cause someone else to stumble. Look at Paul’s words to this point:

Therefore, if food causes my brother to fall, I will never again eat meat, so that I won’t cause my brother to fall.
1 Corinthians 8:13

It is a noble thing not to eat meat, or drink wine, or do anything that makes your brother stumble.
Romans 14:21

They Should Want To Follow!

Not only should we avoid that which will cause our brothers to stumble, but we should also strive to do that which will help them grow. Yes, avoid the sin that could lead them astray. Also do those things that they should imitate!

It is imperative that we remember there are others who may follow our example – both good and bad. While it might give us relief to ignore this fact, the truth remains. We are responsible for our behavior and should act accordingly.

I believe the best approach is to embrace this truth. Get excited that someone may decide to follow you! With humility and prayer, begin plotting out a course that you know is worthy of imitation. Then praise God when someone decides to follow! He will give you the strength to handle it!

Do you accept responsibility for being an example to follow?

What do you need to change to be a more worthy example?

Do you have some successes stories from those who follow you?

Who Are You Imitating?

Imagine someone offered to pay you handsomely if you would give them a shirt or a dress. The only catch is that they require you to make it on your own! If you had to take a bolt of fabric and thread, cutting and sewing it together yourself, how would you do it? If you are smart, you would find a pattern and follow it, right? The same is true for imitating other people!


Eyes On The Prize

In my last post, we talked about keeping our eyes on the prize. This is great advice for us to take from Paul, but sometimes it is tough to visualize. What exactly does it look like for us to get the prize. While I can certainly picture a scene with Jesus telling me, “Well done!”, it is tough for me to imagine exactly what it looks like between here and there.

Have you thought about this? Have you tried to imagine the various steps taken and decisions made between your current self and the one that hears Jesus say, “Well done!”? I have done this and it is not easy. In fact, it is downright difficult!

Paul As An Example

The funny thing? Paul knew this. He knew it would be difficult for most people to closely follow the commands of Jesus without an example of how to do it. While Paul himself was not perfect, he was fully committed to living according the example Jesus had set. Therefore he offered himself as an example.

Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1

If he were following Jesus and others were imitating him, then it could work, right? While this sounds like a simple idea, it is not necessarily easy for us.

In fact, for us it sometimes seems that imitating Paul could be just as difficult as imitating Jesus! Of course, Paul was sinful just like the rest of us (Romans 7:15-25), but so much of what we learn from him is flat out hard to put into practice. Plus, we can’t sit and physically talk to him for advice when we get stuck!

Imitating Another

It is for these reasons that I recommend we follow Paul’s advice, but we apply it to present day. Rather than (only) imitating Paul, I recommend we find someone we know that is living out the example of Christ and begin imitating them.

Sure, there are pitfalls to this practice. They are the same pitfalls you encounter when you put anyone other than Jesus on the pedestal as an example. At the same time, if we can know this and protect ourselves accordingly, I think there is value in this exercise.

Potential Pitfalls

First, to avoid the pitfalls associated with this idea, we need to choose someone we know about and trust. We need to know that they more mature spiritually and truly are attempting to follow the example of Jesus. Someone that is simply morally good, but not a disciple of Jesus, will only lead us astray. Eventually, it is likely that their own morals will conflict with Biblical principles.

Assuming you know someone that is truly following the example of Christ, then you also need to be able to observe their behavior. Being able to talk with them about it and understand their motivations is even better. Having them agree to mentor you along the path would be the ultimate goal!

Right Expectations

Another key to avoiding trouble with imitating someone else is to know in your heart (and not forget) that a man (or woman) will always let you down. There is simply no way (short of imitating the example of Jesus) to find a human that can rightly lead you at all times and through all circumstances.

They will stumble. They will fall. They may even crash and burn. That is due to our sinful nature and there is nothing you can do to change it. The only thing you can do is to acknowledge it and protect yourself against it. Do not rely too heavily on their example. Do not put time with them ahead of your time with God.

You Are Unique

A final note that you need to consider when imitating someone else is that you are you. Sounds silly, I know. But the truth is that God created you as a totally unique individual with a combination of gifts, talents, and weaknesses that no one else on earth has ever possessed. You are the only you that God has ever created. He will never create another you!

That means that you need to remember you are only imitating this godly example, not copying them. Your goal should not be to become anyone else. Remember that you are unique and should remain that way. Imitating their voice is fine, but don’t lose your own unique accent. Imitating their actions is likely good, but don’t forget your distinct mannerisms!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)! God has plan for you that is only for you (Psalm 139:15-16). Embrace this! It is an awesome truth and no one can take it from you.

Imitating Jesus (And Others)

And while becoming the you that God designed you to be, take the opportunity to follow the example of others He has placed in your path. Imitating Jesus is certainly to be your first priority (1 John 2:6), but don’t ignore Paul’s advice as well. Imitating others can be a healthy part of your maturing process.

Have you considered imitating someone else?

Do you have someone you are already imitating?

What have you learned during this experience?

Are Your Eyes On The Prize?

Yesterday was a great day of football. Two teams fought their way into the Superbowl – the championship game of the NFL. These teams have had their eyes on the prize of this championship from the very beginning of the season. In two weeks, one team will achieve that prize. What about you? Are your eyes on the prize?

eyes on the prize

Eyes On The Prize

In Philippians 3:12-14, Paul says the following:

Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:12-14

Simple Questions

I am sure you have probably read this before. I am sure you have probably heard several sermons on this passage before. Guess what? I am likely not going to tell you anything amazing about this passage that you have not already heard before. I am simply going to ask you a couple of questions.

Are your eyes on the prize?

Are you reaching forward toward the prize?

What is the prize to you?

Like I said, I am not going to tell you anything new about this passage. I am simply putting it in front of you and asking if you are following Paul’s example and applying it to your life.

Paul’s Eyes On The Prize

In reading about Paul in the Bible, it is clear that he lived what he preached. Everything he did was focused on his desire to do exactly what God had called him to do. He was determined (as we read earlier in the same chapter) to know Christ and to be like him in his death – obedient.

As I read about Paul, I want to do the same thing. I want to focus everything I do around knowing Jesus. I want to be obedient in every area of my life – including the business. For me, I try to have my eyes on the prize. That prize, in my mind, boils down to hearing the following words from Jesus:

‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!
Matthew 25:21

Hearing “Well done.”

Therefore, when I am trying to make decisions in the business, I try to figure out which decisions would move me closer to hearing those words. I imagine Him standing there in front of me ready to say, “Well done.” What path do I take to cause Him to smile and say those words?

I am by no means perfect at this. Much like Paul, I do not consider that I have got this whole business as ministry thing figured out. Not by a long shot. However, I do try to have my eyes on the prize. When I am successful in doing that, it seems like everything works better.

For you, the prize may look different. You may imagine a different scene. That is perfectly fine! The key here is that you recognize that God wants us to be obedient and that is where our focus should be. God wants us to focus on Him and His purposes, not our own.

Wrong Prize?

There are those in this world that are completely and totally focused on themselves. They have their eyes fixed on the prize, but the prize is all about them. These people are similar to the Israelites that God referred to below:

For they did not practice My ordinances but rejected My statutes and profaned My Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on their fathers’ idols.
Ezekiel 20:24

Folks, I don’t know about you, but I do not want to be in that group. I do not want to be seen by God as having my eyes on the prize of my father’s idols. I do not want Him disappointed in my focus. I only want to hear, “Well done.” from Him.

Great Advice

I encourage you to pray about this. Take some time and ask God if you have your eyes on the prize – the right prize. Ask Him to make it clear to you where this is not happening and to give you the will and strength to change where necessary. Paul gives this same advice.

If you keep reading in Philippians 3, after he describes how he has his eyes on the prize, he says this:

Therefore, all who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you.
Philippians 3:15

I think that is great advice. Will you follow it?

Are You Living The Truth You Know?

In my last post, we looked at Apostle Paul’s resume and talked about how he thought of it as filth and counted it as loss. My goal was to get us to take a look at the goals we have for our lives and compare them to what we see in Scripture. Like Paul, we should be heading in a different direction from the world. If not, are we applying the truth we know to the lives we live?


***If you have not read my last post, you might want to do that now [HERE] so you are on the same page as the rest of us.

Accountability From Scripture

Just to make sure we do not escape the accountability that Scripture gives us, let’s take a look at another verse that comes up just after the ones we looked at last time:

In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained.
Philippians 3:16

Now, that is a pretty short verse, but I think it is also a very powerful one. Do you get the meaning? Paul is telling us that attaining truth, or gaining knowledge, is not enough. We cannot simply know something and leave it at that. We have to also apply it! We must LIVE UP TO IT!

Truth Applied

Therefore, if we know that this world cannot offer us anything eternal and that only a life lived for Christ will survive the fire that is to come, then our lives should reflect this knowledge (1 Corinthians 3:11-15).

And as an extension, our business lives should also reflect this knowledge.

Assuming you agree with me at this point, or at least are willing to read more before making a decision, let’s take a look at some key areas where we might be likely to exhibit inconsistencies in our workplace.

Potential Areas Of Inconsistency

It is in these areas that many of us fail to fully live up to the truth we have attained. As you read through these areas, think about your own work life and how you might need to rethink your approach to some of them.

1. Business Mission
Every business book will tell you that the purpose of a business, the reason it exists, is to produce a profit. It is similarly believed that the main purpose of a job is to provide income.

I believe the Bible says otherwise. I think the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) shows us that a business exists to produce a return for its owner. The problem is that we are not the actual owners…God is the owner (Psalm 50:10-12). And as the owner, He wants a return.

Since God already has all of the money in the world, I believe He wants what He does not already have – souls. I believe the Bible shows us that the purpose of our business (or job) is to impact others (souls) for eternity by pointing them to God. Sure, income and profit are necessary to sustain us and our businesses, but they are not the purpose.

2. Money
Even those of us that agree with #1 above can still fall victim to erroneous thinking about money. We may see the eternal purpose of business, but then turn right around and hoard the money that comes from it. It is not always one big decision that we make, but the accumulation of a bunch of little ones.

One of the questions in the C12 Yearly Audit I recently shared with you talks about becoming less acquisitive. When we are assessing our lives in light of the truth we know, we should look hard at our use of money.

Are we freely giving it to those who have needs greater than ours? Are we treating it as stewards of it rather than owners? If pressed, are we more likely to leverage it for eternity or spend it on temporary pleasure or luxury? We likely know what this SHOULD look like, but are we living up to the truth we have attained?

3. Time
An area of our lives that often receives less focus is time. We tend to spend it even more frivolously than we do our money. We often fail to budget it. Even when we do budget it, we frequently allocate too much of it to the wrong uses.

Think about your calendar. What types of activities get the most preference as you schedule out your time? How much time are you committing to a personal relationship with God, the owner of all you steward?

Does your family get more than adequate time or are they generally the last to receive a ration of minutes? Is the time they do receive considered your higher quality time or your leftovers? Would they answer the same way you are right now?

Other Areas?

I can keep on going, but I think you get the idea. I encourage you to take some time and come up with some of your own areas of inconsistency. Pray through each of these and ask God to help you see clearly into each one. He is faithful to do so.

Once you have seen the truth, apply it. Live up to it. Don’t simply accept it and move on from it. Stop and take action. Map out a plan to make corrections over time if the initial results are too overwhelming to take in at once.

In any case, we all should live up to whatever truth we have attained!

What other areas of inconsistency did you consider?

How do you make sure you apply the truth you attain?

Where do you need to take more action?