Jeremie Kubicek Book Give Away!

[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgccenter” font=”georgia” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-7em”]Free Book Give Away!!![/title]


Another Free Book Give Away?

You read that right! I am offering a free copy of Jeremie Kubicek’s book, Leadership is Dead: How Influence is Reviving It!

How Do You Win?

If you scroll down just a bit you will see the Rafflecopter entry form which outlines a bunch of ways to enter the Leadership is Dead giveaway. Just complete as many as you would like to be entered to win!

Why Am I Doing This?

I started this blog in an effort to spread the message of integrating the Christian faith into our businesses. I want to see more Christian business owners and leaders begin looking at their businesses from an eternal perspective and running them as platforms for Christian ministry.

While I know my posts are written toward this effort, I thought I would try to step it up a notch for 2013. My plan is to give away one book a month for the entire year! All I am asking from you is to follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. As you enter, you will be helping me to spread the word about this blog at the same time. We both win!

This Month’s Book: Jeremy Kubicek’s Leadership Is Dead

Jeremie Kubicek is the president and CEO of Giant Impact and a founding partner of the GiANT Companies. He has been growing and leading domestic and international companies for two decades that value people over processes and integrity above all else.Today he leads the global leadership event and training company and has added key new partnerships with Dr.Henry Cloud, Pat Lencioni, Andy Stanley and Mark Sanborn along with Dr. John Maxwell.

Anyone can make an impact. All you need is influence—the most potent professional asset on the planet. The problem is that influence is also the most underused asset on the planet. This book shows that the key to effective leadership is learning how to influence in a way that engenders greater trust, stronger partnerships, and more impactful endeavors.

Enter The Give Away

Follow the instructions below to enter the Leadership Is Dead contest and then spread the word to others! The contest ends at midnight on Wednesday, July 31st and the winner will be announced on Thursday, August 1st.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

New Or Old Lessons: Which Are Better?

When is the last time you went to a training class? If you are like me, you probably heard some new things from the instructor. These are likely unique ideas or approaches to a common problem. You also probably heard a lesson or two that you already knew as great ideas, but had forgotten! Right?


Recent Training

Recently, I went to a sales training class given by a friend of mine. He did a great job and taught our sales team some fantastic new sales techniques. His creativity in finding ways to serve the customer and add value to their experience sets a high bar!

At the same time, my friend taught some older techniques that have been around for years – decades even, maybe longer! Keep in mind, he did not bore anyone with these methods. It was a good refresher for those of us that have been around a while!

Old Lessons Made New!

Actually, many of the students there were new to the business and were not familiar with these tools. In fact, it was fun to watch them “Oooh” and “Ahhh” at these techniques as if they were new!

The funny thing is this – even though some of his methods were familiar and older, they still work! Even funnier is the fact that many of us that have been around the business for years still need to be reminded of what we learned in the past!

Do you know what I mean? Have you experienced this as well? You laugh at something you hear because you think, “I have known that for longer than you have been alive, kid!” Then your next thought is, “Why did I stop using that technique? It used to work like a charm!”

Jesus Taught Old & New

Jesus actually taught a lesson on this same principle! Do you remember what He said?

Therefore, every student of Scripture instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who brings out of his storeroom what is new and what is old.
Matthew 13:52

Example Lessons

See, some of the lessons Jesus was teaching were very new to the ears of His listeners. They had never heard some of what He was teaching before.

“You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you, everyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment.”
Matthew 5:21-22

At the same time, some of the lessons He taught came straight out of the old Scriptures. Some of His teachings were things they had known at one time, but had forgotten or neglected!

“Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Matthew 9:13 (referencing Hosea 6:6)

Both Lessons Necessary!

He is instructing us to do the same when studying for ourselves AND when we teach or mentor those looking to us for development. We are not to limit ourselves with only the New Testament teachings. Nor are we only to focus on new, fresh ideas from Scripture.

We also need to dig into the Old Testament and uncover the nuggets of truth that we once knew, but have forgotten. Make sure we are maintaining our knowledge of the old while sprinkling in the new!

This will also work in your business. Go back and revisit some of the old (timeless) truths in your business. See which ones you have forgotten and return to those disciplines. Ask someone with more experience to help. Then turn and pass these on to someone coming along behind you.

Try it! You will be amazed at all you can learn (again)!

Which lessons do you prefer – new or old?

Have you re-learned a lesson recently?

What old lesson do you think is most needed today?

How Do You Pray?

Recently, I have been working harder at getting back to basics in my relationship with God. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had hit a dry spell because my times with Him had gone stale. In an effort to draw closer to Jesus again, I have renewed my efforts to pray, read His Word, and memorize it.


My Prayer

Just last week, I was praying and trying to communicate the best I could that I wanted to get rid of any plans or desires in my heart. I was trying to tell Jesus that I wanted ONLY what He wanted for me. As I struggled with the words (it happens often!), the following thoughts came to mind. I want to share them in case they can help you do the same thing.

I wanted to tell Him that I was open to anything that He would ask of me and here is how my prayer flowed [and looking back, how I see it applies to business]:

Jesus, please give me…

    Open Hands – that I would be prepared to accept and use whatever it is You want me to have, but nothing else. I am not reaching, but receiving. Let these hands also be giving of whatever is in them.
    [Give me the resources You know I need to effectively run Your business. Help me not to seek more than You give and to be faithful to share whenever You send me opportunities to do so.]
    Open Eyes – that I would be able to see whatever it is You want me to see relating to where You want me to go or what You want me to do. I do not want to miss anything You are trying to show me. Make it clear to me where there are opportunities to act. Show me weak areas in me and help me to improve.
    [Give me insights into business opportunities, understanding the risks, but trusting Your leading. Help me to see through my leadership blind spots and to work to correct them.]
    Open Ears – that I would always be listening for that still, small voice. I want to hear all instruction from You. I want to be aware of all going on around me that You want me to notice.
    [Show me how to be still and listen to you, despite the noise during the work day. Give me the patience to wait on Your instructions, coming to You for my decisions.]
    Open Mind – that I would be willing to accept anything You ask of me, regardless of whether I understand it, agree with it, fear it, or feel equipped to do it.
    [My business mind is trained to think from a temporal perspective. Help me to mentally step away from my paradigms and to trust Your ultimate business knowledge.]
    Open Heart – that I would always be sensitive to Your leading and instruction to me regardless of my desires. I only want to seek Your will and renown, not my own.
    [Help me to beware of my own motives when it comes to business decisions. Remind me that You own this business and that I am only part of Your story, not the other way around.]
    Open Mouth – that I would speak any and all words You give me to speak. I always want to trust You to give me the words to say in all situations and want to hold my tongue until You do.
    [Please give me wise words to use when dealing with others at work. Give me the boldness to share the reasons for my faith in You and the awareness to know the right timing. Speak through me.]

Simply A Thought Starter

I do not share this as a comprehensive solution to your prayer life. I do not even share it as an example to follow with repetition over time. I am simply sharing this prayer as a thought starter for you.

Hopefully, it will cause you to see something you are doing (or need to do) from a different perspective. It is full of thoughts that I plan to pore over for a while. I want to take the time to hear from God in each case – hopefully gaining clarity and wisdom in the process.

What are your thoughts?

What would you add to this prayer?

Do you pray something similar at times?

Are You Facing Giants?

Have you ever watched a football game and wondered why none of the players on the offensive team’s sidelines appear worried about getting hit by one of the giants that are playing for the defensive team? In many cases, they are talking, laughing, even have their backs turned to the game on the field. Why are they not thinking about the possibility of getting hit at any given moment?


No Danger On The Sidelines

Well, if you think about it, I am not asking a difficult question. The reason they are not worried or thinking about it is that they are not IN the game. When on the sidelines, they are not an active threat to the game that is being played out on the field. They are, at that point, harmless to the cause and efforts of the defensive team.

Recent Devotion

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been reading from Streams in the Desert lately and it has been good for me. While this is not replacing my time in the Bible, I am really getting some good insights from these short devotions. Here is a recent quote from this book:

We encounter giants only when we are serving God and following Him. It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared, for when they turned back into the wilderness, they found none (Numbers 13-14).

Many people believe that the power of God in a person’s life should keep him from all trials and conflicts. However, the power of God actually brings conflict and struggles.

Giants On The Battle Field

Just like the football players on the sidelines, we Christians are not in any danger of facing giants (trials, conflicts, etc.) when we are sitting on the sidelines of the spiritual war going on around us. When in this position, we simply are not a threat to the opposition.

However, if we step out onto the field of battle and begin fighting for God’s glory and the eternal salvation of those around us, we should expect to face giants! We become a threat to the enemy and he will react accordingly.

The Enemy Is Real

I am not one of those people who run around all the time blaming satan for everything happening to me. I do not give him credit (or blame) for my sins and I recognize that many of the situations I face are simply consequences of my prior poor decisions or misdirected desires.

At the same time, I AM one of those people that believes the Bible. I do believe it is God’s Word of instruction AND WARNING to us. I take what it says to be the truth and I try to live accordingly.

Scriptures To Heed

The following verses paint a picture that I believe we need to recognize as being real:

After they (Paul and Barnabas) had evangelized that town and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, to Iconium, and to Antioch, strengthening the disciples by encouraging them to continue in the faith and by telling them, “It is necessary to pass through many troubles on our way into the kingdom of God.”
Acts 14:22-23

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Matthew 10:22

Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me.
Matthew 24:9

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me.
John 15:18-21

Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.
1 John 3:13

Is that enough Scripture to give you a clear picture? If not, then let me add one more…

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8

Are You Facing Giants?

Hopefully, this makes it very clear that there are giants for us to face if we are out on the field of battle. The Bible is very clear about this and we should not ignore what is said about these giants.

So now the question is this – are you facing giants?

Are you seeing the opposition of the enemy as you go about trying to do business from an eternal perspective? Are you seeing evidence of the spiritual battle going on around you?


Or does this post confuse you? Instead, do you feel everything is going along pretty easily? Has it been awhile since you last faced giants opposing you in your efforts at Christian ministry?

I certainly cannot (nor intend to) judge your circumstances or your own situation. All I want to do is raise the questions and let you prayerfully seek God’s face on this issue.

If you are not seeing giants coming at you in opposition to your Christian ministry efforts, then you at least need to consider that you are not on the battlefield. It is at least a possibility that you are instead on the sidelines, no longer a threat to the enemy.

Don’t Lose Heart

If you ARE facing giants on a daily basis, do not lose heart! You are not on the wrong path simply because it is so hard. The opposite may very well be true.

You also need to prayerfully seek God to make sure you are still headed in the right direction, but you do need to know that the giants you face are to be expected if you are out on the battlefield! I leave you with this encouragement:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

What do your giants look like?

How do you maintain your faith in the shadow of the giants?

If you are not facing giants, why do you think that is?

3 Keys To Eliminate Sorrow

Business is hard. Christian business is at least as hard, maybe even harder. I don’t know about you, but I find myself riding a roller coaster of emotions as we attempt to run our family business with an eternal perspective. Of course, it is only when I am down or depressed that I need help dealing. The highs usually take care of themselves. We need to be more intentional with the sorrow.


Multiple Causes Of Sorrow

If you are anything like me, you face times when you feel a loss of hope. Maybe it is frustration at decisions we have made in the past. It could happen when we are not seeing the results we think we should be seeing from the work we are doing. There are also those times we think there is no hope of breakthrough in the future.

A good friend of mine referred me to a great daily devotional book (Streams in the Desert) that I have been using more and more lately. It was a simple quote from this book that gives us the three keys to eliminating this sorrow we experience:

I suspect that the source of every bit of sorrow in my life can be traced to simple unbelief. If I truly believe the past is totally forgiven, the present is supplied with power, and the future is bright with hope, how could I be anything but completely happy?

Three Keys To Eliminate Sorrow

When we break this quote down into its three parts, and combine it with Scripture, we truly have three keys that will help us minimize the sorrow that we can experience while trying to run our businesses as platforms for Christian ministry.

Let’s take a look at each key:

Key #1: Past Is Totally Forgiven!

This is the first step we must take to eliminate the sorrow that can plague us. We must truly believe that our past is totally and completely forgiven. I think my favorite verse that communicates this idea is the following:

As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Psalm 103:12

Folks, once we have repented and asked forgiveness for our sins, it is not God who continues to throw them back in our face or whisper them in our ear. It is our enemy that attempts to incapacitate us with guilt. God forgives and forgets. The enemy is called the accuser (Revelation 12:10).

Once we accept this truth and continue to remember it, we eliminate a huge source of our sorrow. Without this reappearing guilt, our lives could be so much more peaceful and stress-free!

Key #2: Present Is Supplied With Power!

The second step we must take is to recognize that our present is supplied with power. While many of us do not always operate in or with this power, it is there and waiting for us to step up and use it!

Here are a couple of verses that I think do the best job of communicating this:

For God did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

But he said to me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So then, I will boast most gladly about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may reside in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

When we stop trying to strive in our own power and instead allow His power to operate in and through us, then we will have gone far to eliminate another significant source of sorrow in our lives.

When we repeatedly ignore what the Scripture says about the power of Christ in us, we are saying we think we can do all of what is expected of us – on our own! This is madness. Jesus say we can do nothing apart from Him (John 15:5). We need to accept this and embrace His power IN us!

Key #3: Future Is Bright With Hope!

Finally, the third step we need to take is to see the future filled with hope. Rather than staring into the darkness that is a symptom of our temporal perspectives, we must embrace the hope that Christ gives us when we maintain our eternal perspective.

The following verses serve as examples of this hope for the future:

For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Sure, there will be times that we fail to see this bright future. There will be times we feel there is nothing but sorrow ahead. But if we can recall these promises from the Scripture, and hide them in our heart, the hope we need will come back into view.

In doing so, we are eliminating the remaining traces of the sorrow surrounding us.


The bottom line is this – you will experience sorrow as you attempt to run you business from an eternal perspective. That is inevitable. At the same time, if you will follow the three simple keys outlined above, you can eliminate this sorrow before it goes too far.

You May Not Reap The Harvest!

One of the most rewarding aspects of doing yard work in the heat of the summer is the feeling of accomplishment you get when a project is completed. You know what I mean – even if you do not do yard work. We all want to see completion, or a harvest, from the work that we do. Even God is like this in Genesis 1 when He looks at His work and sees that it is good!


Back To Basics

Because of my recent dry spell, I have determined that I am going to dig back into God’s Word and get back to the basics of my relationship with Him. In the process, I have begun to see a little more light at the end of the tunnel. While not yet a flowing river, I can sense a new trickle of communication flowing into my heart.

Jesus Talks About Harvest

In a recent quiet time, I was reading about Jesus and His interaction at the well with a Samaritan woman. In describing the unfolding scene to the disciples, Jesus uses the analogy of a harvest. He talks about how the people that need to hear about Him are ripe and ready for the harvest of accepting the gospel.

Then Jesus said something that I did not understand at first:

For in this case the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap what you didn’t labor for; others have labored, and you have benefited from their labor.
John 4:37-38

It Applies To Us!

When I looked at a commentary on this passage, I realized how much this statement applies to me (and you) and should give us hope! Let me explain.

It is very likely that Jesus was referring the disciples to the Samaritan woman’s knowledge of the Messiah (John 4:25). The only way she could have known about the Messiah (she was not a Jew) was to have read about Him in the Scriptures or to have been told by someone who did.

They Did Not See Harvest!

As Jesus explains to the disciples that others have sown the seeds and labored, He is likely referring to the authors of the Scriptures. Think about those prophets that never saw the harvest of people accepting the Gospel.

Think about the hardship they endured as they lived through heartache, disappointment, and frustration – speaking God’s message to deaf ears! Yet despite this, they continued on. In the process, they sowed seeds that would reap a harvest many hundreds of years later!

Jesus was trying to point this out to the disciples. They needed to understand that they were benefiting from the work of others as they witnessed to these Samaritans coming out from the town.

Same True For Us!

Jesus is also speaking to us!

He is telling us that there are going to be times when we are the ones fortunate enough to reap a harvest for which someone else has sown the seeds. Maybe this is a new employee that comes to us, already asking questions about why we have committed our businesses to God.

Maybe we will have the opportunity to run a business that was built by someone else – giving us the resources and flexibility to do kingdom work that otherwise would not be possible!

The Opposite Is Also True!

He is also telling us very clearly that sometimes it is the other way around. While we may want to be the one bringing in the harvest – putting points on the board – it may be that He has ordained us to simply sow the seeds.

Neither job relating to the harvest is worth more than the other. The harvest will not come without the seeds. Both jobs are fully reliant upon the other.

Someone Else’s Harvest?

My application is that there are times I really feel like I am not gaining any ground for the kingdom. When the harvest appears to be drying up and my efforts seem to be for naught, I must remember that I may only be in a season of sowing seeds. The harvest may be ordained for someone else.

If I can remember this truth, then it is easier for me to have hope in my work. It is easier to keep giving my full effort despite the apparent lack of results. Maybe the same is true for you.

Simply Follow Jesus

So, regardless of the appearance of a harvest or not, it is our job to follow Jesus. We are to sow seeds when it is time and reap the harvest when it is time. We are not to look around and wonder why it looks different for others – we are to follow Him!

Which Relationship Is More Important?

Have you ever known what you should do, but decided against it because it would affect a relationship you have with someone else? Have your relationships ever led you away from God, when hindsight would later show you the error of your path? Maybe you knew of a change you should make in your business, but it would cost you a relationship so you passed on it?


Nehemiah’s Situation

I have been studying Nehemiah in my quiet times and came across a similar situation to this. In this story, Nehemiah has come back to a Jerusalem that is in shambles. The city walls (crucial to a city’s well-being at that time) were completely destroyed and useless for protection. Nehemiah has come to lead the Israelites to rebuild the wall and begin to reestablish Jerusalem as the city God intended.

As he strives to complete this monumental task, he faces many obstacles. He certainly faced those who completely opposed the Israelites and any rebuilding they might attempt. This was to be expected.

Unexpected Opposition

At the same time, he also faced opposition from within the people of Israel! Some of the Israelite people actually turned on him and fed information about the project to a man named Tobiah, a leader of the opposition!

During those days, the nobles of Judah sent many letters to Tobiah, and Tobiah’s letters came to them. These nobles kept mentioning Tobiah’s good deeds to me, and they reported my words to him. And Tobiah sent letters to intimidate me.
Nehemiah 6:17,19

Treasonous Behavior?

When we read about this from our perspective, their behavior seems incredibly treasonous. At first glance, I cannot imagine what they were thinking when they chose to undermine the work that Nehemiah was leading – work that was clearly God-ordained!

But when we read further, Nehemiah explains their rationale.

For many in Judah were bound by oath to him (Tobiah), since he was a son-in-law of Shecaniah son of Arah, and his son Jehohanan had married the daughter of Meshullam son of Berechiah.
Nehemiah 6:18

Relationship Confusion?

Their reasoning for their alliance with Tobiah was that they knew him, were related to him, or wanted to be known by him. Their relationship with Tobiah, whatever the basis for it, was more important to them than the work God was doing.

Of course, it is easy for us to sit here in judgment. It is not difficult for us to question their faith and criticize their behavior as weak. The problem is that these very words can come right back and be applied to us many times.

I Am Guilty, Too!

I will not accuse you, but I am certainly guilty of allowing personal or business relationships to cloud my vision or even alter my behavior at times. There are times I have wanted to broach a spiritual topic with a friend or family member, but decided against it in fear of ruining a relationship.

Other times, I have failed to speak up in a meeting here or there about something I felt God was leading me to say, simply because I was too concerned about what the others in the meeting might think.

I am sure there are even times I cannot remember or was not even aware of due to a blind spot where I disobeyed God or opposed His work in favor of another relationship. Maybe you feel the same way.

Jesus On Relationships

Folks, we need to remember the words of Jesus when it comes to situations like this. While we should not “hate” in the traditional sense, I think the message is clear…our relationship with Him comes first.

If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, and even his own life—he cannot be My disciple.
Luke 14:26

Are you guilty of placing other relationships ahead of Jesus?

What evidence do you see in your life, job, or business?

What do you think would be different if you chose Him instead?

Have You Hit A Dry Spell?

I am a couple months shy of my two year mark for this blog and for the most part, have yet to struggle for content ideas. For some reason, God has continued to provide thoughts, insights, and ideas on a regular basis that have turned into an average of three posts per week for almost 100 weeks so far! Unfortunately, I have now hit a dry spell and I am having a hard time writing posts!

dry spell

Dry Spell

Some of you noticed the frequency of my posts declining and have mentioned it to me. Others of you may have noticed, but have not said anything…maybe you see it as a break! Regardless, the dry spell has been going on for several weeks now and it has been bothering me. I have not yet said anything about it in a post, but it has been eating at me and I could not figure it out.

Reasons For The Dry Spell?

My first thought was that business was taking up too much of my energy and that I needed to work to correct that imbalance. While that may be somewhat true, I have come to realize that is not the main culprit.

Next, I thought that maybe I was in a dry spell because the blog has just run its course. Maybe it was only for a season and now it was coming to an end. While I was not excited about that thought, I had to consider it. Nothing is sacred if it is no longer something God wants me doing.

Finally, I began to think I just wasn’t trying hard enough. Maybe I was not drinking enough coffee before sitting down to write. It could even be that I needed to change my surroundings when I write. The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I got.

The Truth!

Just when I was about to give up, I came all the way back to the truth – where I started in the beginning. In fact, if you are having a dry spell in your own situation, you need to come back to this very same place.

As I said at the beginning of this post, God was giving me the material for this blog. If you have ever commented to me about the impact these posts have had on you, then you have heard me clearly state that I am not the one to take the credit. In fact, I have done my best to just stay out of God’s way as I write.

The truth is that God has been giving me this material AS I HAVE SOUGHT HIM. During my quiet times, periods of study and Bible reading, and my intake of other spiritual books and articles, God has pricked my heart and allowed me to see how certain situations can be used for material in this blog.

Seeking Him

Sure, many of my posts come right out of my experiences in our business. At the same time, these experiences have only been converted into posts because I have seen them through the lens of seeking Him!

When the posts have flowed most easily, it has been because I have been in a time of spiritual growth or reflection due to hearing from God through something I have read or heard. When I have even slightly struggled, it has been because my eyes or ears were not entirely tuned into His voice.

Root Cause Is Me!

So I say all that to say this…my dry spell is directly due to my lack of spiritual focus recently. I have not abandoned my quiet times lately, but they have not been sacred. I have allowed other things to interfere or distract me during the time I have allotted to spending time with God. I have not been learning. I have not been focused on feeding myself on the Word – and it shows.

I am assuming you have likely experienced this yourself. I also bet that, like me, you have gone through a list of other possible causes before you finally came back to the truth. Our dry spell experiences normally arise out of a lack of intimacy with Jesus, even though we often want to place the blame on something (or someone) else. The truth is that we are the ones at fault.

When Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he got all wet!

The opposite is true for us…we get dry!

Fortunately, God is willing to rehydrate us! (Isaiah 44:3)

Ending The Dry Spell

While I am frustrated at myself for allowing this to happen, I am determined not to allow it to continue any longer. I know I will likely not jump right back into the depths with Him tomorrow – it will probably take a while. At the same time, I am willing to stick it out until I find that close communication again.

Blog or no blog, I simply cannot live without it!

What about your dry spells? Do you see the cause?

What methods have you used to end your dry spells?

What advice would you give someone to help avoid this?

Truett Cathy Book Give Away!

[title color=”orange-vibrant” align=”scmgccenter” font=”georgia” style=”normal” size=”scmgc-7em”]Free Book Give Away!!![/title]

Truett Cathy

Another Free Book Give Away?

You read that right! I am offering a free copy of Truett Cathy’s book, Wealth: Is It Worth It?!

How Do You Win?

If you scroll down just a bit you will see the Rafflecopter entry form which outlines a bunch of ways to enter the Wealth: Is It Worth It? giveaway. Just complete as many as you would like to be entered to win!

Why Am I Doing This?

I started this blog in an effort to spread the message of integrating the Christian faith into our businesses. I want to see more Christian business owners and leaders begin looking at their businesses from an eternal perspective and running them as platforms for Christian ministry.

While I know my posts are written toward this effort, I thought I would try to step it up a notch for 2013. My plan is to give away one book a month for the entire year! All I am asking from you is to follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. As you enter, you will be helping me to spread the word about this blog at the same time. We both win!

This Month’s Book: Truett Cathy’s Wealth: Is It Worth It?

Truett Cathy has experienced poverty and plenty. Though the founder of Chick-fil-A, Inc., prefers times of plenty, he hopes never to forget the lessons he learned growing up poor.

No overnight success story, Truett Cathy worked with his wife, Jeannette, for 21 years behind the counter of their single mom-and-pop restaurant before he opened the first Chick-fil-A restaurant at the age of 46. His latest book, Wealth: Is It Worth It? explores the opportunities and responsibilities that accompany success.

Enter The Give Away

Follow the instructions below to enter the Wealth: Is It Worth It? contest and then spread the word to others! The contest ends at midnight on Sunday, June 30th and the winner will be announced on Monday, July 1st.

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3 Lessons From “Follow Me!”

As I described in my last post, Jesus has just told Peter that it was not really his business what John was going to be doing. Jesus made it clear that Peter had his own, unique call on his life. Jesus restated His call to Peter in this way, “If I want him (John) to remain until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow Me!”

Follow Me

Attitude Adjustment Needed!

When I heard this recently in a sermon, it stopped me in my tracks because I had been asking questions similar to those of Peter’s. I had been asking God why others were getting to experience the ministry opportunities I thought He had called me to perform. I wanted to know why my call appeared to have stalled while their’s was running at high speed!

The more I thought about Jesus’ words to Peter, the more I realized several ways I needed an attitude adjustment. The more I realized this, the more embarrassed I was at my behavior. I had been acting like a child.

Imagined Promises

First…sure, I had acknowledged His ownership of our business and began to try to use it to impact others for eternity. That’s great! I still believe that is what I am supposed to do. However, no where in that call was there a promise of the business prospering or succeeding beyond those around us.

Even though we were determined to use profits for eternal purposes, He never promised that the business would run smoothly and produce profits like we had experienced in the past. Nor did He promise that we would become a large-scale model for other businesses to follow. That may happen, but it was not promised.

Actual Promises

In fact, the only thing that He did promise was that He would be with us. He did not promise a lack of opposition (in fact, He promised the opposite), but He did promise that He would never leave us or forsake us.

As I thought about these things, I realized I had been following something similar to the prosperity Gospel. I was so frustrated at this because I KNOW better. Yet, that does not seem to stop me from making this same mistake over and over again.

I Can Be Blind

The second lesson I gleaned from this experience is that I can be pretty blind at times! Maybe you do not have this problem, but I have it in spades.

As I began to look around at the ministry God is already doing through His business, I quickly recognized that I was being greedy. While I wanted so much more to happen in that area, much already was.

Ministry Happening!

Our chaplain program is awesome and impacting 100 employees every week. We are sending out roughly 200 Bibles every month in the glove boxes of the vehicles we are selling. Employees are studying the Bible together before work and at lunch, learning how to have an eternal impact themselves!

As for a global impact on thousands, maybe not. However, God has used this blog to reach into India and impacted people there. People are learning more about how to (and how NOT to) do ministry in the marketplace! Maybe we cannot give as much as we want, but we are seeing a lot happen with what we do have!

Delayed Lesson

The third lesson from this experience came a week later, after my last post. In fact, exactly one week from the last sermon that hit me between the eyes, another one hit home.

The Scripture is found in Romans 12:15. Here it is:

Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.

We are often good about weeping with those who weep. We come by their side and bring comfort food! We cry with them and pray for them as they go through tough times.

Rejoicing Or Jealousy?

Unfortunately, the opposite is often true about rejoicing with those who rejoice. Too often, we look at others who are celebrating something – even in ministry – and we get jealous. Rather than celebrating with them, we pitch a fit and wonder why God gave THEM the success when WE should have received it!

As ridiculous as this is when I see it in someone else, I hate it even more when I see it in me. I should have been celebrating with those other business owners at the recent conference. Instead, I was questioning why God had not done the same for our business.

Don’t Follow Me!

Even putting this in black and white right now is painful. Obviously, I have not been the example I want to be. However, if it will help someone out there avoid this pitfall (and not follow me!), then I am happy (well, at least willing) to do it.

Can you think of another lesson I should be learning here?

Since Jesus said to you, “Follow Me!”, have you questioned Him?

What have you learned from that?