Do You Already Pray?

This is the fifth and final post in a series on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today’s recommendation is (again) to pray!


Sunscreen Battle

If you have kids, you have probably experienced the sunscreen battle. You go to the beach, pool, or lake and plan to spend the day. One of the first actions you take is to slather them up with sunscreen – the highest SPF you can find, right?

After you have been there for several hours, you ask them to come to you so you can apply more sunscreen. They whine and attempt to refuse, saying they have sunscreen. “Remember? You put it on when we first got here!”

One Application Not Enough!

Of course, with a calm and measured voice you ask again, explaining that the initial application you gave them has now washed off and they need more. Back and forth you likely go until they are close enough for you to physically reach them.

Then, like a frog’s tongue, your arm streaks out and grabs them. You pull them in and apply the cream as they wriggle and squirm. If you have missed this experience, then you at least have witnessed this scene unfold with others around you, right? You know exactly what I am talking about!

How Is This Related?

Of course, you may be familiar with the scene, but you are likely still wondering what this has to do with using a business as a platform for Christian ministry. You think I may have gone a little off track.

Actually, I think this picture has a lot in common with our discussion on Christian business. Before I get into the details, let’s look back at the first four recommendations in this series.

New Christian Business Advice

In each of these posts, I have attempted to describe what I believe are the most critical actions you can take if you are interested in running a Christian business. While each of the first four posts were distinct, I am going to risk repeating myself a little in this fifth and final post.

Going all the way back to Recommendation #1, I suggested you pray for clarity of purpose, strength, and commitment. I also suggested you give thanks for the position into which God has placed you. Of course, I believe these prayers are critical to your ministry.

At the same time, I believe that prayer has a lot in common with sunscreen. One application is NOT enough! Prayer is something that we need to reapply every day! Paul tells us to pray constantly…does that sound like one application?

Recommendation #5 – Pray Again!

Let me repeat that again: One application of prayer is not enough! Instead, you need to accept the concept that you will need an ongoing commitment to pray. For those who are serious about seeking eternal impact from the operation of their business, the commitment to pray is an absolute must!

When we pray, we commune with the Creator. He created us and He created business itself. Given that, does it not make sense that He can best direct us in a way that will produce the greatest impact?

Pray For Specifics

While I could just leave off there and have made my point, I will go on to give you specific topics that I believe are critical for you to cover when you pray. Again, my list is not exhaustive. Hopefully you will add to it over time. At the same time, you will be ahead of the game if you start with these.

Clarity of Purpose – Yes, this was already covered in Recommendation #1. The difference this time is that you are praying for God to keep this clarity in the forefront of your mind. You should pray for reminders in your spirit of the “Why” that drives you and gives you the energy to continue.

Strength and Commitment – Again, this was already covered before. Again, it will become more and more necessary as you progress into the territory of the enemy! Your quest is one of conquest and the opposition will intensify! Be prepared for this and make sure you pray for the necessary endurance.

Humility – At some point, you will likely see success in your efforts. It may happen instantly or it may take more time than you ever expected. Either way, pride is an easy trap to fall into. It will be tempting to take credit or accept praise when your ministry begins to bear fruit.

This is when you have to go back and read John 15. This is a reminder that you are only the conduit that Jesus is using. You are not the source of the fruit – He is. Keep that in mind and you will maintain a healthy perspective. You will also remain teachable.

Wisdom – You are simply crazy if you do not pray for wisdom. In both James and Proverbs, we are clearly told we will receive wisdom if we ask for it. If Solomon asked first for wisdom when faced with leading God’s people, then we should follow his example in our business.

Romans 8:29 – While most people like to quote Romans 8:28, verse 29 is one that I think is more important to remember. God wants to conform us to the likeness of His Son. We should pray that He is doing this on a daily basis. We should pray that we are allowing ourselves to be molded in that way. The more He is able to do this, the greater our impact will be in all we do.

Matthew 25:21 – Keeping the end goal in mind is a tremendous motivator. That is part of the reason to pray for clarity of purpose. But another way to do this is to pray this verse from the Parable of the Talents – when Jesus is talking to the servant that multiplied his talents.

Jesus says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” If we will pray regularly for the opportunity to hear the same thing, then I believe our decisions, motives, and actions will fall more into line with His will.

What would you add to this prayer list?

Are you consistent in praying like you think you should be?

What should you change about your prayer life?

Alone Or In A Group – Which Is Best?

This is the fourth in a series of posts on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today we address joining a group.



So far, we have covered a lot of ground in this series. If you are just now joining us and have not read the other posts, you should go back and read them now. Here are the three recommendations we have discussed up to now:

    Recommendation #1 – Pray

    Recommendation #2 – Read Proverbs

    Recommendation #3 – Become An Expert

Each of these three recommendations build on each other so it is pretty important you follow them in the order presented. Of course, you do not have to fully complete one before you start the next one…just begin them in the order listed. Let’s talk about the next one.

Recommendation #4 – Join A Group

For the same reasons you need to join a church body when you become a Christian, I am recommending that you join a group of other Christian business owners and leaders. Just in case you are not clear on these specific reasons, I will go through them for you.

Fellowship – When you are able to spend time in fellowship with like-minded people, there is a bond that develops. You are able to discuss similar challenges and victories. You will find out that you are not alone in your struggles. You are not the only one with spiritual opposition to what you are trying to do through the business. This knowledge is empowering!

Accountability – In addition to learning that there are others in your same boat, you will figure out that making commitments for improvement is much more effective when you are making them to a group. It is difficult to face your peers and confess to lapses in judgment or failure to achieve objectives. The threat of having to do this will often be just the push you need to get you started on a project you have been delaying.

Perspective – When you hang out only with those people who have your same perspective (fellow employees or partners) on you business, you tend to all agree on solutions, strategy, etc. When you seek wisdom from a group with diverse perspectives, you will find solutions you never considered. You will be asked questions you would not have asked yourself. There is tremendous value in this.

Counsel – Proverbs repeats many times that we are to seek godly counsel. While reading God’s Word is a great source of godly counsel, so is a group of godly Christians. A solid group of Christian business people can provide wisdom and advice that will often confirm what you have read in the Bible or vice versa. Trying to go it alone is often a recipe for disaster.

Other Group Benefits

While there are likely many other benefits I could list, I think you get the idea. In fact, it is likely you already knew this to be the case and have experienced the results from a group like this in other areas of your life. I can promise you that you will see similar results from making this same idea a priority for your business.

I have mentioned many times on this blog that I am a member of a C12 group. In fact, both of my brothers are members of C12 groups as well. We have found immeasurable benefits to our commitments to these groups and would not give them up for anything. I have found C12 to be an integral part of our efforts to leverage our business as a platform for Christian ministry.

Do The Research!

If there is a C12 group in your area, I highly recommend you take the time to visit a meeting and see if it is a fit for you. If there is not a C12 group in your area, don’t stop there. Go online and find out if there is something similar available. Check with your church to see if there is a small group with business as the common denominator. If all else fails, start one yourself! Why not?!?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

What benefits have you seen from being in a group setting?

What is stopping you from joining this kind of group?

What next step do you need to take?

Recommendation #3 – Become An Expert

This is the third in a series of posts on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today we will look at becoming an expert.


Recommendations #1 & #2

So far in this series, I have given you two recommendations that I believe are critical in beginning the process of using your business as a platform for Christian ministry. Recommendation #1 was Pray. Recommendation #2 was to Read Proverbs. If you have not read about these recommendations, I strongly suggest you go back and do so now.

Now that we are all caught up, let’s move on to my third recommendation:

Recommendation #3 – Become An Expert

In his Catalyst 2012 session, Eugene Cho talked about how to start something from scratch. As someone who has started his own ministry (while pastoring a church), he knows what he is talking about.

His first point, like mine, was to pray and be sure of the passion that God is planting in your heart. His second recommendation was to become an expert in your field. He suggested that we dig in and learn all we can about the area in which we plan to minister.

If feeding the poor, learn all there is to know about the specific needs of the poor in your area. Learn about their demographics (ages, level of education, health issues, etc) and what types of food will meet their needs. Figure out how much is going to be needed and what that will cost over time. Eliminate any areas of doubt or unknowns. Do not be found short in knowledge.

Same Is True For Us

I think the same is true for our businesses AND for how to use them as ministries. Most likely you are already learning all you can learn about your own industry and how to be successful in your business within that industry.

It is just as likely that you have not achieved that same level of knowledge when it comes to how to use your business as a platform for Christian ministry. Most of us never have time for something like this. We are too busy learning our business. Besides…isn’t seeking to be an expert expecting too hard?

Expert Takes Time

Fortunately, you do not have to become an expert overnight. This is a marathon, not a sprint. All you need to do is recognize the need, layout a simple plan for continuous learning, and then execute that plan! Easy, right?

Actually, it is! In addition to reading Proverbs as a business manual, I can tell you that there is more information online about running a Christian business than you will ever be able to read. Not all of it is perfect or absolutely true for every situation. At the same time, when read with discernment and prayer, there is an almost endless supply of information.

There are also countless books on the subject. I have a list of some of my favorites on my Reading List here on this site.

One Bite At A Time

My suggestion is to carve out a certain amount of time every week for reading. Maybe it is ten minutes every morning as a part of your quiet time with God. It might be something you do while eating lunch by yourself once a week. It could even be what you do to wind down before going to bed at night.

If you will do this, over a period of months and years, you will find yourself an expert in using your business as a platform for Christian ministry. Do not try to make it happen overnight. It is not necessary. Nor is it healthy to approach it this way. Instead, make it a manageable part of your weekly routine. I promise you will see the results in time.

Starter List

In an effort to get you started at being an expert, I have compiled (below) a list of some websites that could help. This is NOT an exhaustive list. You can likely find many more if you will take the time to look. At the same time, this is a great start. Take a look and let me know what you think!

The High Calling

Great Leaders Serve

Susan DiMickele

Christian Business Crossroads

Marketplace Leaders

Jon Gordon


In His Name HR

To A Higher Level

Read Proverbs As A Christian Business Manual!

This is the second in a series of posts on recommendations I would make to someone at the beginning stages of deciding to use their business as a platform for Christian ministry. While this list of recommendations is not exhaustive, it should be a great start on which to build. Today’s post looks at the book of Proverbs.


Recommendation #1 – Pray

In my last post, I tried to lay the foundation for this series of posts. I also gave you my first recommendation – to pray! While I admitted this recommendation may not sound earth-shattering, I also pointed out how critical it is for you to pray earnestly about your situation and the future to which God is calling you. If you have not read that post, now is the time to do so – read it here!

Now that we have covered the first recommendation – prayer – let’s take a look at the next one.

Recommendation #2 – Read Proverbs

If you have been a Christian very long, someone has told you about the easy daily devotion plan of reading one chapter in Proverbs every day for a month. Since there are 31 chapters, it fits well into a calendar month. If you have not done this, then you are missing out.

At the same time, I am going to give you another chance to read Proverbs. Whether you choose to read one chapter a day or not is up to you. All I am asking is that you change your glasses.

Change Your Glasses

Now, do not assume that I am speaking about a literal pair of glasses. No, I am instead referring to a figurative pair of glasses. These glasses are your business glasses. They are the glasses you look through when you think about your business and how you are to operate it.

Rather than reading through Proverbs the way you normally would, I want you to read it as a business manual. That’s right! If it helps, assume it is the latest Jim Collins volume or that Jack Welch wrote the intro. Whatever you need to think in order to pique your interest in this way, I am fine with it.

Of course, the truth is that the true Author of Proverbs is the original Creator of business. He knows all there is to know about business and has shared much of this truth in this book. It is freely offered to you. All you have to commit is your time.

Pray first

Before you start, remember Recommendation #1 – Pray. Pray that God will speak to you through the words you read. Pray that He will pour His wisdom into your heart and mind in a way that directs you as you lead the business. Pray that you will gain insights through the various readings and that you will know exactly how to apply them to the operation of your business.

No Other Aids

I am not recommending a study guide or a workbook in this case. While they may exist, I think this strategy works best when it is just you and the Author and His words. I believe you will gain understanding you never imagined. I believe you will get much more from the experience if you limit the text to Proverbs alone and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work.

What will you find? Honestly, I have no earthly idea! Sure, there are obvious examples I could cite that easily apply to business. You don’t need me to tell you that. No, the insights I am referring to will come straight from God.

A Personal Example

Just to prime the pump, I will share the first example that came to me when I began to read Proverbs this way. Keep in mind that this was God speaking to ME. You may see something different in this passage than I did. That’s fine! I will simply share what it said to me and how I applied it.

I began reading Proverbs as a business manual while reading Business By The Book: Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for the Workplace, by Larry Burkett. It was an amazing experience for me for a couple of reasons. First, I had never thought of the idea. It made sense, but was completely new to me. Second, God started speaking to me through the very first chapter! That was enough to hook me!

Here, Use My Glasses!

I want us to take a look at the passage, but first I want you to put on MY business glasses for a moment. I am in the car business. Our industry is plagued with a bad reputation (often earned and deserved!) for taking advantage of people when they are trying to buy a car. Car salespeople are notorious for getting rich off of others and often characterized as sharks, right?

So, at the time I read this for the first time with my business glasses on, I was aware of the reputation of our industry and was desperately trying to figure out where to start in cleaning it up in our business. I knew it had to be done, but I was not sure where to start.

Proverbs From My View

With these glasses on, read this excerpt from Proverbs 1:

My son, if sinners entice you,
don’t be persuaded.
If they say—“Come with us!
Let’s set an ambush and kill someone.
Let’s attack some innocent person just for fun!
Let’s swallow them alive, like Sheol,
still healthy as they go down to the Pit.
We’ll find all kinds of valuable property
and fill our houses with plunder.
Throw in your lot with us,
and we’ll all share our money”
my son, don’t travel that road with them
or set foot on their path,
because their feet run toward trouble
and they hurry to commit murder.
Proverbs 1:10-16

What are your thoughts at this point? Do you see the parallels between this picture and a car deal? For me, it was like a lightening bolt in the heart. I knew this was a fair (though somewhat extreme) characterization of a traditional car deal. At least the intents were similar. I also knew I had to change that.

Our Response

As a result of this revelation, we went on to completely overhaul our entire sales process. Based on another verse later in Proverbs, we established a system where the pricing was pre-discounted and fixed and the salespeople were no longer paid to extract more profit from the customer.

The transition was expensive and difficult. And while this change may not be for everyone, it was clear to us that we had to take dramatic action to align with Scripture.

God Will Speak!

As I said, your experience will likely be different from mine. God will speak to you in ways that are specific to your situation and challenges. While I cannot tell you what He will say, I can promise that He will say something. And you will be amazed!

Have you ever read Proverbs in this way?

What have you found that you could apply to your business?

Are you willing to give it a try?

Advice For A New Christian Business Leader

I was recently speaking with someone about using business as a platform for Christian ministry and was asked a great question. She wanted to know what advice I would give another Christian business leader that was just recognizing the mindset of business as Christian ministry. What would I tell them to get them started on the right path?


Start Of A Series!

As I thought about how to answer the question in that context, I also thought about how that would make a great post – even series – for this blog. (I am sorry, but I often get these thoughts in the middle of conversations!) As a result, I am starting a 5-part series on the advice I would give you if you are interested in using your business or job as a platform for Christian ministry.

In this first post, I want to lay the groundwork and then tackle the very first recommendation I have. Hopefully, you will get something out of this series, even if you have been doing Christian ministry through your business for years now. Maybe there is something you can revisit (like me!) or something you never did but can go back and handle today!

Target Audience

I am writing this post to someone who has heard about Christian business and is intrigued by the idea. Maybe you have progressed from intrigue to a real interest in using your business to impact people for eternity. It could be that you have even resisted pursuing it for one reason or another.

Regardless, you are either very close to pulling the trigger and moving forward OR you have just pulled the trigger and realized you do not know where to start! If that describes you, then this advice is for you.

Check My Advice

I will go ahead and tell you that I am NOT an expert. I cannot tell you all that you need to know about this subject. I will say that some of my advice may even be wrong for you. All I can promise is that I have been doing it myself for almost 10 years now and I will share from my heart. You then are responsible for discerning what will and will not work for you.

Now that I am through with the disclaimers, let’s dive in and tackle the first recommendation!

Recommendation #1 – Pray

While I am sure you are in awe over my keen insight and the intellect that must be present in order for me to come up with this advice, I ask you to hold your judgment until I am finished. Maybe this sounds simple and assumed. In fact, I know it does. At the same time, I feel it is so important (and often neglected) that I am willing to risk your ridicule!

When I say pray, I mean several things. Actually, I mean for you to pray about several things. Let’s start with the first prayer – a clear heart and mind.

Different Goals For Prayer

My advice is that you pray first that God would clear your heart and mind of any and all distractions, motives, and desires. Pray that He would erase your preconceived notions of what you are being called to do. Ask Him to give you a completely fresh perspective on whatever it is that He is going to share with you next.

Next, I want you to pray for clarity of purpose. Notice I am not talking about strategy, resources, or results. While these are important, their time will come later. All you want from Him at the beginning is a very clear and compelling purpose to be planted in your heart.

Clear Picture Of Purpose

As you are doing this, pray that He would give you a picture of what should be. Andy Stanley, in his book called Visioneering, refers to the gap between what is and what should be. You want God to put a vivid picture in your heart of what it is He wants you to pursue. For me, it was silhouettes. For Joseph, it was a couple of dreams. For you, it will look different.

Regardless of the differences in our pictures, you need something that you can refer back to over and over as opposition and difficulties come your way. You need to ask God to sow this seed of a clear purpose for your specific Christian ministry. Over time, this vision will grow and His desires for how He will accomplish it through you will become more clear.

Strength And Commitment

Next, you need to pray for strength and commitment. What you are about to undertake is not for the faint of heart. While it seems harmless enough, it is anything but. You are putting on the uniform of Christ and stepping out onto the battlefield for His kingdom.

Not only are you declaring your loyalty to Him, you are also doing it in a realm (the business world) where the enemy reigns for a time. This is not a common position for a businessperson to take and it is one the enemy hates. As a result, you can expect to see more than your fair share of opposition. You need to start praying now for the strength to withstand it.

Give Thanks!

Finally, you need to give thanks that He has put you in a position like this. The tougher roles are reserved for those with stronger faith. While you are not yet completely ready for what you will face, He sees the potential you have and deems it worthy of the job. For that, you should be very thankful!

Stay tuned for more advice to come in future posts!

Have you prayed for God to give you a clear purpose picture?

What other issues should you pray about?

Do you agree with this advice to pray first?

Culture Victory!

Every once in a while I get frustrated with the business I am in. Either the month does not turn out like I thought it should or something goes wrong that I was not expecting. Whatever the case, it is always nice when something happens at the same time that makes it all worth it – especially when that something is related to the culture we are trying to create.


Recent Culture Example

While I will not go into too much detail (in an effort to protect the innocent!), I will give you a rough sketch of what happened. Hopefully you can get some encouragement that your efforts in this area of culture will bear similar fruit over time!

One of our employees had a very critical, time-sensitive situation that required additional money they did not have. Hearing about this situation, a co-worker made the quick decision to seek assistance from our Impact Fund. As a result, the employee was able to successfully resolve their situation in a way they would remember for the rest of their life.

Without My Knowledge!

While this is pretty amazing to me on its own, the more incredible part of this situation is that I knew nothing about it until days later! We are not a huge company, but clearly I cannot always know what is happening in the life of every employee. None of us can.

At one point in time, this frustrated me because it meant we could not help those whose needs went unnoticed by me. As badly as I wanted us to be able to meet every need as it came up, it just wasn’t feasible. I knew there was not really anything we could directly do about it, but it bothered me just the same.

Culture & Process

What COULD be done was to engage the other leaders in the company and create a process that could address the individual needs of the employees as they came up. This process, reinforced with a culture of serving and giving, could address this overall need. That is what brought about our Impact Fund.

Effectively, this is a fund made up of voluntary contributions from employees. The money is deducted from their paycheck each pay period according to whatever amount they choose. Some give $2 per pay period and others give $50.

This money is accrued as given. It is only used to meet employee needs that come up in emergencies. It may be a family health crises or a community disaster like damage from a tornado. It could be as simple as supplementing their utility bill payment or putting gas in their car.


It is not a complex process and fortunately does not require onerous paperwork or applications. If there is a valid need that can be met with a reasonable amount of money, the decision is made quickly and the funds disbursed immediately. Obviously, based on the recent situation I described, it is working as intended. To quote a friend of mine, “Victory!”

It is exciting to see results like this come from such a process. It is more exciting to see it happening without my knowledge. It is a reflection of the culture we have been working to create over many years.

It is also a reflection of the quality people we have working here. It makes me very proud to be a part of this company.

What kind of culture are you creating?

Is your culture constantly being reinforced?

What kind of culture victories have you seen?

You May Not Reap The Harvest!

One of the most rewarding aspects of doing yard work in the heat of the summer is the feeling of accomplishment you get when a project is completed. You know what I mean – even if you do not do yard work. We all want to see completion, or a harvest, from the work that we do. Even God is like this in Genesis 1 when He looks at His work and sees that it is good!


Back To Basics

Because of my recent dry spell, I have determined that I am going to dig back into God’s Word and get back to the basics of my relationship with Him. In the process, I have begun to see a little more light at the end of the tunnel. While not yet a flowing river, I can sense a new trickle of communication flowing into my heart.

Jesus Talks About Harvest

In a recent quiet time, I was reading about Jesus and His interaction at the well with a Samaritan woman. In describing the unfolding scene to the disciples, Jesus uses the analogy of a harvest. He talks about how the people that need to hear about Him are ripe and ready for the harvest of accepting the gospel.

Then Jesus said something that I did not understand at first:

For in this case the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap what you didn’t labor for; others have labored, and you have benefited from their labor.
John 4:37-38

It Applies To Us!

When I looked at a commentary on this passage, I realized how much this statement applies to me (and you) and should give us hope! Let me explain.

It is very likely that Jesus was referring the disciples to the Samaritan woman’s knowledge of the Messiah (John 4:25). The only way she could have known about the Messiah (she was not a Jew) was to have read about Him in the Scriptures or to have been told by someone who did.

They Did Not See Harvest!

As Jesus explains to the disciples that others have sown the seeds and labored, He is likely referring to the authors of the Scriptures. Think about those prophets that never saw the harvest of people accepting the Gospel.

Think about the hardship they endured as they lived through heartache, disappointment, and frustration – speaking God’s message to deaf ears! Yet despite this, they continued on. In the process, they sowed seeds that would reap a harvest many hundreds of years later!

Jesus was trying to point this out to the disciples. They needed to understand that they were benefiting from the work of others as they witnessed to these Samaritans coming out from the town.

Same True For Us!

Jesus is also speaking to us!

He is telling us that there are going to be times when we are the ones fortunate enough to reap a harvest for which someone else has sown the seeds. Maybe this is a new employee that comes to us, already asking questions about why we have committed our businesses to God.

Maybe we will have the opportunity to run a business that was built by someone else – giving us the resources and flexibility to do kingdom work that otherwise would not be possible!

The Opposite Is Also True!

He is also telling us very clearly that sometimes it is the other way around. While we may want to be the one bringing in the harvest – putting points on the board – it may be that He has ordained us to simply sow the seeds.

Neither job relating to the harvest is worth more than the other. The harvest will not come without the seeds. Both jobs are fully reliant upon the other.

Someone Else’s Harvest?

My application is that there are times I really feel like I am not gaining any ground for the kingdom. When the harvest appears to be drying up and my efforts seem to be for naught, I must remember that I may only be in a season of sowing seeds. The harvest may be ordained for someone else.

If I can remember this truth, then it is easier for me to have hope in my work. It is easier to keep giving my full effort despite the apparent lack of results. Maybe the same is true for you.

Simply Follow Jesus

So, regardless of the appearance of a harvest or not, it is our job to follow Jesus. We are to sow seeds when it is time and reap the harvest when it is time. We are not to look around and wonder why it looks different for others – we are to follow Him!

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

Merry Christmas! Christmas is here. Just look around! In fact, in many places, you have probably seen the commercial hints at Christmas since just after Halloween! Each year it begins earlier and earlier. It used to be that you did not see decorations or hear Christmas carols until after Thanksgiving. Now you can observe both much earlier.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

If you are a Christian, you have likely been involved in the debate over whether you should say, “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.” If you are a Christian business leader, then you may have faced this issue with your customers as well.

Before you get your feathers ruffled either way, please know that I am not judging anyone on either side of the debate. I am not going to fight with someone over this any more than I would over red or green carpet in the church sanctuary. You can have your opinion and I will respect it. As long as you have thought it out and have your reasons, I respect your position.

Christian ministryIn fact, this post is NOT about the debate. I am NOT telling you to say, “Merry Christmas” or not. That is up to you. This post is actually my first in a series I introduced in my post “How To Do Christian Ministry in Business” that highlights various ways our company attempts to integrate our Christian faith into the business. This post is simply a description of one of these practices.

While I am not telling you which way you should fall, I choose to fall on the side of saying Merry Christmas. I choose to do this as a reminder to myself and others that Christ is to be the central focus of the Christmas season. In doing so, I become more aware of the times and places where it is not said.

Many Businesses Dropping “Merry Christmas”

Many businesses, in an effort not to offend customers, have made the change to “Happy Holidays” in their Christmas (or Holiday) cards, advertising, and other communications. They send Holiday cards and put up Holiday trees. Some companies go as far as telling their employees that they are not allowed to say, “Merry Christmas” to customers. Others will allow it if the customer says it first.

In an effort to take a position on this, I made a decision that our company would not take this route. I do not dictate what any of our employees are to say to our customers, but I do make sure that any official communication from our company says, “Merry Christmas.”

Painting Our Windows

One of the ways we do this is to paint up our showroom windows within a day or two after Thanksgiving. We have done it for years in an effort to get into the Christmas spirit and move our customers that way as well. I have had the same guy painting these windows every year for as long as I can remember.

He does a really good job and is very dependable. Every year, he calls me the day after Thanksgiving and asks if I want the windows painted again. There is very little conversation because we have done it the same way for so long!

The Assumption

Well, the first Christmas after making my decision to turn our business over to God, I was walking through one of the buildings shortly after Thanksgiving and noticed he was busy at work painting the windows. But then I stopped and stared. I suddenly realized he was halfway through the “Happy” in “Happy Holidays!”

I was stunned. Not angry, just surprised. I walked straight over to him and asked why he had chosen to change the wording. He said that he had just been asked by most of his clients that year to change the wording away from Merry Christmas so they would not offend anyone. He just assumed I felt the same way.

The Correction

After I explained my position, he was so grateful! He said it killed him to make the change to “Happy Holidays,” but that he was simply honoring the clients’ wishes. He proceeded to honor my request, going back to “Merry Christmas,” and thanked me for allowing him to do so!

Now, every year he calls me and asks if we want the windows painted again. He then follows right up with, “…and we are still doing ‘Merry Christmas,’ right?”

The Results

So what are the results of this decision? The ACLU has not shown up to force us to remove the signs. No one has sued us for discrimination. No one has complained that they are offended by our painted windows. (Of course, that does not mean no one has been offended, just that no one has spoken up.)

Our employees have made various comments over the years that affirmed this decision. Our window painter was certainly excited about our decision. Finally, in a small way, we have made a statement about where we stand.

I hope this small example encourages you to do something similar. At least, I hope it causes you to think about what you are doing (or not doing) and why!

Originally posted 12/9/11

Do you have an opportunity to take a similar stand?

What obstacles do you have in your mind that are holding you back?

Have you prayed about this?

Why Acknowledge Christ In Christmas?

acknowledge ChristIn a couple of recent posts, I have been giving examples of how to acknowledge Christ in business – especially during the Christmas season. I told you about how we let our light shine by painting “Merry Christmas” on our showroom windows. I also described how I first started to acknowledge Christ through gospel presentations at the company Christmas party. While I have another example to share, I first want to explore the “why” behind our actions.

What Does the Bible Say?

As is a habit of mine, I want to go to the Bible to find direction in this area. Let’s take a look at the words of Jesus.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
– Matthew 5:14-16

Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.
– Matthew 10:32

What Does This Mean?

What does this Scripture mean to you? I am sure you have likely heard it before…have you ever taken the time to really think about what it means to you? Have you considered how this may apply to you and your business? How are you to acknowledge Christ before others?

I think these verses are very clear. We are not to keep our faith to ourselves. We are to let our lights shine, not hide them! While this idea can be executed in various ways, it is up to us to do something.


I will go on the record that I do not think it is good for us to “market” our faith as a reason for consumers to patronize our businesses. I know there is a fine line here. What I may do, thinking I am not “marketing”, others may consider as going too far.

I do not know of any hard and fast rules here. This needs to be according to your best judgment after prayer. If you know of any Scripture that would help to answer this question, please share in the comments area.

How to Acknowledge Christ

Christian ministryThere are as many ideas on how to acknowledge Christ in your business as there are translations of the Bible! We will continue to explore many of these opportunities through this blog as we go. However, Christmas brings especially good opportunities to acknowledge Christ. I have discussed a couple of them in prior posts.

Another idea came to me just last weekend from a business acquaintance, Chris Zikakis, owner of Lompoc Honda in Lompoc, CA. He had his advertising agency, Radio Vision, Inc, produce a simple TV ad. The ad encourages the viewer to acknowledge Christ as “our most precious gift” and “the very Son of God” in a Christmas setting.

Once I saw the ad, I knew I had to share it with my readers. I emailed Chris to ask his permission. He responded that he would love for me to even go as far as having it modified for our dealership to use. He said his goal was to get the ad in front of as many dealers as he could in the hopes that they would use it as well!

I contacted Joe Pollaro at Radio Vision and asked if he could produce the ad quickly enough to begin running it the week before Christmas. Incredibly, Joe was able to make it happen! Below, you can take a look at the resulting ad.

I personally love this ad because it does not ask for anything from the viewer relating to business. It is not an effort to sell cars or anything else. It is simply a way to acknowledge Christ before others!

What are your thoughts about the ad?

What can you do in a similar fashion through your business?

What obstacles do you need to overcome in order to make something like this happen?

Originally posted 12/19/11 – The TV ad is updated for 2013.

What Do Chick-Fil-A, Running Shoes, Kids Camp, and Christian Faith Have In Common?

Every once in a while, the stars align, God smiles on you, and an opportunity comes along that ties everything together that you stand for. Well, tomorrow, this very kind of event is happening for our company! For a Christian business, it is the perfect mixture of ministry, promotion, and employee engagement.

chick-fil-a ministry

Several months ago, I was approached about an amazing opportunity coming to our community. It turns out that Chick-Fil-A has agreed to bring their Camp Winshape daycamp to our town. A local church has partnered with them to do this. But there is a twist to it – one that makes this opportunity that much better!

Camp Winshape, a part of Truett Cathy’s Winshape Foundation, is described on their website as an experience that offers kids fun, adventure, lasting friendships and a closer relationship with God. At the core of their programs is a relentless pursuit of providing a camp environment that challenges campers to sharpen their character and deepen their Christian faith and relationships.

Scholarship Opportunities Added!

The local church and Chick-Fil-A had agreed that they could handle roughly 300 kids for the five-day camp. But rather than offering the 300 slots to the public in the normal fashion – first come, first served – they decided they wanted half of the slots to be filled by kids that could not afford the tuition! With the tuition at roughly $200 per child, many kids are financially unable to enjoy the benefits of this camp. Of course, that also meant someone had to come up with roughly $30,000 to fund the 150 scholarships!

At this point, the operators of the local Chick-Fil-A restaurants in our town stepped up and proposed an idea. They decided they would host a Chick-Fil-A Race Series event in our town, using the sponsorships from local businesses to help fund the scholarships for the kids’ tuition expenses. That’s where we came into the picture!

We Are Title Sponsors!

The local operators, knowing our ministry mindset, approached us about being the title sponsors for this race event. The event would include both running and walking segments so that more people could participate. Chick-Fil-A corporate hosts these races in communities all over their company footprint, so they are experienced with the details.

As sponsors, we get to be associated with Chick-Fil-A, which is the very kind of company we are striving to be! We will have XX employees acting as volunteers to help with the race day logistics. We also have more than 30 employees and family members running or walking in the various race events.

Our Benefits

Obviously, we get to market this event as well. We will have cars displayed on site. We will have attention-getting pace cars with our name all over them to lead the races as well as to bring up the rear. Our company logo is prominently featured on the posters and flyers that are posted in the four main cities that make up our selling market. Our logo will also be on every t-shirt given to volunteers and participants.

Finally, and most importantly, our entire sponsorship fee goes fully to the scholarship fund to ensure more than 50 kids get to experience the camp Chick-Fil-A has put together! All of the other race expenses are covered by Chick-Fil-A!

Like I said, this event ties together so many benefits for our company. It is truly a win-win-win event! The kids win. Our businesses win. God wins.


Overall Benefits

  • Christ-centered camp
  • Character development and leadership content
  • Underprivileged children being served
  • Employees volunteering and participating
  • Our association with a prominent Christian business (Chick-Fil-A)
  • Money donated along with physical involvement
  • Our business is featured in key markets
  • God is honored


Do you see any benefits I left off the list?

Have you had similar opportunities with your business?

What are some other win-win-win ideas you have?